UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
A new racist attack in Athens. Victim a 14 years old boy from Afghanistan
15-05-2013 12:56

Support Abdul Ghafar Rajabali
13-05-2013 23:15
Release Abdul Ghafar Rajabali and halt his deportation.Please click on the website and sign the petition.
Aber to Athens Night of Solidarity
12-05-2013 16:51
Solidarity gig in West Wales, All welcome!Religion - is - Politics!
11-05-2013 08:52
Given the re-emergence of 'armed' fundamentalist religion in the middle east and the calls for Shariah law to become operational in the UK and Europe this article considers how and why religion has started to challenge for political power and how mainstream politics often mimics the form of a religion.Closing Guantanamo—Why it’s Symbolically, Spiritually and Materially Important.
05-05-2013 20:41
President Barack Obama has made a clear and convincing case for closing Guantanamo! Mostly the same reasons finally articulate were just as true when he initially took office. Closing the stigma of war, crime and national shame has always been a high agenda item for many Americans. It is now the watermark battle ground that could begin to show who or what really runs this country. But think of the mindless excuses from war hawks (including complicity by the mainstream media) to try to stop any transparency about Guantanamo prisoners. But there is simply no way President Obama can close this base on his own without major and active U.S. citizen and world support. How can Congress possibly stand in the way of the reasons President Obama announced for closing the Bush Legacy? Where is the Free Speech movement, where are the campus protests at Madison and Kent State Ohio?Griffin hammered yet again!
03-05-2013 09:02
Cataclysmic BNP embarrassmentNew Anti- Fascist film trailer - 'No Pasaran'.
02-05-2013 15:24

Alex Wood: UKIP Nazi caught on Facebook
01-05-2013 23:23

March For England Dismal Failure
01-05-2013 08:23
Apologies for late posting ...Decade of Darfur Demo, London : Sunday 28 April
24-04-2013 09:30

Sunday 28 April 2013
Meet 12.30pm
@ Sudanese Embassy
3 Cleveland Row, London, SW1A 1DD
The march will move to Downing Street and end at Old Palace Yard opposite the Houses of Parliament.
March for England 2013
22-04-2013 23:14

Mobs and Coppers
22-04-2013 14:59 antifascist day out by the seaside20 years on since Stephen's death: Muslim man & his family in High Wycombe haras
21-04-2013 23:48
20 years on since Stephen's death: Muslim man & his family in High Wycombe harassed and attacked for 2 years whilst police & authorities did nothing and even tried to charge him for ABH when he reported being kicked in the head!EDL-Brighton Watch; The Argus Brighton local rag online version:
21-04-2013 11:31

Fascist plans hit Brighton rocks
19-04-2013 17:16

Oxford Premier of Into the Film + Q&A Sunday 5th May
18-04-2013 18:09

Sunday 5th May. 7pm doors for 7.30pm. 10pm close. East Oxford Community Centre. Bar. £5/£3
Barnardo's, Cedars and the Red Lines
15-04-2013 16:45
Barnardo's, the childrens charity received some support in the liberal media following the breaking of one of their charity shop window's in Brixton last week. When a statement was released explaining the direct action linking it to Barnardos involvement with the UK Border Agency’s new Pre-Departure Accommodation (PDA) at Cedars, West Sussex, some parts of the media were ready with Barnardos own 7 'red lines' which would need to be crossed for the charity to 'withdraw' its 'services' from CedarsCalais Info Night. Tonight @ Pogo Cafe, Hackney
15-04-2013 12:21

After the screening members of Calais Migrant Solidarity will discuss the current situation in Calais, and what can be done to support the struggle.
International Week Of Solidarity With Jock Palfreeman 22nd-28th April
15-04-2013 09:08
Jock Palfreeman is an Australian whose only crime was to try and defend two Roma boys from a rampaging gang of armed fascist hooligan. In defending them and himself from attack, one of the hooligans died and another was wounded. The two Roma boys escaped safely but Jock ended up sentenced to 20 years in prison for murder and facing a massive fine which he cannot pay and is now being used as a ransom demand by the Bulgarian authorities. An International Week Of Solidarity on 22nd-28th April has been organised. Here's how you can help.