Of murder and a friend
Ytzhak | 21.08.2004 19:40 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Repression | World
I am reminded/Of murder and a friend shot through the head behind a police station/I am reminded of Anthany James Dawson pounded into a coma on the streets/of Victoria by police officers/I am reminded/Of the self lynched black and Native youth sentenced to death by the callousness and mental pimpin of this city… cuz they consume native and black boys/I am reminded;/"keep a cool head" as the song by marcus Garvey go
I am reminded
Of murder and a friend shot through the head behind a police station
I am reminded of Anthany James Dawson pounded into a coma on the streets
of Victoria by police officers
I am reminded
Of the self lynched black and Native youth sentenced to death by the
callousness and mental pimpin of this city… cuz they consume native and
black boys
I am reminded;
"keep a cool head" as the song by marcus Garvey goes.
I am reminded;
“I recall that my great master the late Grand Ayatollah (Hossein)
Boroujerdi once said: “I am a different man every day.” This statement
expresses an important point: that no one can claim to have access to
the absolute truth, and that everyone should always strive to correct
one's positions and views in the direction of the superior truth. Yet,
what one has achieved as a result of one's sincere efforts at any given
time can be taken as evidence of truth, and one should adhere to it
until one has reached a superior truth, or has discovered one's own
error.”-- Ayatollah Hossein ‘Ali Montazeri
...and dig the samizdat
Islam as dissidents and antipoverty revolutionaries -- a Muslim as a
revolutionary one step forward from Sandinista
I'm noticing more bullying, more propaganda -- the propaganda of hate
and self deception coming out of my town; even within the artist
community and the left (which has never really been open minded – simply
pretentious in it’s blue haired decadence – it’s post modernist fascism
= hacks) -- all are afraid of the powers they posed to be against or
have fallen inline with them for profit -- and the ignorance which they
hid behind, with their middle class political correctness, is showing
itself to full effect.
the trend is to find a moral high ground to hide behind to express your
hate for the samo people you've always oppressed -- niggers, natives and
sand niggers. It transforms into the metaphor of invasion -- invasions
of noble peoples, the psychic, the emotional and physicals assaults of
those who dissent, be they overseas or across the street. The treachery
has come to the point of hiding your odi(N)um behind a cause celeb – the
defense of white wimmyn hood (kinda like the south during the civil
war), the gayousie gated community and crime … reaganomic and mulronyISM
in hemp funKAY gear with a alternative twist.
it seems that the left only concerns itself now with white rich
homosexuals, pagans, the business community and their security forces.
on the anniversary of Anthany James Dawson's murder by the VDP all that
our "HEP" weekly "Monday Mag" (now a Provada for the city and the thugz)
would concern the citizens with is the DIStraction of cellulite around
the city and why gay men have a bad body image.
Our so called left remained silent …yes…we had to hear of the struggles
of white folk -- an amerikkkan vegan looking for imported food in prison
and old middle class caucasoid woman claiming native land for the
neocolonist – the environmentalist.
“All they’re doin is telling us black kids and everybody that’s minorities
that our life isn’t worth anything”
-- Fun da Mentalz -- Seize The Time
Nada on the issues
next issue following, our false journalist rage another siege on the The
Hood/Fernwood/New Palestine (for a second time). Fernwood is one of the
hoods in this town of victoria, bc, with the most nonwhites, especailly
young and growing urban Native community – something not liked by even
the left = ‘why can’ they stay on the reservation’. The only voices
heard from are the white and the middle class. The supremacist
propaganda is aimed at the section of New Palestine with the most the
Natives and poor. The solution offered is not a 10 Point Program,
following in the foots steps of the noble Black Panthers – no we don’t
make heroes or role models or even listen to nonwhite people—we destroy
them and get them to lynch themselves = less messy no evidence. We build
to destroy by constructing juvi halls and more prisons)…
We a call for more policing in a largely native and poor area – what a
slap in the face to the memory of Gerald kaboni, Jeff Berg, Ian Hunter,
Anthany Griffith and Anthany Dawson… the problem with Fernwood are not
the Natives, the poor and the nonwhites = drugs, drug dealers = redzoned
(banded from downtown) = the poor = drugs addicts and drug dealers and
junkies and nonwhites B.U.T. the influx of white supremacist, racist
renting policies -- the bigots who are looking for an alternative gated
community = police and thieves
…oh yeah.
