UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
An Open Letter to David Blunkett MP
24-08-2004 07:22
A short memo in response to the Home Secretary's refusal to take a more open approach to the 'war on terror', on the grounds that it would make him look ridiculous!Israeli activists-Peace comes from justice and coexistence
23-08-2004 20:01
The Olga Appeal-FOR TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION, FOR EQUALITY AND PARTNERSHIP --This document represents a new initiative brought by Israeli activists and scholars that deserves widespread attention and dissemination.TUC calls for national slavery remembrance day
21-08-2004 23:27
The TUC is calling upon the Government to recognise the 23 August as the National Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition. This date marks a crucial event in the fight against slavery of an uprising in St Domingo in 1791.SWP are the same as Searchlight-working for the state.
21-08-2004 20:56
Recent events and the clear and arrogant way in which they have conducted themselves is despicable.Planning the deaths of innocent People
21-08-2004 19:45

and hearts, I really didn't think that my community within
Victoria, BC was very important, to the world, except to me B.U.T. I am
seeing that we have become the focus of these racist and amerikkkan
paranoic assaults like the rest of the dissidents in larger more well
known cities. I fear that I might fail my community of New Palestine/The
Revolution is Bloody
21-08-2004 19:42
It is true we shouldn't be afraid of martyrdom, however, we should notbe selecting and setting each other up for that position nor should we
be afraid to hold up the images of our martyrs and shout out their names
and certainly continue the fight and struggle. What is the trap of the
west? to think, as Gil Scott Heron observed, that the Calvary always
comes to save the day and that the hero lives to see the glory of that
day. We have forgotten that it is about the future/the Culture/Sankofa
not "the crazy house called ameriKKKAnada" and profits. So we are going
to get martyrs.
Of murder and a friend
21-08-2004 19:40
I am reminded/Of murder and a friend shot through the head behind a police station/I am reminded of Anthany James Dawson pounded into a coma on the streets/of Victoria by police officers/I am reminded/Of the self lynched black and Native youth sentenced to death by the callousness and mental pimpin of this city… cuz they consume native and black boys/I am reminded;/"keep a cool head" as the song by marcus Garvey goSheffield Naseh Demo - 21st Aug
21-08-2004 19:30

Fascist's workplace leafleted
20-08-2004 15:19

Another Illegal Arrest on M&S Demo
20-08-2004 12:56
Good demonstration again last night outside Marks and Spencer - Britain's biggest corporate sponsor of Israel.SWP public statement overdue!!!
19-08-2004 21:43
Fascist infiltration news and apology overdue from SWP.RACIST ATTACK/INCIDENT
18-08-2004 11:58
Recent attack/issue's in South Yorks...An Open Letter to British 'Muslim' Terrorists
18-08-2004 11:31
Is there a risk criminals plotting to blow up British citizens could mistake Muslims for their allies? Just in case there is any confusion, here is a letter to Osama's mates telling them why my shed is no safe haven for anyone planning a terror attack.Defend the Commission of Racial Equality Library
17-08-2004 19:19
It is a request for solidarity with the librarians of the Commission ofRacial Equality of UK because the government wants to close its libraryleaving the public without access to information.New calls for Channel 4 to axe ‘Asian Paedophile’ film
17-08-2004 16:07
CHANNEL 4 are facing renewed pressure to axe a controversial documentary which portrays Asian Muslim men as paedophiles attacking underage white girls. The channel had previously pulled the programme in May after police claimed it could provoke a race riot. But now the show is back on the schedules.Naseh Ghafor Milton House protest
16-08-2004 11:21

Cambridge local press pro-fascist?
15-08-2004 01:21
The Cambridge Evening News, monopoly local newspaper in Cambridge, seems to have been giving the National Front a remarkably sympathetic hearing in recent articles, uncritically reporting their boasts to get 100 people on their demo (which turned out to be about 12), and their slippery attempts to make their fascist position respectable. Are there fascists working for the Cambridge Evening News, or is this just a misguided attempt at 'objectivity'? And what can we do about it?Photos of Anti-fascist Demo Near Cambridge
14-08-2004 17:47

Hard to imagine Islamophobia
14-08-2004 12:36
(Muslims put faith in written word to fight prejudice, A mosque in Finsbury Park confronts Islamophobia head on, The Guardian, August 9, 2004.)Marks and Spencer Protest Grows
13-08-2004 11:26
Demo outside Marks and Spencer, Britain's biggest corporate sponsor of Israel, takes on internationalist direction.