German University Racism
Rajamohan | 05.05.2007 12:37 | Anti-racism
Racial discrimination in permitting doctorate under exemption rule between British and Indian graduates despite extraordinary performance the university's unlawful refusal to give me oral exams (which it gives to the British) despite my repeated pleas in the first place- I suffered from psychogenic writers’ cramps.Stuttgart University sanctimoniously observes the UN year of the handicapped
Rajamohan, H 47 S 2 TNHB near RTO, Chennai 600 041, India
Dear Young Friends,
Please at least draw the people's attention to

I am 68 years old but young at heart who is restarting his 30 year old fight for justice against German racism rather late in the day. But better late than never I thought I would give a fight to the Germans and pass the baton to the younger generation before I go. Please spread the message below all over the world by all means including internet e.mail sending me also a copy. Kindly send me the e.mail IDs of Indian associations in your country or atleast the web-site or page from which I can gather this information.
According to NDTV an Indian News TV-channel an official of the US.Govt has protested to the German Govt. and demanded an apology over a German racist video flash of racism in the US Army. Germans are worse. I am a victim of German University Racism. I have started a world wide internet campaign against that appealing to the people of the world to boycott German cars and products. Please spread the report below:
German universities practise covert racist discrimination in permitting doctorate under exemption rule between British and Indian graduates despite extraordinary performance. Please read how they ruined the promising career of a young Indian in the Stutgart University from

Kindly see especially

Please boycott German cars and products! Mercedes BMW Porsche Siemens Bosch! Many German Ph.Ds particularly from University of Stuttgart are copy cats of Scientific Journals in English. Some of them become even professors in their universities. They get away with this since their medium is German and their English is poor. Their Nobel laureates are exceptions that prove the rule.
Please spread this message worldwide by all means including internet blogs, chat groups etc. Appeal to American public opinion in the US. If they boycot German cars and products it would work. Thanks.
Racial discrimination in permitting doctorate under exemption rule between British and Indian graduates despite extraordinary performance -perverting justice by misrepresenting I did not produce equivalence proof though it was the university's unlawful refusal to give me oral exams (which it gives to the British) despite my repeated pleas in the first place- I suffered from psychogenic writers’ cramps. University sanctimoniously observes the UN year of the handicapped-courts not applying their mind to the basic question “Why discriminating procedures between Indians and the British? How could the university judge my qualificational equivalence after refusing to examine me?” the university lawyer remains silent not refuting when my charge of perverting justice was first made in the lower court.

I am attaching the same message for you to file in your hard disc for future use. Thanks.
You may send mail to several IDs at one go by filling the To and cc boxes as shown below. Each ID should be followed by a comma -no space between the IDs. The last ID has no comma following. Please send your protest e-mails to:
