UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Report of all Scotland demonstration for Lebanon Saturday 12th August 2006
13-08-2006 05:51

Deaths in Custody
11-08-2006 21:02
Deaths in Custody (police and prison custody)- article published on 11 August 2006,
following the conclusion of the Michael (Mikey) Powell case
Israeli Anarchists Blockade Air Force Base
10-08-2006 08:48
Around 20 Israeli anarchists on Wednesday blockaded the entrance to Ramat David air force base in the north of the country, from which fighter planes have been taking off to bombing missions in Lebanon.The BNP's dating agency
09-08-2006 15:25
Let's all go out with Mark Collett. You know it makes sense!Read the NUS president's shameful attempt to censor the Black Students'
09-08-2006 15:23
Below is an email sent from Gemma Tumelty to the NUS NEC due to Ruqayyah's correspondence with the RESPECT coalition. Both of these emails are followed by a statement from Ruqayyah Collector, NUS Black Students' Officer on the current situation.LETTER TO CARMEL AGREXCO
09-08-2006 10:12
letter sent to Amos Orr - Manager of Carmel Agrexco, HayesLEBANON AND PALESTINE PHOTOS AT ANNIE'S LETTERS BLOG
09-08-2006 05:16
Annie's Letters is an almost daily updated blog that includes significant photos and numerous articles exposing the zionist foe.
For today's (August 8, 2006) blog:
Annie's Letters

See also Annie's Letters archives (scroll to bottom of page at above URL).
Leeds Palestine Film Night 16th August
08-08-2006 14:55

Film Nights at the Common Place Cinema
Join us for a fortnightly film and discussion night
At the Common Place, Wharf Street (off Kirkgate) Leeds City Centre
16th August: short films and Oscar nominated "Paradise Now".
Launch of new climate change project
07-08-2006 15:40
The Akashi project, looking to explore climate change issues with a diverse range of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) community groups and faith groups was launched in Cambridge on Friday 4th August 2006.Antifascist Festival 04.08.2006 - 06.08.2006, Berne, Switzerland
07-08-2006 13:42
Antifascist Manifestation, BerneCheck the link!

Longshot @ Manchester Carnival
06-08-2006 14:27
Msnchester sound system crews link-up to perfrom at Manchester International Caribbean Carnival 2006. Integrating with the Afro Caribbean community to spread positive vbes through reggae music. A beautiful and fun day had by all. Read on...M&S Pickets - 29th July and 5 August
06-08-2006 10:19

U.S./U.K. endless crimes - CALL FOR ATTENTION
04-08-2006 17:38
Picture this:You’re at home one evening and an armed convoy rolls into town. Soldiers arrest you and your family...
Appello per una mobilitazione antirazzista a Lampedusa il 9 e 10 sette
03-08-2006 18:56
La Sicilia è diventata negli ultimi anni la frontiera Sud dell’Europa e Lampedusa è il suo avamposto. Il tentativo di mascherare l’inarrestabile fenomeno politico-sociale delle migrazioni come un problema di ordine pubblico da contrastare, con la crescente militarizzazione delle frontiere e provvedimenti di polizia, ha prodotto soltanto l’istituzione di nuove forme di apartheid.Full article | 4 additions | 74 comments
The Northern Green Gathering and the British National Party
03-08-2006 14:23
Get your dates right or you'll be bedding down with some very strange bedfellows.Israel started it!
03-08-2006 13:32
Israel must accept blame for latest conflict with Hizbullah.Rachel Corrie's Memory Hijacked On MySpace
03-08-2006 10:14
A 'Rachel Corrie' page set up on MySpace falls a long way short of what her memory deserves.The Decider and its Poodle
03-08-2006 04:57
"We've -- you know, we've made it clear that we care about wanton destruction." -George W. Bush Friday, July 29, 2006Palestine, Lebanon: Zionism-Assassin, Imperialism- Accomplice!
03-08-2006 01:48
The Israeli attack in progress in Lebanon received, according to the expression even of the international press, the "green light" of the United States and the "tacit agreement" of the other great imperialists States, beginning with France (in spite of the declarations of "amity" with Lebanon!).MOBILIZATION TO PREVENT 'TEMPLE MOUNT FAITHFUL' ATTACK ON AL AQSA
03-08-2006 01:08
Two MKs from the Islamic Movement, Sheikh Ibrahim Sarsur (Ra'am-Ta'al) and Sheikh Abbas Zkoor (Ra'am-Ta'al) sent an urgent letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, requesting that the government prevent members of the Temple Mount Faithful from reaching the area outside the Al Aqsa Mosque. "Extremist Jewish groups may damage the Al Aqsa Mosque. If this were to happen, heaven forbid, it would inflame the region," the MKs wrote.