UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Call Out: OpposeThe EDL In Birmingham 29th Oct
20-10-2011 16:04
The EDL are to hold a demo in Victoria square, Birmingham on 29th October 12:00 - 18:00. Victoria Square is also the location of the Occupy Birmingham protest camp which could become a target for the EDL. This is a call out for people to come to Victoria Square on the 29th and defend the Occupy Birmingham camp and defend the city from the EDL.BNP shown where to go in Worthing
20-10-2011 10:35
The British National Party held a table top stall in Worthing, Sussex at the weekend. However, their stay was cut short with the arrival of anti-fascists...Full article | 1 addition | 23 comments
Dale Farm eviction "will weigh heavily on Britain"
19-10-2011 07:05

Early this morning riot police and bailiffs stormed the Dale Farm community in a dawn raid. Police violated the court order and used sledgehammers to smash through the walls of a fully legal plot on the site in order to force entry. Human rights observers reported several injuries of residents and supporters from police action as they forced their way onto site.
Police are using tasers on those protesting the eviction.
Residents and supporters remain inside the site, many locked on to blockades and caravans together in order to resist the eviction. Police breached the perimeter to initiate the eviction.
"Dale Farm travellers' site eviction starts " BBC
19-10-2011 06:32
Kicking off according to BBCThomas Blak Moved
17-10-2011 19:11
Antifascist prisoner Thomas Blak has been transferred.Dale Farm appeal rejected, eviction expected soon
17-10-2011 16:18
The Court of Appeal has just rejected the residents' right to a judicial review, which means that Basildon Council will be able to come on to conduct an eviction from now onwards. We need activists to come down for active resistance and support roles as soon as possible.Get to Dale Farm soonest - judicial review appeal app. rejected by court
17-10-2011 16:17
The Court of Appeal has just rejected the residents' right to a judicial review, which means that Basildon Council will be able to come on to conduct an eviction from now onwards. We need supporters to come down as soon as possible to help resist this eviction. We need people to come willing to engage in civil disobedience as well as support residents and activists in resisting the eviction through non-arrestable roles.Be ready to come to Dale Farm today
17-10-2011 04:18
This morning, the Dale Farm Community will find out whether they will be allowed to appeal against the High Court's rejection of their application for judicial review.If this is refused, then eviction could happen at any time. Therefore, all supporters are urged to get to Dale Farm as soon as possible to assist with the eviction resistance.
Dale Farm: State Repression Increases, as Activists Call for Supplies
15-10-2011 14:13
An update on the Dale farm situation, including information on increased police repression and hostility towards residents and activists, and calls for further supplies to aid the resistance.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Dale Farm: The wider context
14-10-2011 16:14

The last time I wrote about Dale Farm I had been living there for four days and it had felt inspiring to be a part of Camp Constant and the Dale Farm Solidarity Campaign, trying to resist the eviction of the largest Traveller community of its kind in Britain. I am now writing this six weeks later and after an aborted eviction attempt and a short respite as another appeal has gone through the courts, eviction is once again imminent. It is not my intention to interrogate the facts around the council’s pretext for the eviction as I already laid down in my previous article my argument for why I believe it is unjust and based on prejudice. After having lived there for five weeks the following article represents just a small part of my personal experience of being at Dale Farm, the wider context of what I have discovered and why I think you should get your arse down there immediately.
Ceilidh Benefit Night For Antifascist Prisoners
13-10-2011 13:58

Dale Farm: An End to the Legal Process? A Call to the Baricades!
13-10-2011 01:56

Nazi 'New Right' secret meeting in London-details
11-10-2011 22:18
Details of a secret meeting of the 'New Right' on Saturday 15 October- a British Fascist tendency with a taste for holocaust denial and nazi occultism. Gunter Deckert, the leader of the far right German NPD party and holocaust denier, and Jonathan Bowden, former leading member of the BNP and leader of the New Right, will be speaking. This tendency is linked to Troy Southgate and the so called 'National Anarchist' and 'third position' that infiltrated 'Green Anarchist' and the animal rights movement.Vigil for Jimmy Mubenga
11-10-2011 14:32
A vigil to mark the one-year anniversary of the death of Jimmy Mubenga.EDL Lie about 'recruiting' Joey Barton
10-10-2011 23:11
Yesterday we reported that the English Defence League had claimed that Premiership Footballer, Joey Barton had joined the EDL. it appears that this was wishful thinking on behalf of the EDL and Queen's Park Rangers have contacted EDL News to issue the following statement:Ceilidh Benefit Night For Antifascist Prisoners
10-10-2011 13:03
A benefit organised by supporters in London. Info about the case at Sounds like it'll be a great night.Antifascist Prisoners Leaflet
10-10-2011 09:49

UK tabloid: Shocking revelation on 10th anniversary of the war on Afghanistan
09-10-2011 12:50

Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
urgent counter protest needed in leeds on saturday
07-10-2011 22:00
nazis in leeds on saturdayDale Farm: Get Ready To Resist: skills and mischief at Camp Constant this weekend
07-10-2011 10:54
Latest court date for a decision on whether or not a judicial review will be held is set for Wednesday. The result could go either way and the threat of eviction is still very real. This weekend at Dale Farm we are holding two days of workshops and activities. This is a great time to come to Dale Farm and get a feeling for the current situation here and at the high court, share skills and learn some new ones and prepare us all better for possible eviction.