UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Mass hunger strike continues at Yarl’s Wood
19-06-2009 14:44
Today is the 5th day of the hunger strike but the prisoners have not heard any news from the Immigration Officers. more than 40 women detained in the Families Section in Yarl’s Wood Detention Centre have decided to maintain the hunger strike until their demands are met.Anti-OSCE meeting in Corfu, 26-28 June 2009
18-06-2009 14:05
We call to Corfu, 27-28 June 2009, all people who resist and rise up against fortress Europe.Tamil protest at Parliament Square ends peacefully, struggle continues
18-06-2009 07:26

Supporters vow to "fight on until we have a solution, until our people have the rights to live in their land”
Report of TCAR protest against immigration prisons outside Government Offices No
17-06-2009 22:16

Sat. 20th June, London: Save the Tamils Mass Protest
17-06-2009 21:33
Call for ALL non-Tamil activists & Autonomous Block in London to come out and support this demo!Mass Protest March This Saturday starts at 1pm from Hyde Park Corner.
March to save the Tamils in Sri Lanka, in the face of naked Sinhalese fascism
- a conservative estimate of 50,000 Tamils, mainly civilians , have been killed this year
- Mass cover-up of war-crimes, use of chemical weapons, mass graves
- 280,000+ civilians who have been displaced by the military offensive against the Tamil Tigers are living in appalling conditions where disease is rife and where there are insufficient medical supplies. Young girls being abducted from the camps, dissenters are disappeared
- Ship carrying medical aid refused entry on June 4th and turned away from Sri Lanka
- Continued ongoing repression of independent media & of government critics
FASCISM IS ALIVE & WELL IN THE 21st CENTURY IN SRI LANKA, while the world stands idly by.
How do we end immigration controls? Conference
17-06-2009 13:27
An event to discuss ideas and plan for action to tackle racism and work for a society where no one is illegalDemonstration to end destitution of refused asylum seekers in UK
17-06-2009 13:00
Thousands of asylum seekers in the UK who have had their claims to asylum refused find themselves trapped in utter destitution.Calais No Borders Camp - Site and Program Announced
17-06-2009 12:37

Mass hunger strike in Yarls' Wood and riot in Brook House immigration prisons
16-06-2009 15:32
No one in Yarlswood went to dinner last night and the hunger strike is continuing today. The managers of Yarlswood have met and are trying to see what to do, but are blocking the detainees from speaking to reporters and people outside the detention centre.Demo against the BNP in Blackpool this Saturday at 12 noon
16-06-2009 15:10
Get there and get noisy!Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Ahmadinejad cartoons in the British press
16-06-2009 02:09

Cartoons of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the British press published in the wake of his re-election.
BNP Victory rally at the Kimberley Hotel in Blackpool on Saturday June 20th
15-06-2009 22:58
Hundreds of BNP fascists will be gathering at the Kimberley Hotel in Blackpool on Saturday June 20th, you celebrate the fact that they are now a mainstream political party.Speak out against Racism and Deportations - 13 June
15-06-2009 16:40

More Black Deaths in Custody as racist judges dogwhistle to racist police
15-06-2009 14:46
Attached is the scathing finding by the Coroner into the death of Mr Ward. It makes compelling reading.But for those who don’t have time to read the 150 page report, the media coverage below, gets to the essence of what the Coroner found — the Department of Corrective Services, GSL/G4S and to two officers who drove the van transporting Mr Ward were all responsible for his death.
The Doing Time Show on 3CR at 5 pm Monday 15 June will discuss these findings and, of course, remember to watch Four Corners at 8:30 tomorrow night.
(1) DPP asked to consider charges over WA prison van death
David Weber reported this story on Saturday, June 13, 2009 08:03:00
The West Australian coroner will ask the Director of Public Prosecutions to consider laying charges over the death of a man who effectively baked to death in the back of a prison van. The Aboriginal man's family wants charges to be laid.
Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
Sikhs March in London against Caste Discrimination
15-06-2009 12:20

Pictures Copyright (C) 2009 Peter Marshall
Stop The Deportation Of Laureine Tchaupo & Her Children demo monday
14-06-2009 07:37
10AM – 12PM
Report of anti-BNP march in Leeds
13-06-2009 22:42
Somewhere between 300 and 500 gathered by Leeds Art Gallery today (Saturday) to oppose the BNP after their electoral success in Yorkshire and the Humber. Despite the police refusing permission, a march took place in which Anti-Fascists briefly reclaimed the streets of Leeds.Criminal Profile of Racist Judge
13-06-2009 09:14
Denying institutional discrimination and racism by Australian government and High Court Australia is akin to Holocaust Denial.We have Justice Kirby (High Court Australia) branding the French High Court racist against Aborigines, and now we have our former Telstra boss calling Australia racist and backward hicks. In addition, we have international students being physically assaulted.
Its the racists right up the High Court Australia, dog whistling to the rednecks.
In preparation for the Queen's Birthday, we are in the process of preparing a case against our glorious Queen and her servant Chief Justice French and PM Kevin Rudd for violation of international laws and its own Consitution, and fraudulently and stealthly instituting White Australia Policy. They allow judicials and federal employees like Senior Member John Handley (AAT) and counsels Time de Uray, Joe Lenzcer, Paul Mentor continually to pervert justice and fabriating evidence.
judicial corruption, perverting justice, institutional racism, police corruption