UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Vienna: Stop Deportation on the 4th and 5th of May 2010!
04-05-2010 01:07

EDL Rooftop Demo at Dudley Mosque site
03-05-2010 12:06
Early this morning the EDL staged a rooftop demo at the site of a proposed mosque where they had a demo just over a month ago. According to The Stirrer, the plan is for the demonstrators to stay for at least a week to show their opposition to the "Islamification to the town". They also claim there are just four people on the roof with a St. Georges flag and an Israeli flag, plus a banner saying "No Mosques"
More racist than thou: Tory quits to stand for BNP
03-05-2010 09:21
However much David Cameron tries to outdo the other two leaders on the telly – proudly proclaiming that he’s the one to kick out the most ‘illegals’ – it seems he’s just never going to be racist enough for some Tories.Threatening Iran Is Wrong
01-05-2010 21:39

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Demonstration against Israeli exhibition at the Scottish Parliament
01-05-2010 21:00

The police in Kirklees on a rampage
29-04-2010 18:49
A hard look at how the police force in Kirklees, West Yorkshire, are failing the working class, while pursuing a fanatical campaign against foreign workers in the area.
BNP candidate likes a toke...
29-04-2010 18:12

Urgent Need For Help For Antifa-Poland
26-04-2010 17:00
On 24.04.10 antifascist demonstration was to be held in Białystok.Newcastle unites! Ant-racist event
24-04-2010 17:41

Sociopath nation: The New York Times on Iran
24-04-2010 09:31

This one editorial lays bare for the world to see the criminally insane collective mindset of American political, media, and corporate elites.
BNP candidate was National Front boot boy
24-04-2010 08:53

EDL Mugshots
23-04-2010 20:06
For info: pics of EDL thugsI've posted pics from last night's demo showing some of the EDL thugs who were there. These are for info, so that anyone organising future events knows some of the faces to look out for. You can find the pics here -
Council bans Aylesbury carnival against racism
23-04-2010 13:15
Aylesbury Vale District Council has blocked a carnival against racism in Aylesbury organised to proetst the EDL taking over the town centre on May 1stedl draw attention away from politicians a bristol tv debate
22-04-2010 20:54
about a dozen edl were allowed to wander about the street threatening people...Answers demanded about death of detainee at Oakington
21-04-2010 16:45
Death of Kenyan man in Oakington last week offically recorded as unsuspicious. But Detainees in Oakington are saying otherwise. 60 imprisoned following protests. Cambridge Migrant Solidarity following up the injustices in Oakington...Palestine Today 04 21 2010
21-04-2010 15:15

Fifth annual conference on Popular resistance starts in Bilin, while the army detains civilians from the West Bank. These stories and more are coming up, stay tuned.
EDL Mobilising For Bristol Election Debate Demo
21-04-2010 06:21
Tonight the facebook page for a demo against the marginalisation of ... well pretty much everyone, at this Thursday's Bristol Election Debate was deleted by parties unknown (although I'm sure we could have an educated guess..), who in their infinite wisdom decided to leave up a page calling for EDLebensraum mobilisation for the demo. Be aware - the fash will be crawling out of the gutters on thursday.The both-hands system
20-04-2010 22:34
The both-hands systemDuring the last episode of our radio program we have had the chance of stressing once more the support to the only candidate who was for us worth voting for: nobody. Once upon a time in Italy, as well as in Europe, in order to give a strong sign of intolerance against the world of politics, people used to divert their votes to minor parties and often radical ones. Today the discontent it is clearly shown by the extremely high persistent abstention.
BNP to appear at York hustings
20-04-2010 12:14
BNP to share stage with other political parties at York hustings