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Dutch antifascists picketing against the Hungarian Guard

Project Group Stop The Hungarian Guard! The Netherlands | 08.10.2007 14:27 | Anti-racism

On Sunday, the 21st of October, the far right Hungarian Guard plans to initiate 630 new members into its ranks.

Because of this, the Dutch Project Group Stop The Hungarian Guard! gathers on the 19th of October for a picket line at 14:00 hours at the Hungarian embassy in The Hague.

The Hungarian Guard (Magyar Gárda)
The Hungarian Guard (Magyar Gárda)

The National Guard, an independent group which was present on the 25th of August
The National Guard, an independent group which was present on the 25th of August

Recently, the far right Movement For A Better Hungary (Jobbik) has established the Hungarian Guard, in order to “assist in national self-defence”, “maintain order” and “organise and assist social and charitative missions”. On the 25th of August this year, the first 56 members were initiated in Budapest. On the same day a mass demonstration was organised by antifascists in the capital. On Sunday, the 21st of October, the Guard is planning an induction ceremony in order to initiate another 630 members into its ranks.

Because of this, the Dutch Project Group Stop The Hungarian Guard! gathers on Friday the 19th of October at the Hungarian embassy in The Hague, The Netherlands at 14:00 hours for a picket line. To voice sentiments opposing the Guard outside of Hungary and out of solidarity with antifascists and minority groups inside Hungary itself!

Jobbik is a far right party, with all typical features: she fights for the implementation of the death penalty “for the most serious crimes”, assimilation of newcomers and deportation if they don’t succeed, the “dealing with the statistically higher percentage of criminal activities by roma ethnic groups”, and for an “organisation of national self-defence”, of which the recently formed Hungarian Guard should be the “backbone”. The party views itself as instrumental in the protests of Autumn/Fall 2006 against the government of the social-democratic prime minister Gyurcsány, who then admitted to have lied to the Hungarian people on a tapoe which had been leaked to the press.

So please come to the Hungarian embassy and let your voice be heared against the anti-Roma sentiments of Jobbik, against their efforts to associate everything that is on the left with corrupt officials then and now, thereby stigmatising everyone that opposes them, against a nationalist guard that can freely march across the streets!

In solidarity with the Hungarian antifascists, minority groups and all those that oppose the Hungarian Guard,

Project Group Stop The Hungarian Guard! (/Werkgroep Stop De Hongaarse Garde!), The Netherlands

Project Group Stop The Hungarian Guard! The Netherlands
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