Criminal Profile of Racist Judge
jusme | 13.06.2009 09:14 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | World
Denying institutional discrimination and racism by Australian government and High Court Australia is akin to Holocaust Denial.
We have Justice Kirby (High Court Australia) branding the French High Court racist against Aborigines, and now we have our former Telstra boss calling Australia racist and backward hicks. In addition, we have international students being physically assaulted.
Its the racists right up the High Court Australia, dog whistling to the rednecks.
In preparation for the Queen's Birthday, we are in the process of preparing a case against our glorious Queen and her servant Chief Justice French and PM Kevin Rudd for violation of international laws and its own Consitution, and fraudulently and stealthly instituting White Australia Policy. They allow judicials and federal employees like Senior Member John Handley (AAT) and counsels Time de Uray, Joe Lenzcer, Paul Mentor continually to pervert justice and fabriating evidence.
judicial corruption, perverting justice, institutional racism, police corruption
We have Justice Kirby (High Court Australia) branding the French High Court racist against Aborigines, and now we have our former Telstra boss calling Australia racist and backward hicks. In addition, we have international students being physically assaulted.
Its the racists right up the High Court Australia, dog whistling to the rednecks.
In preparation for the Queen's Birthday, we are in the process of preparing a case against our glorious Queen and her servant Chief Justice French and PM Kevin Rudd for violation of international laws and its own Consitution, and fraudulently and stealthly instituting White Australia Policy. They allow judicials and federal employees like Senior Member John Handley (AAT) and counsels Time de Uray, Joe Lenzcer, Paul Mentor continually to pervert justice and fabriating evidence.
judicial corruption, perverting justice, institutional racism, police corruption

Corrupt and racist judge:
Criminal profile of racist judge:
1. middle aged
2. white
3. bullied at school
4. nerd through highschool and college
5. ass-licking through college and early tweens
6. slaving away and more ass-licking through 30s and 40s.
7. so when made judge is well conditioned to bullshit through verbose BS, out of gratitude
8. Total disregard for rule of law after having licked so many arses however
9. useless to society.
Form 27
PHAM ©® (artificial person)
pham (natural man god creation) deny consent to be enslaved
(Form 27)
(Order 19 rule 2)
The abovenamed *applicant/ * will at am/pm
on at Federal Court of Australia, (insert address)
move the Court for orders:
(State concisely below, the nature of each order which is sought, but not the grounds on which the order is sought)
Filed by: Phone No:
Name: PHAM Fax No:
Address: DX:
1. I refer to the Notice of a Constitutional Matter filed with the Federal Court in this matter and having notified the Attorneys General of the Notice.
2. I state that I am an Australian Citizen.
3. Having regards for further counsel, Motion is now sought to set aside the decision by the Administrative Appeals WITH FULL PREJUDICE, based on the following:
4. Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 demands findings of FACT.
5. Perverting Justice and Fabricating evidence, Unlawful racial discrimination by the Senior Member John Handley in cooperation with District Registrar Ken Wanklyn, counsel Tim de Uray and Paul Mentor of Sparke Helmore, contrary to Australian Constitution, the Crimes Act, the Criminal Code Act, HREOCA, RDA, inter alia.
6. In the alternative, Motion is sought for an injunction in the present case so that that Questions of Law and Constitution, can be answered first in the High Court;
7. In such case, Warrant for Arrest of John Handley, Ken Wanklyn, Joe Lenczer, Tim de Uray, Paul Mentor; and Mandamus is sought against the judicial officials and government officials;
8. Justice Michael Kirby (High Court) has labelled the French J High Court racist; the former Telstra boss has labelled Australia racist; Asian students are being physically assaulted, as redneck elements in the community are listening to the dog-whistles of the corrupt government and judicial officials, in implementing White Australia Policy under stealth;
9. Denial of racism by the High Court Australia is akin to Holocaust denial.
10. Numerous Notices of a Constitutional Matter have been filed without being challenged, as French, Hayne, Gummov, Crennan JJ, among others, continue to coverup for criminal and ultra vires conducts of government and judicial officers, in addition to violating a few laws, on their own.
