Planning the deaths of innocent People
Ytzhak | 21.08.2004 19:45 | Anti-racism | Culture | Globalisation | World
Until recently, as we have all discovered new things about our character
and hearts, I really didn't think that my community within
Victoria, BC was very important, to the world, except to me B.U.T. I am
seeing that we have become the focus of these racist and amerikkkan
paranoic assaults like the rest of the dissidents in larger more well
known cities. I fear that I might fail my community of New Palestine/The
and hearts, I really didn't think that my community within
Victoria, BC was very important, to the world, except to me B.U.T. I am
seeing that we have become the focus of these racist and amerikkkan
paranoic assaults like the rest of the dissidents in larger more well
known cities. I fear that I might fail my community of New Palestine/The
Planning the deaths of innocent People
Until recently, as we have all discovered new things about our character
and hearts, I really didn't think that my community within
Victoria, BC was very important, to the world, except to me B.U.T. I am
seeing that we have become the focus of these racist and amerikkkan
paranoic assaults like the rest of the dissidents in larger more well
known cities. I fear that I might fail my community of New Palestine/The
Hood/Fernwood -- for I am not a particularly strong man nor am I
perfect, nor am I all that brave -- however, I do try and believe in
things (which I see one tactic of the enemy is to humilate those beliefs
and destroy the believers) and I do feel the words of Khadijah McCall,
Malik el Shabazz, Imam Ali, Rose Henry, Gil Scott Heron (who I learn
more from than all the suits who claim civility) and because of bruh
Solomon Cobbs and abdul-Rahman, I have come to again appreciate the WISE
DOME of Hon Min Elijah Muhammed -- who has been greatly left
unappreciated due to the over shadowing of his articulate followers --
some of whom being Malik to Farrakhan to Khalif Muhammad and gladly so
forth -- so it is important as is taught by wise men of many beliefs and
of ISlam that we must fight with the tools appropriate to the battle --
for should we sink to the low levels of the snakes/bullies/tyrannts we
wish to combat we would have failed. We have been taught mercy,
compassion, kindness and not go up against peoples who are unready/unfit
for combat or to use WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction or DIStraction)
against children and against men and women with rocks and baseball bats
or what likkle arms they can scrape together to keep the Culture and
maintain Freedome Justice Equality. When we fight it is not to conquer
B.U.T. to regain the meaning lost in translation to an "openning".
I post this, because we have seen a trend and harsh attack -- via the
net and physical assaults by various special interests groups out to
pull a COINTELPRO bombardment of the peoples with ignorance, as well as
arms meant to kill -- in the end they are so self absorbed in hate and
greed that these stumbling people see not the ignorance they display to
the world and how completely unattractive they appear to the present
generation; that they see the solution to the situation not via Freedome
Justice Equality B.U.T. in tyranny and might makes right tactics of fear
to maintain their power and desires over an oppressed people. It is a
sad situation to live in a time inwhich we see this sociopathic behavior
at large and well armed, B.U.T. it is a reality inwhich we must struggle
(jihad -- theTRu meaning of jihad-- which is struggle and not war) for
TRU freedome.
...and an outer struggle begins with an inner struggle
As our peoples are being assaulted and bullied physically with bombs and
shelling and radiations poisoning, as well as, rapes and disease, we are
being attacked by the pen and the net and in public with harsh words
cruelity and dumb founding callousness. ...and it makes us afraid cuz we
live among these people -- it's like discovering that you have walked
into nieghbourhood of serial killers and vampires who consider such
conduct as normal and civilized. All our morality has been turned round.
