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Palestine Today 033109

IMEMC Audio Dept. | 31.03.2009 17:16 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Palestine | World

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center ( for Tuesday March 31, 2009.

Palestine Today 033109 - mp3 32K

Israeli troops kill two Palestinian fighters in the Gaza Strip while Israeli settlers attack civilian homes in Hebron: these stories and more are coming up; stay tuned.

The Newscast

Two Palestinian resistance fighters were killed Tuesday morning in an Israeli shelling that targeted Al Maghazi refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, Palestinian medical sources reported. At least three more fighters were injured in clashes with Israeli troops stationed at Kissufim crossing on the eastern border line of the Gaza Strip with Israel.

The two were identified as Abdullah Sbeitan and Ali Abu Al-Foul, and were claimed to be members of the Salah Ed Din brigade, armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committees. Palestinian eyewitnesses said they heard explosions as two Israeli helicopters hovered over the refugee camp area.

Israeli military sources said their troops spotted a number of armed Palestinian men approaching the fence and clashed with them, killing two and wounding three. One Israeli soldier was reported wounded, according to the source.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Authorities have decided to partially open the Karm Abu Salem and the Eretz crossings in order to allow the entry of 115 trucks filled with aid, and 45 trucks filled with grain.

19 trucks loaded with aid heading to the UNRWA and other international originations would be allowed through, in addition to 83 trucks for the private sector.

The Gaza Strip has been short on food supplies since Israel imposed a tight siege on the coastal region in June of 2006. Palestinians have been using tunnels dug between the Gaza Strip and Egypt to traffic food supplies.

In the West Bank city of Hebron, extremist Israeli settlers attacked a number of Palestinian homes on Tuesday, causing excessive damage and terrifying residents, especially children.

Local sources reported that several armed settlers and others carrying batons attacked homes adjacent to the Keryat Arba’ illegal settlement, north east of the city, and hurled stones and empty bottles at the windows while chanting slogans calling for killing all Arabs.

Resident Khalawi Jadallah Al Ja’bary, an owner of one of the attacked homes said that the settlers attacked dozens of homes across the road between Keryat Arba’ settlement and the illegal outpost which was evacuated recently by Israel.


Thank you for joining us from occupied Bethlehem. You have been listening to Palestine Today from the International Middle East Media Center, This report has been brought to you by Dina Awwad.

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