UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
EDL Swamped 10-to-1 in Cardiff
01-06-2013 17:24
EDL and a handful of locals held a march in Cardiff today, but were outnumbered 10-to-1 by antifascists. Photos to follow.White Roses V EDL
01-06-2013 17:19

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EDL ¡No Pasarán! Sheffield
01-06-2013 16:28

Counter the EDL in Portsmouth today june1st
01-06-2013 08:18
The EDL will be attempting to exploit the recent barbaric murder in Woolwich to further their campaign of hate on the streets of Portsmouth.Full statement : Newcastle 14 anti fascist defence campaign
31-05-2013 23:13

Suggestions for Saturday's EDL & BNP demos
31-05-2013 21:27

Oppose the EDL - 1st June 2013
31-05-2013 21:04
Saturday could be the largest far right mobilisation on the streets that there has been for many years, with up to 60 English Defence League events planned around the UK. Make sure you show up to oppose them.We Are The Many
31-05-2013 14:51
Tomorrow there could be as many as 60 English Defence League protests around England - it will be the largest far right mobilisation we have seen for many years.Obviously signing a letter to voice your opposition isn't enough but it is something - join over 25,000 people who have signed so far today.
The Daily Mail, Michael Adebolajo, the BNP & Harrow Mosque
31-05-2013 11:23

Countering the Resurgence of the EDL
29-05-2013 08:41
In the last week the extreme right has been making all the running in the aftermath of the killing of soldier Lee Rigby on Wednesday. We have seen a sudden outpouring of racism and speedily-organised mobilisations by the EDL. The demonstration at Downing Street on Bank Holiday Monday was the first 'official' EDL event organised in response to the killing which anti-fascists had any time to respond to. earlier in Leicester Square.Alconbury & Brampton Surgeries Betray Patient Confidentiality To Protect Nazi In
29-05-2013 03:24
Cambridgeshire Police have secretly approached G.P.s at Alconbury and Brampton Surgeries, on at least two occasions, to discuss a patient's medical treatment. This was done without the patient's consent and is an attempt to silence a whistleblower's exposure of a Government cover up.Peace News Summer Camp 2013: Taking a Lead from the Global South
28-05-2013 16:30
This year’s camp is organised by activists of colour/people with a global majority heritage. We invite you to join us and others from across the broad spectrum of the peace and radical social change movements for five days of workshops, participatory entertainment and network building! 25th - 29th July, near Diss, Norfolk.Solidarity benefit for Greek autonomous spaces and social fighters
27-05-2013 23:10

Fascist freindly shop opens in Brum
21-05-2013 16:51
"For now we're going to try and be nice" - please contact the shop and shopping centre - details in article.Leeds No Borders public meeting
21-05-2013 12:09
Leeds No Borders & Movement for Justice are holding a public hearing on the UKBA's murder ofJackie Nanyonjo, with testimonies from asylum seekers, refugees and
International hip hop & spoken word benefit - 8th June @ LimaZulu, London
19-05-2013 13:38
Come down to LimaZulu, north London, on 8th June for a night of excellent spoken word, poetry & international hip hop, with a headliner from Mexico! All in the name of an excellent cause, that being the Anti Raids Network (
Urgent action for Abdul Rajabali
16-05-2013 07:48
Abdul scheduled for deportation next Wednesday. Step up the action. Abdul must stay!