Killing the poor is good and so is greed as is mass murder. ...and
belief in kindness courtesy and compassion is considered foolish. TO be
loyal and ethical is something for fools, so we are told. ...and all our
passion can be wiped away with a "hit and run" quip and cyber smirk and
lowbrow joke to make the bored romans seated in the arena giggle -- we
are told today that this is courage. ...B.U.T. what about the thousands
dead in Iraq? what about the murder of our native bredden (which our so
called 'activist' and 'anarchist' remain impotent in their "activISM' to
address)? what about the killing of the poor in British Columbia by the
jakes? what about the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the ever
growing middle-east and the whitemail and harassement by north
amerikkkan zionist that we should say nothing about it? what about the
gentrification of our hoods? what about using the poor as babymaking
machines? what about the left so called activists, who act just like the
aryan nation, only they hide behind privialge, white feminism, the
gaygousie, consume tofu and claim a safe cause celeb to attack all the
samo niggers that the powers have always attacked? What about all the
supremacy of the great white north who when confronted or criticized are
the first to holla "racism"? as they call a kkkop gang to kill the
niggers and the natives and poor? ...again - what about Anthany James
Dawson (11 Aug 99)? Gerald Kaboni, Frank Paul? Jeff Berg and the
countless others and the daily deaths of our shahada/our martrys? in
this the ethnic, cultural and economic cleansing in the western puscht
for power and property.
...diaries in New Palestine
...and I feel ashamed at my community for their bigotry, coldness and
lack of concern concerning the feeding fest that this place has had with
the lives of our native bredden, our youth, our blacks, our poors -- the
suicides... the many, many suicides = slow or quick. The joy taken in
destroying people who are not white and not wealthy -- the mental
pimpin, the emotional and psychic vampirism.
It is, especially, in these times, becoming almost impossible to hide
the overwhelming apathied and supremacy of this town -- victoria, bc.
...and I feel ashamed that my peoples, become deaf dumb and blind to the
overwhelming apathied and supremacy of this place. ...and as their
"tolerence" has been put to the test, in these times, have shown
themselves no better than the horrid "amerikkkans" they claim to despise
-- I watch as our "activist/trendies" pretend and lie to themselves that
are 'activist" and "anachist" and are against "all forms of racism" when
they are actually infuriated by the wakeup call to their own support of
the ethinic, cultural, racial and economic cleansing around them = so
where's the anrachy? Che t-shirt and palitude will get them out of
the fact they are no better than the aryan nation and the camps filling
this island.
I feel ashamed of my community of how it has taken refuge behind every
liberal cause and agenda to redefine them for the age of supremacy and
racial and ethnic murder.
I feel ashamed how victoria has chosen to become violent in it is choice
of white supremacy over accepting and greeting the new faces and
cultures who are to be respected as individuals and not subjected and
assimulated as slaves and novelities.
I feel ashamed how my community DISplays it's ignorance instead of it's
internal beauty to the world now that all eyes are on them.
We must all do our part in every sector, block and every ghetto, and
every hood and city and country to keep Freedome Justice Equality -- to
"Be a friend to the oppressed and an enemy to the oppressor"
It is import, my peoples (nas), that we are aware of the tactics used to
destroy us, turn each against each one and/or offer us DIS in the
formation of fake Knowledge.
These are scarey times and our enemies are very few B.U.T. very well
armed with physical weapons and our enemies are free with threats
because they are cowards well armed and ready to take out as many of us
possible until they runnout of arms and scrilla. Then only the TRU and
the Brave will be steady in our inner and outer struggle against the
peace to Anthany James Dawson and all the loved ones who have fallen and
who still believe in Freedome Justice Equality
keep yuh nerve
1425 Lawrence Y Braithwaite (aka Lord Patch)
New Palestine/Fernwood/The Hood
Victoria, BC
"Forty-four years ago, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to me,
"Brother Farrakhan, you cannot fathom the depth of Satan." Those of us
who can't think like that would never believe that a human being was
capable of planning the deaths of innocent people to further a political
and an economic objective. ...Now, they are saying that President George
W. Bush is the greatest friend that Israel has had of any president in
this country. Well, if George W. Bush is their greatest friend, then how
can he be an honest broker in a search for peace?"
--Hon Mins Farrakhan
Imam Amir al-mu'minin (A.S) said: People are enemies of what they do not
"Revolution is bloody,revolution is hostile,revolution knows no
compromise,revolution overturns and destroys everything that gets in its
way. And you, sitting around here like a knot on the wall, saying:'I 'm
going to love these folks no matter how much they hate me.'No,you need a
revolution." --Malik Shabaaz;Message to the Grass Roots
"If you avoid breaking laws and do what you're told and ignore the poor,
the oppressed and the downtrodden - you probably won't be bothered. If
you try to right what is wrong, however, you will surely meet great
opposition and run the risk of imprisonment or death."
