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Israeli Anarchists Blockade Air Force Base

samba queen | 10.08.2006 08:48 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Social Struggles

Around 20 Israeli anarchists on Wednesday blockaded the entrance to Ramat David air force base in the north of the country, from which fighter planes have been taking off to bombing missions in Lebanon.

The action took place in the morning hours. Activists staged a sit-in on the road leading to the base, and held signs and banners calling on the pilots to refuse to bomb civilians and participate in war crimes. The demonstration was dispersed amid 12 arrests.

The following link contains photos from the blockade, as well as from Saturday's large demo against the war in Tel-Aviv which saw the participation of a large anarchist contingent with a pink-and-black samba band:

samba queen


Pictures from the demo

10.08.2006 09:11

The demo
The demo

Whoop whoop its the sound of....
Whoop whoop its the sound of....

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