could this be more of an excuse for the gentrification and clean up of
New Palestine for the wealthy and the south Africans with stolen booty?
The yuppies looking for homes away from the east with their darkies? and
for the yuppies’ cool kids looking for pads away from mom and dad? Or on
their way to the rich and paled up semi-education centre of UVIC
...let's not forget the olympics – and the city's rococo abomination of
crackedout fibreglass whales infesting every block and corner replacing
the homeless who once stood there with no shelter, food or caring.
"Like dogs living in a household, natives are literally given scraps
from the tables of their conquering masters. A few hundred thousand
dollars are given to the natives in order to make them a dependent race
with no future ambitions of independent Statehood. From the perspective
of the master, it would be unthinkable for a dog to rise up and reclaim
its lands and dignity in the form of Statehood. The pet dog has been
conditioned to be content with his doghouse, meagre scraps, and its
master’s rules. It would be an understatement to say that dogs are
treated more humanely than aboriginals in their
doghouse-reservation-like existence."
--Alden C. Mayfield -- Cowboys and Indians: Perspectives on Patterns of
U.S. and Israeli Colonization
victoria as a bad amerikkka = kkklans men and aryans in che t-shirts
colonizing the occupied terrorities of a once native island.
The magazine, has(cks), like our left, become an advert/propaganda for
urban planning. Alas, garnering the cause of gentrification in New
Palestine, as well as, for the entire city, which has become a cloned
wasteland of the dying yuppy gay berg of what was once san francisco.
people seem to be afraid to stand up for anything or anyone or cause
which the powers have declared to be an enemy of the state....i guess
all the vacations to the civilized gated communities of so caL (southern
cali) has left our left with a taste for life in the suburbs without
niggers, native, sandniggers and the poor.
the failure of the poser west’s left/anarchist, with photocopier access,
has left the Che rockin combat cool kids, racist white bwais in dreds
and aging Hippicrits in shame cuz they chose, not exile or revolution or
even guaranteed income, B.U.T. static quo - the compliance with the
state, as did the german peoples with the nazis during the hitler regime
or the white citizenry in amerikkka, as blacks were beaten to death and
lynched as did those who ghettoize and killed the Irish, as are the
haitians colonized and captured by kkkanada and west, as did the anglo
blokes when the french, in quebec, were beaten and left in ghettos for
not speaking english, as our Iraqi bredden and sistren are attacked
today yet they form human shields against oppression. as are the
palestinians left to be exterminated by the riechstag of israel, the
U.S.less, ukkk and their all LIES.
Most people just watched, turned a blind eye, joined up, denied
everything later or bragged of disgust they never felt in their safety:
So, in that tradition of fear, in the tradition of those who signed
loyalty contracts and gave up names of comrades to the HUAC during the
50’s, in favour of surrendering their talents and their career to
mediocrity and white 50's comatose existence, our left pose and suck
back coffee in their white folk only cliques of activist impotence,
burying their heads in the sand or up the posteriors of sagging nudity,
found in photo spreads disrespecting women, as they transform and
transendanger radicalism with conformity towards the neocon/noelib
agenda of policing and decadent DIStraction.
It seems the only peoples willing to make or take a stand in the name of
and for the advancement of the cause against tyranny = ignorance are
those we are told are villains, criminals, nare do wells, anitgays,
sexist and terrorists... so be it then are the new heroes, the new
radicals and revolutionaries for a new a millenium.
