Shoot-to-kill bluff
Blind Man | 20.10.2005 23:44 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Repression | World
The big terror news today is all about the federal dictatorship telling us that the intention of the Shoot-To-Kill policy was not to shoot you in the back if you ran from the police terror squad. And the States declaring they did not sign up for it. But that is not what this diversion tactic is about. It's about convincing you to eat the rest of the draconian laws because you were saved from the worst?
Shoot-to-kill will
not become law,
Beazley says?
AUSTRALIA: federal labor leader kim sleazley has predicted the federal dictatorship will fail in its push for a shoot-to-kill policy to be included in its counter-terrorism laws.
The dummy
Some of us played football right?
state lab/lib leaders have accused prime loser john hoWARd of including a shoot-to-kill provision which they insist they did not agree to.
The bluff
hoWARd says the provision is nothing new and there has always been a common law right for police officers to use deadly force in some circumstances.
The hero
sleazley says hoWARd's shoot-to-kill policy will not make much difference to police.
"If a policeman was to arrive at somebody's house in pursuit of a would-be terrorist or a maybe terrorist or a person who is a ne'er-do-well and that person were to pull a gun on them, and start firing, then there would be a certain response irrespective of whatever reason that policeman was turning up to that house to perform the task," sleazley said.
"It's an unnecessary complication in relation to this law and I suspect it won't stand."
Don't you feel relieved?
Now lets just forget about the sedition, being detained without charge for up to 14 days and 12 month detention orders, home or otherwise, with xxxx conditions that include renewing the order after the expiry date. That's okay for you sleazely and the crock of shit alleged labor premiers so full of shit it makes me puke! Now they want us to bend over?
lennon's onside?
Ruck me off! One two three hike!
Tasmanian prime logger paul lennon was the latest state and territory leader to speak out in opposition to the shoot-to-kill provision.
lennon says he does not agree with the clause.
"Unless the Prime Minister produces laws that reflect the agreements that I reached in Canberra then I won't be supporting them," he said.
And when he does he will support sedition, being detained without charge for up to 14 days and 12 month detention order, home or otherwise, with xxxx conditions that include renewing the order after the expiry date?
lennon: (no relation to John the pop star) "I didn't support such a provision when I was at the COAG meeting in Canberra."
But he supported the rest!
I wish he were my dad? Proud totalitarian.
Yep the big terror news today is all about the Federal dictatorship telling us that the intention of the Shoot-To-Kill policy was not to shoot you in the back if you ran from the police terror squad. And the States declaring they did not sign up for it. But that is not what this diversion tactic is about. It's about convincing you to eat the rest of draconian laws, because you were saved from the worst.
And who has the biggest mouth? sleazily beazley and john hoWARd the lying coward.
Great work labor? Thanx?
Secret agents brief Bracks on 'seditious' protest
"Our intelligence suggests that certain individuals disaffected with Premier Bracks and other State and Territory leaders will gather at Parliament House at 1pm on Saturday 22 October," said an agency spokesperson.
Sedition Laws Target Peaceful Civil Disobedience
But wait you say - the government says that it is offering an "acting in good faith" defence against sedition charges. Read on:
Anti-terrorism laws inquiry 'too short'
The Opposition says the inquiry effectively gives senators just one day to examine the bills.
Labor's homeland security spokesman, Arch Bevis, says the inquiry will be unable to scrutinise whether the legislation provides a balance between security and civil rights. "You don't get that considered, balanced outcome by rushing legislation through the Parliament," he said.
The Democrats deputy leader, Andrew Bartlett, says the Government is abusing its control of the Senate to establish a farcical inquiry into laws that have a significant impact.
Labor, 'Showroom Dummies'
The Australian Council of Trade Unions secretary Greg Combet says the Labor Party must stand up for the rights of workers but Labor stands up for Liberal and it has been like that for years.
Labor stands up for Liberal rights?
not become law,
Beazley says?
AUSTRALIA: federal labor leader kim sleazley has predicted the federal dictatorship will fail in its push for a shoot-to-kill policy to be included in its counter-terrorism laws.
The dummy
Some of us played football right?
state lab/lib leaders have accused prime loser john hoWARd of including a shoot-to-kill provision which they insist they did not agree to.
The bluff
hoWARd says the provision is nothing new and there has always been a common law right for police officers to use deadly force in some circumstances.
The hero
sleazley says hoWARd's shoot-to-kill policy will not make much difference to police.
"If a policeman was to arrive at somebody's house in pursuit of a would-be terrorist or a maybe terrorist or a person who is a ne'er-do-well and that person were to pull a gun on them, and start firing, then there would be a certain response irrespective of whatever reason that policeman was turning up to that house to perform the task," sleazley said.
"It's an unnecessary complication in relation to this law and I suspect it won't stand."
Don't you feel relieved?
Now lets just forget about the sedition, being detained without charge for up to 14 days and 12 month detention orders, home or otherwise, with xxxx conditions that include renewing the order after the expiry date. That's okay for you sleazely and the crock of shit alleged labor premiers so full of shit it makes me puke! Now they want us to bend over?
lennon's onside?
Ruck me off! One two three hike!
Tasmanian prime logger paul lennon was the latest state and territory leader to speak out in opposition to the shoot-to-kill provision.
lennon says he does not agree with the clause.
"Unless the Prime Minister produces laws that reflect the agreements that I reached in Canberra then I won't be supporting them," he said.
And when he does he will support sedition, being detained without charge for up to 14 days and 12 month detention order, home or otherwise, with xxxx conditions that include renewing the order after the expiry date?
lennon: (no relation to John the pop star) "I didn't support such a provision when I was at the COAG meeting in Canberra."
But he supported the rest!
I wish he were my dad? Proud totalitarian.
Yep the big terror news today is all about the Federal dictatorship telling us that the intention of the Shoot-To-Kill policy was not to shoot you in the back if you ran from the police terror squad. And the States declaring they did not sign up for it. But that is not what this diversion tactic is about. It's about convincing you to eat the rest of draconian laws, because you were saved from the worst.
And who has the biggest mouth? sleazily beazley and john hoWARd the lying coward.
Great work labor? Thanx?
Secret agents brief Bracks on 'seditious' protest
"Our intelligence suggests that certain individuals disaffected with Premier Bracks and other State and Territory leaders will gather at Parliament House at 1pm on Saturday 22 October," said an agency spokesperson.

Sedition Laws Target Peaceful Civil Disobedience
But wait you say - the government says that it is offering an "acting in good faith" defence against sedition charges. Read on:

Anti-terrorism laws inquiry 'too short'
The Opposition says the inquiry effectively gives senators just one day to examine the bills.
Labor's homeland security spokesman, Arch Bevis, says the inquiry will be unable to scrutinise whether the legislation provides a balance between security and civil rights. "You don't get that considered, balanced outcome by rushing legislation through the Parliament," he said.
The Democrats deputy leader, Andrew Bartlett, says the Government is abusing its control of the Senate to establish a farcical inquiry into laws that have a significant impact.

Labor, 'Showroom Dummies'
The Australian Council of Trade Unions secretary Greg Combet says the Labor Party must stand up for the rights of workers but Labor stands up for Liberal and it has been like that for years.
Labor stands up for Liberal rights?

Blind Man
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