UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
25-10-2004 17:05
Despite resistance from the Home Office, the Public Inquiry into the racist murder of the Asian teenager, Zahid Mubarek at Feltham YOI will start on Thursday 18th November 2004 at 10am. The Inquiry is expected to last for at least twelve weeks, ending sometime at the end of February 2005 and will hear evidence from a range critical witnesses including from Zahid’s family, prison officers and managers as well as experts.EDO/MBM Visited by a Creature of the Night
22-10-2004 16:44
Dracula pays EDO/MBM a visit and sends an open invitation to all other ghouls, ghosties and creatures of the night..."NO to this Constitutional Treaty of the EU!"
22-10-2004 16:14
Declaration to sign (also final declaration of the 3 rd Peace Conference 2004 in Hanover)On October 29th 2004, the draft for the EU-constitution is supposed to be signed by the heads of state of the EU member states. After that, the ratification process will start in each single member state of the EU. The present German Federal Government e.g. has already expressed its intention to make this process as short as possible.
Zionist rabble attempt to disrupt meeting of Palestine Solidarity Campaign
21-10-2004 22:22
Manchster meeting of PSC disrupted by Zionists"Hit in face, pushed off table - by racists"
21-10-2004 00:07
The story of the "racist attack" on Weyman Bennet gets stranger and stranger. Fridays Guardian carries a letter from Weyman himself - and it isn'tnice reading. As it goes, its not true either...........Anti-Racist Groups Accuse Lee Jasper of Playing 'Race Card' re ESF
19-10-2004 23:50
Letter to BLINK:pictures of noborder demo on Thursday at Victoria station
19-10-2004 22:07

Medical Aid For Palestine gig in Swansea
19-10-2004 22:06
Gilad Atzman to play benefit gig in SwanseaDonations campaign to save the cave dwellers of south Hebron, Palestine
19-10-2004 06:34
The cave dwellers suffer from settlers, army and civil administration harassment.The aim is clear - expell them, destroy their humble livelihood so that the area
is annexed to Israel.
Ken Livingstone's Special Advisor Accuses White Anarchists of Racial Violence!
19-10-2004 03:43
Ken Livingstone's GLA Special Advisor on equality and policing, Lee Jasper, has accused the people who occupied the stage where the Mayor was due to speak at the ESF on Saturday, of being... 'white anarchists' who used violence to stop black people discussing how to fight racism and fascism!! He also claims that the intervention, or 'storming of the palace', had nothing to do with how the event was organised, despite problems in the organising process being a key point of many of the speakers who participated.Below is the letter which has appeared in the Guardian Letters Page (19th October) and a few comments:
Cambridge Immigration and Asylum Forum
18-10-2004 15:27
Below is a report of the Cambridge Immigration and Asylum Forum which took place on Wednesday October 6 2004. This event was organised by the Cambridge Action Network and Cambridge Indymedia.Brighton Activists deface Marks and Spencers store.
18-10-2004 14:42

This was done in response to Marks and Spencers support of Apartheid, Racicm and Zionism and in solidarity with the suffering people of Gaza.
"APARTHEID ISRAEL" – A Dr. Uri Davis Interview!
18-10-2004 07:30
Uri Davis is a scholar and Jewish citizen of Israel, but prefers to describe himself as a Palestinian Jew. He was born in Jerusalem in 1943, when Palestine was still undivided. Dr. Davis’ research interests focus on questions of citizenship, democracy and human rights in Israel and Palestine.Northern Gaza Strip Transformed into Open Area for Killing and Destruction
17-10-2004 06:18
PCHR Weekly Report Oct 7th - 13thTake action against British complicity in the US executions
14-10-2004 22:35
Falsely convicted death row survivors spoke at the Rampart social centre as part of the Rampart centre's involvement in ESF Automomous Spaces on Thursday night. Members of the US group, Pennsylvania Abolitionists United Against the Death Penalty spoke about the dire need for a Moratorium on executions in the United States. Ray Krone and Williams Nieves were amoungst the activists and spoke with insight and from bitter experience about their treatment at the hands of the very government which 'holds itself up as the example the rest of the world is supposed to follow'.pictures from Noborder demo in London, Waterloo Station/Eurostar
14-10-2004 21:58

Here are some pictures of somebody who cluelessly got lost in the area at the time and had to stay outside the exit to wait for what's happening at the direct action occupation.
Israel withdraws charge that driver loaded rocket into UN ambulance
14-10-2004 16:30
Israeli PR in Action:After releasing FALSE CHARGES to news medias, Israel withdraws FALSE CHARGES
The Spanish Government honors the Nazis
14-10-2004 16:27