"These poor Indians are incapable of producing cinema films to show the
reality of what happened. But the Americans can produce many films to
present the American soldiers as poor people who are defending
civilization, and they place red feathers on the heads of the Red
Indians picturing them as ignorant and immoral barbarians, and that they
are attacking the peaceful Americans who in fact came and raped their
lands and built forts on them." -- Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
So be it that then -- this radicalism is found in peoples called
criminals and the so called backward violent faith of Islam because they
do what the left and the poser anarchist will not -- care for the poor,
they show strength, and are willing to stand up to tyrants. Then so be
it then -- that those the robber barons call criminal, therefore,
muslim, who are supposed be terrorist; those who follow the path of
islam, and choose to follow the way/do of TRU
civilization/thought/Knowledge Wise Dome Understanding are the only hope
for Freedome Justice Equalty -- our overcoming the oppressors in this
the twisted era of greed and callousness--for were not Che, the Black
Panthers and Blacks, who learned to read, once considered criminals, as
well as, women who tried to vote. Was not Malcolm once Conned and
assumed that all was as the oppressors said until he found the voices of
the TRU radicals – not lost in the what Eliot called the “wasteland”.
“ …a white man can’t fight a guerilla war. Guerilla action takes heart:
takes nerve and he doesn’t have that.” -- Malik el Shabazz -- “The
ballot or the Bullet”
People once quoted Mao and Marx and now in this era Shariati, Malik
Shabazz, Ali ibn abu Talib, Leonard Peltier, The Native Youth Movement
should be counted among the revolutionary voices of all students and Tru
radicals although the actions of the Russian revolution, the Cuban
revolution should not be forgotten B.U.T. the heroes of the new
revolutions should be honoured and preserved – from Iran to Iraq to
Palestine to Ireland to Quebec… B.U.T will the revolution against
tyranny and oppression ever travel here or is that what our enemies are
afraid of are we too DIStracted and CONvinced of fear = their power? Is
that what our enemies count on?
“My friend, Ali sacrificed his life for these considerations: School of
Thought, Unity and Justice. It was evident in his twenty-three years of
struggles and sacrifices to establish faith in the hearts of barbaric
parties. It was evident in his twenty-five years of silence and
endurance in order to preserve Islamic unity and save it from the
dangers of the Roman and Persian empires. It was evident in his five
years of work and suffering to achieve justice, using his sword to
destroy hatred and liberate man. Though he was not able to achieve this,
he managed to impart to us the meaning of the leadership of mankind and
religion. He placed his life and the life of his family on these three
slogans: School of Thought, Unity and Justice!”—Dr Shariati
people are hanging the posers who wear those Che t-shirts out to dry,
and using the media and their lies as wrapping for fish and chips, as
the TRU rock their hoods with Sadr, Nasrallah, The Native Youth
Movement, the almost forgotten and coopted Black Panthers and their TRU
comunity activism, The New Black Panther party, the words and Knowledge
of Ali Ibn Abu Talib, Mumia Abu Jamal, Leonard Peltier, Rose Henry, Big
Garlic Bobcat, Junious Ricardo Stanton, The Carbon Afrikan Nation, Aaron
Vidaver, Osiris, Abu Jamal, Watanabe, Shariati, Kwame Ture, Rev Davin
Ouimet, Malik el Shabazz, the prophecies of Garvey and Honourable Elijah
Muhammad. …
people raise the picture of Che or put his face up on walls and/in
windows -- perhaps they should consider also a heart closer to our hoods
-- Anthany James Dawson as a symbol of the martyrs of North Amerikkka
like Amadou Diallo and all the fallen everymen darker than blue.
word (s)
…and those we see risking their lives, standing strong without the
spotlight and lies and the media/propaganda for the system which tries
and lies to crush us all.