--- a message from leonard peltier
" Eight witnesses testified during the inquest about a police officer
punching Anthany but the Coroner and the jury refused to address the
specific issue of force or alleged brutality. Perhaps they did
indirectly when they said a contributing factor in Anthany's death was
how the police and paramedics restrained him. But because of
'wall-to-wall lawyers', the jury's hands were tied."
Until recently, as we have all discovered new things about our character
and hearts, I really didn't think that my community within
Victoria, BC was very important, to the world, except to me B.U.T. I am
seeing that we have become the focus of these racist and amerikkkan
paranoic assaults like the rest of the dissidents in larger more well
known cities. I fear that I might fail my community of New Palestine/The
Hood/Fernwood -- for I am not a particularly strong man nor am I
perfect, nor am I all that brave -- however, I do try and believe in
things (which I see one tactic of the enemy is to humilate those beliefs
and destroy the believers) and I do feel the words of Khadijah McCall,
Malik el Shabazz, Imam Ali, Rose Henry, Gil Scott Heron (who I learn
more from than all the suits who claim civility) and because of bruh
Solomon Cobbs and abdul-Rahman, I have come to again appreciate the WISE
DOME of Hon Min Elijah Muhammed -- who has been greatly left
unappreciated due to the over shadowing of his articulate followers --
some of whom being Malik to Farrakhan to Khalif Muhammad and gladly so
forth -- so it is important as is taught by wise men of many beliefs and
of ISlam that we must fight with the tools appropriate to the battle --
for should we sink to the low levels of the snakes/bullies/tyrannts we
wish to combat we would have failed. We have been taught mercy,
compassion, kindness and not go up against peoples who are unready/unfit
for combat or to use WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction or DIStraction)
against children and against men and women with rocks and baseball bats
or what likkle arms they can scrape together to keep the Culture and
maintain Freedome Justice Equality. When we fight it is not to conquer
B.U.T. to regain the meaning lost in translation to an "openning".
I post this, because we have seen a trend and harsh attack -- via the
net and physical assaults by various special interests groups out to
pull a COINTELPRO bombardment of the peoples with ignorance, as well as
arms meant to kill -- in the end they are so self absorbed in hate and
greed that these stumbling people see not the ignorance they display to
the world and how completely unattractive they appear to the present
generation; that they see the solution to the situation not via Freedome
Justice Equality B.U.T. in tyranny and might makes right tactics of fear
to maintain their power and desires over an oppressed people. It is a
sad situation to live in a time inwhich we see this sociopathic behavior
at large and well armed, B.U.T. it is a reality inwhich we must struggle
(jihad -- theTRu meaning of jihad-- which is struggle and not war) for
TRU freedome.
...and an outer struggle begins with an inner struggle
As our peoples are being assaulted and bullied physically with bombs and
shelling and radiations poisoning, as well as, rapes and disease, we are
being attacked by the pen and the net and in public with harsh words
cruelity and dumb founding callousness. ...and it makes us afraid cuz we
live among these people -- it's like discovering that you have walked
into nieghbourhood of serial killers and vampires who consider such
conduct as normal and civilized. All our morality has been turned round.
Killing the poor is good and so is greed as is mass murder. ...and
belief in kindness courtesy and compassion is considered foolish. TO be
loyal and ethical is something for fools, so we are told. ...and all our
passion can be wiped away with a "hit and run" quip and cyber smirk and
lowbrow joke to make the bored romans seated in the arena giggle -- we
are told today that this is courage. ...B.U.T. what about the thousands
dead in Iraq? what about the murder of our native bredden (which our so
called 'activist' and 'anarchist' remain impotent in their "activISM' to
address)? what about the killing of the poor in British Columbia by the
jakes? what about the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the ever
growing middle-east and the whitemail and harassement by north
amerikkkan zionist that we should say nothing about it? what about the
gentrification of our hoods? what about using the poor as babymaking
machines? what about the left so called activists, who act just like the
aryan nation, only they hide behind privialge, white feminism, the
gaygousie, consume tofu and claim a safe cause celeb to attack all the
samo niggers that the powers have always attacked? What about all the
supremacy of the great white north who when confronted or criticized are
the first to holla "racism"? as they call a kkkop gang to kill the
niggers and the natives and poor? ...again - what about Anthany James
Dawson (11 Aug 99)? Gerald Kaboni, Frank Paul? Jeff Berg and the
countless others and the daily deaths of our shahada/our martrys? in
this the ethnic, cultural and economic cleansing in the western puscht
for power and property.