11. It’s in the public interest to have the High Court declare to the Australian people if the Australian signatures on International Human Rights Treaties are valid, enforced and enforceable under HREOACA, RDA, inter alia;
12. Notice of Constitutional Matter (amended 26 Feb 2009) and Notice of Appeal (amended 26 Feb 2009) have been filed and served; in event that there are NO written response to both, then order above is sought;
13. Entitlements due to the Applicant in 2006 to be recommenced, repaid and back-dated to June of 2006; why should the Applicant have to suffer hardship when the corrupt officials enjoy continuation of rorting the Australian Taxpayers in their name;
14. Senior Member John Handley has a preference and history for bringing in his mates to lie under oath, for him to make discretionary judgments; his decisions are littered with discretionary abuse. John Handley believes he’s medically trained, and can read minds. Unfortunately for him, the AATA doesn’t allow for discretionary findings, and even if it did, discretion without facts, amounts to abuse, and his intentions will be deduced and provided for him. John Handley left an Officer of the Royal Australian Navy without medical care after workplace injury in service, disregarding facts and expert evidence from medically trained professionals; denying the Applicant the opportunity to move on with his life.
15. In this particular case in front of the court, there are NO facts, just lawyer twaddles. John Handley fabricated evidence, and Registrar Ken Wanklyn refused to authorise summons on witnesses; and John Handley then reruns a previous case by Member Egon Fice, making Fice’s decision bogus and invalid as well.
16. The government officials making the allegations refused to come to the Tribunal to testify; the Applicant challenged John Handley to charge him with perjury if the Applicant’s sworn testimony was not the truth. Since no one has challenged the testimony, then it must be truth. The challenge was put to the Attorneys General to press perjury charges and they have refused to support John Handley. Noone supports John Handley, so the AGS is recycling corrupt counsels like Joe Lenczer to rerun John Handley’s previous tactics in corrupting justice;
17. Names have been mentioned to the Senate Inquiry on Access to Law and Judicial System, and roles of Judges.
18. There is No case to be answered because Paul Mentor indicated in his response he wasn’t challenging the submissions by the Applicant; the Applicant should NOT be made to suffer any more that Handley has already caused, the way Vivian Solon and Cornelia Rau had to;
19. Costs to be awarded to the Respondents for the previous and present motion; Ken Wanklyn refused to correspond regarding T-Documents, and Joe Lenczer admits he had no instructions from the AGS.
20. Living in fear is what it means to be a slave; without proper guarantees of judicial fairness, society can no longer function.
Jurisdiction and Authority
1.1) Interpretation of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, 1900 (U.K.)
1.2) Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth)
1.3) Judicial Act 1903 (Cth)
1.4) Evidence Act 1995 (Cth)
1.5) Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
1.6) Crimes Act 1914 ( Cth) and Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth)
1.7) Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth)
1.8) Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act 1986 (Cth)
1.9) Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)
1.10) Human Rights Act, 1998 (UK)
1.11) Proof of the corpus delecti
1.13) HREOCA1986 and Crimes Act 1914, relating to
1.14) section 36. Fabricating evidence
1.15) 42. Conspiracy to defeat justice
1.16) 43. Attempting to pervert justice .
University of Wollongong v Metwally (1984)
Coco v The Queen (1994)
(signed, Applicant/Respondent or Applicant’s/Respondent’s solicitor)
(name each party affected by orders sought)
Version 1
Will provide the scans as soon as I get them.
They should have pleaded that racism is NOT calling people N!ggas, its racist judges denying opportunity and justice.
Btw, a lot of UNREPRESENTED people will have experienced a lot of this BS dealing with the AAT or other BS commissions, so its more than just racism.
Criminal profile of racist judge:
1. middle aged
2. white
3. bullied at school
4. nerd through highschool and college
5. ass-licking through college and early tweens
6. slaving away and more ass-licking through 30s and 40s.
7. so when made judge is well conditioned to bullshit through verbose BS, out of gratitude
8. Total disregard for rule of law after having licked so many arses however
9. useless to society.

Form 27
PHAM ©® (artificial person)
pham (natural man god creation) deny consent to be enslaved
(Form 27)
(Order 19 rule 2)
The abovenamed *applicant/ * will at am/pm
on at Federal Court of Australia, (insert address)
move the Court for orders:
(State concisely below, the nature of each order which is sought, but not the grounds on which the order is sought)
Filed by: Phone No:
Name: PHAM Fax No:
Address: DX:
1. I refer to the Notice of a Constitutional Matter filed with the Federal Court in this matter and having notified the Attorneys General of the Notice.
2. I state that I am an Australian Citizen.
3. Having regards for further counsel, Motion is now sought to set aside the decision by the Administrative Appeals WITH FULL PREJUDICE, based on the following:
4. Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 demands findings of FACT.
5. Perverting Justice and Fabricating evidence, Unlawful racial discrimination by the Senior Member John Handley in cooperation with District Registrar Ken Wanklyn, counsel Tim de Uray and Paul Mentor of Sparke Helmore, contrary to Australian Constitution, the Crimes Act, the Criminal Code Act, HREOCA, RDA, inter alia.