I am reminded of building a case…
khoda hafez
1425 Lawrence Y Braithwaite (aka Lord Patch)
New Palestine/Fernwood/The Hood
Victoria, BC
Mysterious Death of Native Artist: Anthany Dawson
ANTHANY DAWSON FACT SHEET - Rose Henry August 2002
I am reminded
Of murder and a friend shot through the head behind a police station
I am reminded of Anthany James Dawson pounded into a coma on the streets
of Victoria by police officers
I am reminded
Of the self lynched black and Native youth sentenced to death by the
callousness and mental pimpin of this city… cuz they consume native and
black boys
I am reminded;
"keep a cool head" as the song by marcus Garvey goes.
I am reminded;
“I recall that my great master the late Grand Ayatollah (Hossein)
Boroujerdi once said: “I am a different man every day.” This statement
expresses an important point: that no one can claim to have access to
the absolute truth, and that everyone should always strive to correct
one's positions and views in the direction of the superior truth. Yet,
what one has achieved as a result of one's sincere efforts at any given
time can be taken as evidence of truth, and one should adhere to it
until one has reached a superior truth, or has discovered one's own
error.”-- Ayatollah Hossein ‘Ali Montazeri
...and dig the samizdat
Islam as dissidents and antipoverty revolutionaries -- a Muslim as a
revolutionary one step forward from Sandinista
I'm noticing more bullying, more propaganda -- the propaganda of hate
and self deception coming out of my town; even within the artist
community and the left (which has never really been open minded – simply
pretentious in it’s blue haired decadence – it’s post modernist fascism
= hacks) -- all are afraid of the powers they posed to be against or
have fallen inline with them for profit -- and the ignorance which they
hid behind, with their middle class political correctness, is showing
itself to full effect.
the trend is to find a moral high ground to hide behind to express your
hate for the samo people you've always oppressed -- niggers, natives and
sand niggers. It transforms into the metaphor of invasion -- invasions
of noble peoples, the psychic, the emotional and physicals assaults of
those who dissent, be they overseas or across the street. The treachery
has come to the point of hiding your odi(N)um behind a cause celeb – the
defense of white wimmyn hood (kinda like the south during the civil
war), the gayousie gated community and crime … reaganomic and mulronyISM
in hemp funKAY gear with a alternative twist.
it seems that the left only concerns itself now with white rich
homosexuals, pagans, the business community and their security forces.
on the anniversary of Anthany James Dawson's murder by the VDP all that
our "HEP" weekly "Monday Mag" (now a Provada for the city and the thugz)
would concern the citizens with is the DIStraction of cellulite around
the city and why gay men have a bad body image.
Our so called left remained silent …yes…we had to hear of the struggles
of white folk -- an amerikkkan vegan looking for imported food in prison
and old middle class caucasoid woman claiming native land for the
neocolonist – the environmentalist.
“All they’re doin is telling us black kids and everybody that’s minorities
that our life isn’t worth anything”
-- Fun da Mentalz -- Seize The Time
Nada on the issues
next issue following, our false journalist rage another siege on the The
Hood/Fernwood/New Palestine (for a second time). Fernwood is one of the
hoods in this town of victoria, bc, with the most nonwhites, especailly
young and growing urban Native community – something not liked by even
the left = ‘why can’ they stay on the reservation’. The only voices
heard from are the white and the middle class. The supremacist
propaganda is aimed at the section of New Palestine with the most the
Natives and poor. The solution offered is not a 10 Point Program,
following in the foots steps of the noble Black Panthers – no we don’t
make heroes or role models or even listen to nonwhite people—we destroy
them and get them to lynch themselves = less messy no evidence. We build
to destroy by constructing juvi halls and more prisons)…
We a call for more policing in a largely native and poor area – what a
slap in the face to the memory of Gerald kaboni, Jeff Berg, Ian Hunter,
Anthany Griffith and Anthany Dawson… the problem with Fernwood are not
the Natives, the poor and the nonwhites = drugs, drug dealers = redzoned
(banded from downtown) = the poor = drugs addicts and drug dealers and
junkies and nonwhites B.U.T. the influx of white supremacist, racist
renting policies -- the bigots who are looking for an alternative gated
community = police and thieves
…oh yeah.
could this be more of an excuse for the gentrification and clean up of
New Palestine for the wealthy and the south Africans with stolen booty?
