UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
No Borders Demonstration (London)! pics
02-04-2005 18:09

led by the Samba band
Hackney No Borders demo.
02-04-2005 17:14

Birmingham: European No Borders Day of Action - April 2nd, 12pm
01-04-2005 20:53
European Day of Action against Refugee Detention and for Migrant RightsAgainst racism
For freedom of movement
For the right to stay and work
12 noon Saturday 2nd April 2005 Birmingham Bull Ring centre
Occupation at Labour Party Offices for East Midlands
01-04-2005 19:09

Report (part two) of Cairo Conference held March 24th to March 27th 2005.
01-04-2005 18:18

31-03-2005 16:03
Anti-fascists use direct action to break up fascists meeting.bnp demo halifax
31-03-2005 13:32
Regarding the bnp rally in halifax on wed 6th april .Antifascist killed by Nazi!!! Saturday demonstation
31-03-2005 12:08
On saturday night a 31 years old antifascist was killed by a nazi-skinhead in Dortmund, West-Germany. On next saturday (2. of april) there will be a big demonstartion of solidarity.Going to Manchester Demo on Saturday?
31-03-2005 09:22
For any people from Liverpool wishing to go to Manchester for the demo in support of migrant rights on Saturday, why not come with us!Equality Bill excludes gay rights
31-03-2005 08:31
Protection from discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation has been excluded from five key provisions of the government’s new Equality Bill.Incitement to racial hatred
30-03-2005 23:37
The Conservative Party escalated the political arms race on refugees and immigration yet further on Tuesday, proposing a new "tax" on employers who give jobs to non-British and EU citizens and a new security force "to secure Britain's borders".Petition to the European Commission
30-03-2005 13:52
Petition on the occasion of the „International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination“and on the occasion of the „Land Day“ in Palestine, The position of Israel regarding the relations towards Europe, Europe’s Possibilities and scope of action
Cairo Conference Report
30-03-2005 12:31
Middle East democracy that the US fearsA movement is growing in Egypt that will terrify the warmongers in Washington. Simon Assaf reports from the Cairo Conference.
Come to Nottingham this Saturday!!!!
29-03-2005 23:19

See also an earlier Indymedia posting;

BNP Bricked!
29-03-2005 16:35
An anti-fascist mobilisation was organised to counter a large BNP meeting in Yorkshire last Sunday (27/03/05). BNP security and members cars were attacked with rocks by 30 anti-fascists.Report (part one) of Cairo Conference 24th March to 27th March 2005
29-03-2005 10:42

Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum: A Noisy Demo
28-03-2005 23:07

In support of the European Social Forum Day of Action against racism and in defence of asylum seekers and migrants .. Nottingham is having a Noise Demo on April 2nd
Unite Against Fascism rally Oxford Town Hall - 5th April
28-03-2005 16:20
Oxford Unite!On 10 June 2004, the British National Party (BNP) gained the highest vote ever for an extreme right party in Britain. It came within a hair’s breadth of obtaining
seats in the European Parliament and the London Assembly.