UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
BNP electoral performance in the East Midlands
11-05-2010 15:20
These statistics should give anti-fascists an idea about where the BNP are picking up votes in the region, and how their performance compares with the rest of the country.Climate9 Public Campaign Launch May 20th, Word Power 43-45 West Nicolson Street,
11-05-2010 09:38

The Climate9 will be launching their campaign on Thursday 20th May, between 6.30-8pm at WordPower Bookshop, 43-45 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh. The evening features speakers from the Climate9 Defence Committee, details of the case and a chance to meet other activists and play mystery games. If you plan to come, please drop the Committee a line on

Free Antifa Benefit Gig: Rash Decision + Donnie Brasco + More - Taunton 20/05
10-05-2010 23:42

Women In Black Are Back!
09-05-2010 15:52
Women In Black hit the streets of Oxford (well, Bonn Square) on Saturday 8th May in a silent and pasifistic sort of way.Public Meeting: Defend the right to protest against Israeli war crimes
08-05-2010 21:40
Thur 13 May 2010, 7.30pm Quaker Meeting House, 10 St James St. S1 2EW (near Anglican cathedral)Talk arranged by Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign (SPSC) with Mick Napier, chair of Scottish PSC, Joanne Gilmore of University of Manchester Department of Law and Yasmin Ali, Gaza Demonstration Support Group.
Iran, the US and the UN nuclear conference
08-05-2010 13:05

Like the Iranian “military threat,” the demonisation of Ahmadinejad serves to deflect public attention from Washington’s underlying aim of dominating the key strategic regions of the Middle East and Central Asia.
BNP meltdown continues - annihilation in Barking and Dagenham
07-05-2010 18:06
Bye-bye BNPRe-dedication of anti-fascist memorial
07-05-2010 16:57

Contact Greens of Gloucestershire to get them to stop selling NAZI flags!
07-05-2010 15:44
Please ring / email or write to get these assholes to stop selling fash memorabilia.Never Again For Anyone: Auschwitz survivor talks on Palestine/Israel
07-05-2010 11:45

Hajo Meyer survived Auschwitz, Haidar Eid is surviving Gaza, both are united for Palestinian freedom. Speaking at University of London - full report video/mp3/photos
BNP Fail In Morley But Gain Ultra-Youth Vote
07-05-2010 10:42

With the votes of the people who chose to engage with the electoral system rolling in, and the inevitable clouds looming on the horizon, here is my perspective on being in a polling booth for the very first time: assisting my employer to exercise her right of choice to vote. On one hand a strange experience for myself as an anarchist, and on the other a sobering reflection of the problems we have yet to face.
Anarchists in Hereford Egg the fash and disrupt the ballot count!
07-05-2010 09:20
Hereford anarchists where the main feature on local radio last night after they disrupted the ballot count to offer out the BNP candidate! one activists fully masked up and carrying an red and black flag entered the room full of hundreds of people shouting "come out John oliver you facist scumbag" and "show yourself you filthy nazi" only moments before Chris Gower the local organiser had glitter thrown in his face and the candidate John Oliver Recieved a egg to the front of his suit and a good kick to the back of his legs.No parasan!
No Arrests Made!
The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Journalism" in the Service of US Foreign Policy
06-05-2010 15:55

Most significant about their list of ‘bad guys’ is the geopolitical relation of those leaders and those countries to the current ‘enemies list’ of the US State Department. That is no accident, as becomes clear when we look more closely at who funds RWB.
US, UK, France,Italy walk out of UN nuclear conference in war propaganda theater
06-05-2010 07:55

The two paper-thin lies the 21st Century fascists use to promote unlawful war is that Iran threatens to destroy Israel and Iran has a nuclear weapons program. Both are quickly proven as lies.
BNP candidate and thugs launch racist assault against Asian youths.
06-05-2010 01:49
BNP candidate Bob Bailey standing in Barking along with his gang of thugs launched a racist assault against 3 Asian youths.The declared nuclear powers, US, UK and France defeated by the power of reason
05-05-2010 11:16

Take the case of the US and its allies, Britain and France in particular, which allege that Iran is a threat to world peace, has sinister ambitions to build nuclear weapons and is in violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
Liverpool BNP's neo-Nazi links exposed
04-05-2010 21:48
Photographs and information have emerged which show Liverpool BNP to be close to neo-Nazi terror groups the Racial Volunteer Force and the British Freedom Fighters.Africa house unde threat and CRS 8
04-05-2010 21:47

Calais today
04-05-2010 16:48
Contrary to the French Immigration minister Besson's claims that there are hardly any migrants left in Calais now there are approximately 400, surviving in desperate conditions.The Protest Psychosis
04-05-2010 13:11
Great piece of historical research into the diagnosis of political protest as a psychiatric disorder amongst black men in the 60 & 70s USA.'Protest Psychosis' was the actual term applied by psychiatrists to angry black demonstrators.