The yuppies looking for homes away from the east with their darkies? and
for the yuppies’ cool kids looking for pads away from mom and dad? Or on
their way to the rich and paled up semi-education centre of UVIC
...let's not forget the olympics – and the city's rococo abomination of
crackedout fibreglass whales infesting every block and corner replacing
the homeless who once stood there with no shelter, food or caring.
"Like dogs living in a household, natives are literally given scraps
from the tables of their conquering masters. A few hundred thousand
dollars are given to the natives in order to make them a dependent race
with no future ambitions of independent Statehood. From the perspective
of the master, it would be unthinkable for a dog to rise up and reclaim
its lands and dignity in the form of Statehood. The pet dog has been
conditioned to be content with his doghouse, meagre scraps, and its
master’s rules. It would be an understatement to say that dogs are
treated more humanely than aboriginals in their
doghouse-reservation-like existence."
--Alden C. Mayfield -- Cowboys and Indians: Perspectives on Patterns of
U.S. and Israeli Colonization
victoria as a bad amerikkka = kkklans men and aryans in che t-shirts
colonizing the occupied terrorities of a once native island.
The magazine, has(cks), like our left, become an advert/propaganda for
urban planning. Alas, garnering the cause of gentrification in New
Palestine, as well as, for the entire city, which has become a cloned
wasteland of the dying yuppy gay berg of what was once san francisco.
people seem to be afraid to stand up for anything or anyone or cause
which the powers have declared to be an enemy of the state....i guess
all the vacations to the civilized gated communities of so caL (southern
cali) has left our left with a taste for life in the suburbs without
niggers, native, sandniggers and the poor.
the failure of the poser west’s left/anarchist, with photocopier access,
has left the Che rockin combat cool kids, racist white bwais in dreds
and aging Hippicrits in shame cuz they chose, not exile or revolution or
even guaranteed income, B.U.T. static quo - the compliance with the
state, as did the german peoples with the nazis during the hitler regime
or the white citizenry in amerikkka, as blacks were beaten to death and
lynched as did those who ghettoize and killed the Irish, as are the
haitians colonized and captured by kkkanada and west, as did the anglo
blokes when the french, in quebec, were beaten and left in ghettos for
not speaking english, as our Iraqi bredden and sistren are attacked
today yet they form human shields against oppression. as are the
palestinians left to be exterminated by the riechstag of israel, the
U.S.less, ukkk and their all LIES.
Most people just watched, turned a blind eye, joined up, denied
everything later or bragged of disgust they never felt in their safety:
So, in that tradition of fear, in the tradition of those who signed
loyalty contracts and gave up names of comrades to the HUAC during the
50’s, in favour of surrendering their talents and their career to
mediocrity and white 50's comatose existence, our left pose and suck
back coffee in their white folk only cliques of activist impotence,
burying their heads in the sand or up the posteriors of sagging nudity,
found in photo spreads disrespecting women, as they transform and
transendanger radicalism with conformity towards the neocon/noelib
agenda of policing and decadent DIStraction.
It seems the only peoples willing to make or take a stand in the name of
and for the advancement of the cause against tyranny = ignorance are
those we are told are villains, criminals, nare do wells, anitgays,
sexist and terrorists... so be it then are the new heroes, the new
radicals and revolutionaries for a new a millenium.