6. In the alternative, Motion is sought for an injunction in the present case so that that Questions of Law and Constitution, can be answered first in the High Court;
7. In such case, Warrant for Arrest of John Handley, Ken Wanklyn, Joe Lenczer, Tim de Uray, Paul Mentor; and Mandamus is sought against the judicial officials and government officials;
8. Justice Michael Kirby (High Court) has labelled the French J High Court racist; the former Telstra boss has labelled Australia racist; Asian students are being physically assaulted, as redneck elements in the community are listening to the dog-whistles of the corrupt government and judicial officials, in implementing White Australia Policy under stealth;
9. Denial of racism by the High Court Australia is akin to Holocaust denial.
10. Numerous Notices of a Constitutional Matter have been filed without being challenged, as French, Hayne, Gummov, Crennan JJ, among others, continue to coverup for criminal and ultra vires conducts of government and judicial officers, in addition to violating a few laws, on their own.
11. It’s in the public interest to have the High Court declare to the Australian people if the Australian signatures on International Human Rights Treaties are valid, enforced and enforceable under HREOACA, RDA, inter alia;
12. Notice of Constitutional Matter (amended 26 Feb 2009) and Notice of Appeal (amended 26 Feb 2009) have been filed and served; in event that there are NO written response to both, then order above is sought;
13. Entitlements due to the Applicant in 2006 to be recommenced, repaid and back-dated to June of 2006; why should the Applicant have to suffer hardship when the corrupt officials enjoy continuation of rorting the Australian Taxpayers in their name;
14. Senior Member John Handley has a preference and history for bringing in his mates to lie under oath, for him to make discretionary judgments; his decisions are littered with discretionary abuse. John Handley believes he’s medically trained, and can read minds. Unfortunately for him, the AATA doesn’t allow for discretionary findings, and even if it did, discretion without facts, amounts to abuse, and his intentions will be deduced and provided for him. John Handley left an Officer of the Royal Australian Navy without medical care after workplace injury in service, disregarding facts and expert evidence from medically trained professionals; denying the Applicant the opportunity to move on with his life.
15. In this particular case in front of the court, there are NO facts, just lawyer twaddles. John Handley fabricated evidence, and Registrar Ken Wanklyn refused to authorise summons on witnesses; and John Handley then reruns a previous case by Member Egon Fice, making Fice’s decision bogus and invalid as well.
16. The government officials making the allegations refused to come to the Tribunal to testify; the Applicant challenged John Handley to charge him with perjury if the Applicant’s sworn testimony was not the truth. Since no one has challenged the testimony, then it must be truth. The challenge was put to the Attorneys General to press perjury charges and they have refused to support John Handley. Noone supports John Handley, so the AGS is recycling corrupt counsels like Joe Lenczer to rerun John Handley’s previous tactics in corrupting justice;
17. Names have been mentioned to the Senate Inquiry on Access to Law and Judicial System, and roles of Judges.
18. There is No case to be answered because Paul Mentor indicated in his response he wasn’t challenging the submissions by the Applicant; the Applicant should NOT be made to suffer any more that Handley has already caused, the way Vivian Solon and Cornelia Rau had to;
19. Costs to be awarded to the Respondents for the previous and present motion; Ken Wanklyn refused to correspond regarding T-Documents, and Joe Lenczer admits he had no instructions from the AGS.
20. Living in fear is what it means to be a slave; without proper guarantees of judicial fairness, society can no longer function.
Jurisdiction and Authority
1.1) Interpretation of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, 1900 (U.K.)
1.2) Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth)
1.3) Judicial Act 1903 (Cth)
1.4) Evidence Act 1995 (Cth)
1.5) Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
1.6) Crimes Act 1914 ( Cth) and Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth)
1.7) Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth)
1.8) Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act 1986 (Cth)
1.9) Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)
1.10) Human Rights Act, 1998 (UK)
1.11) Proof of the corpus delecti
1.13) HREOCA1986 and Crimes Act 1914, relating to
1.14) section 36. Fabricating evidence
1.15) 42. Conspiracy to defeat justice
1.16) 43. Attempting to pervert justice .
University of Wollongong v Metwally (1984)
Coco v The Queen (1994)
(signed, Applicant/Respondent or Applicant’s/Respondent’s solicitor)
(name each party affected by orders sought)
Version 1

Will provide the scans as soon as I get them.
They should have pleaded that racism is NOT calling people N!ggas, its racist judges denying opportunity and justice.
Btw, a lot of UNREPRESENTED people will have experienced a lot of this BS dealing with the AAT or other BS commissions, so its more than just racism.