UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
A letter from Meltem Avcil, aged 14 behind the Wire at Yarl's Wood
11-10-2007 16:29
In August 2007 the immigration came for us again in the morning at 7 o'clock. My friends were sleeping in our house. As soon as my mom opened door they rushed in. They do that to all families but can't they think why do they have to come in the morning? Sometimes they awake small babies from their hot bed! Even sometimes they get teenagers to think y future is down. They said to us to be quick, they were shouting in our ears. One time they lead my friends away with out her saying bye to me! How do they feel that I'm never going to see her again?The Madness of King Nick - the infamous Identity article examined at last
10-10-2007 11:44
A look at the Identity article...A Veiled Threat?
09-10-2007 21:46
"Despite not paying an annual membership fee to Hamas or Al-Qaeda, my choice to veil signifies that I am a radical."XL airways refuse to carry deportees - Home Office Panic!
08-10-2007 17:06
XL Airways ;"... we operated one flight in February to DR Congo as part of this
contract, without full understanding of the political dimensions
involved. Our chief executive [Phillip Wyatt] had made it quite clear
to all concerned that we will not be operating any further flights of
this nature ... We are not neutral on the issue and have sympathy for
all dispossessed persons in the world, hence our stance."
Dutch antifascists picketing against the Hungarian Guard
08-10-2007 14:27

Because of this, the Dutch Project Group Stop The Hungarian Guard! gathers on the 19th of October for a picket line at 14:00 hours at the Hungarian embassy in The Hague.
On dawn raids (and what happens after)
07-10-2007 20:41
Invariably, it is familes with children who are targeted as they are more likely to be found at home and detained all together.Baby Ashleen and her mother Juliet were taken in a dawn raid after their door was smashed. Nathan and Jeremiah, three and two years old, were detained with their parents during another dawn raid. Another young mother took an overdose on the eve of her planned deportation, wanting to die and was taken to hospital: her four years old daughter was left in the detention centre on her own.
Reminder: Stop Deporting Cameroonians
07-10-2007 17:07
'Whether we have leave to remain or don't have leave to remain, let us unite'
Prepare now for emergency protests! Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!
06-10-2007 11:32

Mumia Abu-Jamal is a former Black Panther Party spokesman, supporter of the MOVE
organisation and an award-winning journalist known as the “voice of the voiceless”. He was
framed up in 1982 on false charges of killing a Philadelphia police officer. Sentenced to death
based on his political history and beliefs, Mumia has spent 25 years on death row for a crime
he did not commit.
See below, contact the PDC or visit for more information.
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BA fly you to death
06-10-2007 00:35
Yesterday Friday 5th October we picketed the London Eye, owned by British Aiways: we got a lot of harassment from private security; two police with machine guns passed by but they weren't interested in us.7th Annual Claudia Jones Lecture by Theologian and BroadcasteDr. Robert Beckford
05-10-2007 15:05

First ever Food Not Bombs Manchester - This Sunday 7th October
05-10-2007 11:22

Anti-racism march in Manchester on 3 November 2007
04-10-2007 18:11
There will be an anti-racism march in Manchester on 3 November 2007, in defence of all asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants and all victims of racism.The Art of Racial Discrimination as practised by the Commonwealth of Australia
03-10-2007 00:28
UNHRC to be told Institutionalised Racial Discrimination jailed Phuong NgoThe Art of Racial Discrimination can only succeed with the deliberate and concerted efforts of the 3 branches of a "democracy": the Executive (the Prime Minister), the Judiciary (Judges and Laws) and the Parliament (Law makers):

Afghanistan: A heroic resistance that puts us to shame
02-10-2007 21:20
Forget the Neo-Con, the Neo-Dem, the Neo-Lib and the Neo-Nuts. The role the demonization and dehumanization of the (many, many, many...) Empire’s enemies has played in supporting imperialism and colonialism can be more easily seen in those Western liberal and progressive writers, journalists, intellectuals and anti-war movement’s planners who always resort to human rights, women rights, gay rights’ violations of the Empire’s enemy of the month as the reason why we, the enlightened people, can’t surely sympathies, let alone support the "other" peoples who try to defend themselves and resist against wars of aggression and occupations, which is to say, colonialism and imperialism.US Politicians, Not Ahmadinejad, Have Blood on Their Hands
02-10-2007 19:09
How American politicians can call Iran a dangerous country and claim that it poses a threat to the U.S. is a mystery. On second thought, it is not a mystery. It just tells you that the politicians think you and I are so stupid that we will fall for the exact same parade of lies and exaggerations that was used to justify the war against Iraq.No deportations to DRC!
02-10-2007 16:31
Video of demonstrations against deportations to un-Democratic Republic of the CongoNov 30th - Call to Action On Sexual Assault
02-10-2007 10:05
International Day of Action for Radical Community Responses to Sexual Assault - November 30th 2007Channel 4 Dispatches on Immigration Oct 1st 2007
01-10-2007 20:32
Jon Snow's presentation of Dispatches expressed the real difficulty that we now have with a media that relies on 'research' that is partial and concentrates on the symptoms of problems rather than their real underlying cause. Plea for documentaries not shockumentaries...Darfur Asylum Rally Thursday 4th October 2007
01-10-2007 11:22
On 4th October, the Home Office is seeking a House of Lords rulingthat would allow it to send more Darfur survivors to Khartoum.
Fresh evidence of torture will NOT be considered.
Join our demonstration on 4th October opposite the Houses of
Parliament, calling on the Home Office to stop removing Darfuris to
Call to Action - NoBorders Camp Mexico-U.S. border
01-10-2007 08:49
Call to Action- No Borders Camp November 2007Where: The wall of death dividing the cities of Mexicali and Calexico, Mexico-U.S. border.
When: November 5-11, 2007