"These poor Indians are incapable of producing cinema films to show the
reality of what happened. But the Americans can produce many films to
present the American soldiers as poor people who are defending
civilization, and they place red feathers on the heads of the Red
Indians picturing them as ignorant and immoral barbarians, and that they
are attacking the peaceful Americans who in fact came and raped their
lands and built forts on them." -- Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
So be it that then -- this radicalism is found in peoples called
criminals and the so called backward violent faith of Islam because they
do what the left and the poser anarchist will not -- care for the poor,
they show strength, and are willing to stand up to tyrants. Then so be
it then -- that those the robber barons call criminal, therefore,
muslim, who are supposed be terrorist; those who follow the path of
islam, and choose to follow the way/do of TRU
civilization/thought/Knowledge Wise Dome Understanding are the only hope
for Freedome Justice Equalty -- our overcoming the oppressors in this
the twisted era of greed and callousness--for were not Che, the Black
Panthers and Blacks, who learned to read, once considered criminals, as
well as, women who tried to vote. Was not Malcolm once Conned and
assumed that all was as the oppressors said until he found the voices of
the TRU radicals – not lost in the what Eliot called the “wasteland”.
“ …a white man can’t fight a guerilla war. Guerilla action takes heart:
takes nerve and he doesn’t have that.” -- Malik el Shabazz -- “The
ballot or the Bullet”
People once quoted Mao and Marx and now in this era Shariati, Malik
Shabazz, Ali ibn abu Talib, Leonard Peltier, The Native Youth Movement
should be counted among the revolutionary voices of all students and Tru
radicals although the actions of the Russian revolution, the Cuban
revolution should not be forgotten B.U.T. the heroes of the new
revolutions should be honoured and preserved – from Iran to Iraq to
Palestine to Ireland to Quebec… B.U.T will the revolution against
tyranny and oppression ever travel here or is that what our enemies are
afraid of are we too DIStracted and CONvinced of fear = their power? Is
that what our enemies count on?
“My friend, Ali sacrificed his life for these considerations: School of
Thought, Unity and Justice. It was evident in his twenty-three years of
struggles and sacrifices to establish faith in the hearts of barbaric
parties. It was evident in his twenty-five years of silence and
endurance in order to preserve Islamic unity and save it from the
dangers of the Roman and Persian empires. It was evident in his five
years of work and suffering to achieve justice, using his sword to
destroy hatred and liberate man. Though he was not able to achieve this,
he managed to impart to us the meaning of the leadership of mankind and
religion. He placed his life and the life of his family on these three
slogans: School of Thought, Unity and Justice!”—Dr Shariati
people are hanging the posers who wear those Che t-shirts out to dry,
and using the media and their lies as wrapping for fish and chips, as
the TRU rock their hoods with Sadr, Nasrallah, The Native Youth
Movement, the almost forgotten and coopted Black Panthers and their TRU
comunity activism, The New Black Panther party, the words and Knowledge
of Ali Ibn Abu Talib, Mumia Abu Jamal, Leonard Peltier, Rose Henry, Big
Garlic Bobcat, Junious Ricardo Stanton, The Carbon Afrikan Nation, Aaron
Vidaver, Osiris, Abu Jamal, Watanabe, Shariati, Kwame Ture, Rev Davin
Ouimet, Malik el Shabazz, the prophecies of Garvey and Honourable Elijah
Muhammad. …
people raise the picture of Che or put his face up on walls and/in
windows -- perhaps they should consider also a heart closer to our hoods
-- Anthany James Dawson as a symbol of the martyrs of North Amerikkka
like Amadou Diallo and all the fallen everymen darker than blue.
word (s)
…and those we see risking their lives, standing strong without the
spotlight and lies and the media/propaganda for the system which tries
and lies to crush us all.
I am reminded of building a case…
khoda hafez
1425 Lawrence Y Braithwaite (aka Lord Patch)
New Palestine/Fernwood/The Hood
Victoria, BC
Mysterious Death of Native Artist: Anthany Dawson

ANTHANY DAWSON FACT SHEET - Rose Henry August 2002