...diaries in New Palestine
...and I feel ashamed at my community for their bigotry, coldness and
lack of concern concerning the feeding fest that this place has had with
the lives of our native bredden, our youth, our blacks, our poors -- the
suicides... the many, many suicides = slow or quick. The joy taken in
destroying people who are not white and not wealthy -- the mental
pimpin, the emotional and psychic vampirism.
It is, especially, in these times, becoming almost impossible to hide
the overwhelming apathied and supremacy of this town -- victoria, bc.
...and I feel ashamed that my peoples, become deaf dumb and blind to the
overwhelming apathied and supremacy of this place. ...and as their
"tolerence" has been put to the test, in these times, have shown
themselves no better than the horrid "amerikkkans" they claim to despise
-- I watch as our "activist/trendies" pretend and lie to themselves that
are 'activist" and "anachist" and are against "all forms of racism" when
they are actually infuriated by the wakeup call to their own support of
the ethinic, cultural, racial and economic cleansing around them = so
where's the anrachy? Che t-shirt and palitude will get them out of
the fact they are no better than the aryan nation and the camps filling
this island.
I feel ashamed of my community of how it has taken refuge behind every
liberal cause and agenda to redefine them for the age of supremacy and
racial and ethnic murder.
I feel ashamed how victoria has chosen to become violent in it is choice
of white supremacy over accepting and greeting the new faces and
cultures who are to be respected as individuals and not subjected and
assimulated as slaves and novelities.
I feel ashamed how my community DISplays it's ignorance instead of it's
internal beauty to the world now that all eyes are on them.
We must all do our part in every sector, block and every ghetto, and
every hood and city and country to keep Freedome Justice Equality -- to
"Be a friend to the oppressed and an enemy to the oppressor"
It is import, my peoples (nas), that we are aware of the tactics used to
destroy us, turn each against each one and/or offer us DIS in the
formation of fake Knowledge.
These are scarey times and our enemies are very few B.U.T. very well
armed with physical weapons and our enemies are free with threats
because they are cowards well armed and ready to take out as many of us
possible until they runnout of arms and scrilla. Then only the TRU and
the Brave will be steady in our inner and outer struggle against the
peace to Anthany James Dawson and all the loved ones who have fallen and
who still believe in Freedome Justice Equality
keep yuh nerve
1425 Lawrence Y Braithwaite (aka Lord Patch)
New Palestine/Fernwood/The Hood
Victoria, BC
"Forty-four years ago, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to me,
"Brother Farrakhan, you cannot fathom the depth of Satan." Those of us
who can't think like that would never believe that a human being was
capable of planning the deaths of innocent people to further a political
and an economic objective. ...Now, they are saying that President George
W. Bush is the greatest friend that Israel has had of any president in
this country. Well, if George W. Bush is their greatest friend, then how
can he be an honest broker in a search for peace?"
--Hon Mins Farrakhan
Imam Amir al-mu'minin (A.S) said: People are enemies of what they do not
"Revolution is bloody,revolution is hostile,revolution knows no
compromise,revolution overturns and destroys everything that gets in its
way. And you, sitting around here like a knot on the wall, saying:'I 'm
going to love these folks no matter how much they hate me.'No,you need a
revolution." --Malik Shabaaz;Message to the Grass Roots
"If you avoid breaking laws and do what you're told and ignore the poor,
the oppressed and the downtrodden - you probably won't be bothered. If
you try to right what is wrong, however, you will surely meet great
opposition and run the risk of imprisonment or death."
--- a message from leonard peltier
" Eight witnesses testified during the inquest about a police officer
punching Anthany but the Coroner and the jury refused to address the
specific issue of force or alleged brutality. Perhaps they did
indirectly when they said a contributing factor in Anthany's death was
how the police and paramedics restrained him. But because of
'wall-to-wall lawyers', the jury's hands were tied."



