UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
ARBEIT MACHT FREI - "work liberates!!"
12-06-2009 10:19

The BNP's success reflects the new racism of our political culture
12-06-2009 07:54
The election of two British National Party MEPs owes as much to new forms of racism in mainstream politics as to alienation from the Labour Party.Liberal values and the promotion of British Islamic rule
11-06-2009 11:06
An Islamic group, Islam4UK, is presently engaged in a UK Roadshow, entitled "Live Under Shariah". On Saturday 6th June, they came to New Street in Birmingham. As a local, a democrat, and on the left politically, I was intrigued to find out more. I spoke to one of their representatives to determine what was wrong with the UK, and why he thought Islamic rule was the correct prescription. A report for UK Indymedia.Speak out Against Racism and Deportations - Saturday 13 June
11-06-2009 10:56
Outside Angel tube, Islington, London N1 12-3pmOpen-air rally with speeches from anti-racist groups across London, uniting to take a common stand in defence of migrant workers and asylum seekers. MC Low-Key and others will perform.
Conference on the abolition of migration control
10-06-2009 11:44
The Oxford Society for the Abolition of Migration Control invites you to attend a conference on Saturday, 13 June:*Borders and beyond: barriers to migration, their abolition and the role of researchers*
See the Wall of Shame!
10-06-2009 10:12

Apartheid in the centre of Athens !!
10-06-2009 08:35

Dear Mister Griffin, I have some questions
10-06-2009 02:38
Some Questions for my MEP, Mister N. Griffin BNP about finance, policy and the law.fascists from BNP press conference under hail of eggs
09-06-2009 20:17

BNP in Manchester TOMORROW (10th June)
09-06-2009 19:28
After todays success in standing up against the racists, lets make tomorrow one for them to remember.An Injury To One Is An Injury To All!
09-06-2009 18:20
Leaflet looks at the crisis in Britain and the need for the working class to unite against capitalism and fascism and find own solutions.Griffin gets egged
09-06-2009 14:26
Nick Griffin forced to abandon BNP press conference under hail of eggsSheffield Anti-BNP Demo - Photos
09-06-2009 11:24

Lancaster unites against the nazi BNP
09-06-2009 11:04
Report on yesterday's impromptu anti-fascist demo in LancasterThe Post-BNP Era
08-06-2009 21:52
An analysis of the rise of the British National Party in the UK as a result of the mainstream political elite ignoring the working class. Argues that this has happened across Europe, resulting in the rise of the far Right as a direct consequence of the failure of neo-liberal economic individualism. Suggests that a new class-based analysis is required to challenge the breakdown of politics.BNP Elected - Hiding Their Fascism Behind Suits And Spin
08-06-2009 18:27
A call to resistance!The BNP have just become more dangerous
08-06-2009 17:35
BNP advance is a dangerous time for us all and we must get our act together and wake up and stop being in denial before it is to late.Oxford Working Class Bookfair says NO PASSARAN!
08-06-2009 16:55
Oxford Working Class Bookfair to host meeting on history of anti-fascism in Britain from 1930s to Present day struggles.Saturday 20 June, 11 am - 6 pm, Ruskin College, Walton Street, Oxford - Free admission.
Red Pepper in Leeds to Discuss Outcome of 2009 Elections
08-06-2009 14:23
After Labour defeat and BNP gains Taking Soundings invites to a discussion on the perspective of radical left politics with the Red Pepper editor Hillary Wainwright.Monday 22nd June 6pm, Old Broadcasting House, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds Metropolitan University

Anti BNP Demo today
08-06-2009 10:08
For all those appalled by the election of 2 BNP MEPs a demo has been called today at 5pm outside Sheffield Town Hall