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Marks and Spencer protest builds!

Arthur Dent | 27.02.2004 16:02 | Anti-racism | London

Despite pressure from Zionists and recent threats, supporters mobilise to help the Palestinians.

Last week when I published a review of the M&S pickets several complaints were listed against the title 'Victory to the Intifada!'
I have taken these complaints on board and have adjusted my wording accordingly.


We call ourselves 'Victory to the Intifada' and not 'Hands of Palestine' or something similar in order to show our direct support for the just struggle of the Palestinian people. A just struggle for their own state, their own land and basic human rights. If anyone has a problem with this, well tough.

It seems most genuine conscientious human beings don't have a problem with the term 'Victory to the Intifada' though, and this was reflected by the numbers and new faces who came to the demonstration last night against Marks and Spencers support of Zionism. The last couple of weeks have been quite slow and the fascist counter-demonstration outnumbered the Palestinian one, but last night the situation was reversed and there was a vibrant and cheerful picket educating the public about the atrocities of the Israeli state.

It is imperative we keep building though and add to the pressure which M&S is facing and that Israel is facing by the international community. The first casualties of the newly finished apartheid wall occured last week, as 2 were shot dead on a protest against it, there will no doubt be more casualties to come and yet more abuses of human rights against the Palestinians.

If you live in London and wish to show your support of the Palestinians then come to Marks and Spencer on Oxford St (Marble Arch end) from 6-8pm every Thursday.

Victory to the Intifada!

Arthur Dent
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Display the following 6 comments

  1. grumble — batman
  2. Why take sides? — solo
  3. The Palestinian people's choice: — Ross P
  4. Hmmm — Andy
  5. Why so many negative comments you may well ask — I.G farben
  6. Victory to the Intefada? — Michael