Urgent Sehar Shebaz and baby taken to Yarl's Wood
John O | 19.05.2010 10:35 | Anti-racism | Migration
Please take action. While it has been announced that children are no longer to be detained in Dungavel, Scotland, this mother and 8 months old baby are to be put on a van and taken to Yarl's Wood, England. Despite the new government's announcement that child detention will be ended, children are still being arrested and detained.
As you may be aware Sehar Shebaz and her eight month old baby are due to be removed to Yarl's Wood. Sehar has just phoned me from Dungavel she has been vomiting since the early hours and her baby is distressed. Sehar feels her baby is too young for a nine hour journey in the back of a van. She has a few minutes ago informed the Dungavel staff that it is a hardship on her baby to force them to travel nine hours to be incarcerated in yarls wood, especially given the overnight decision to end child detention in Scotland immediately.
The Dungavel staff told Sehar that if she doesn't cooperate with the removal they will forcibly remove her baby from her and take them both in separate vans to Yarl's Wood. Quite understandably Sehar is terrified and upset.
Is there anything any of you can do to stop the removal immediately so that this vulnerable young woman and her baby can remain in Scotland so that her case can be resolved by a suitable lawyer her only crime was to flee a violent husband she fears reprisals if she is returned to Pakistan where there is a social stigma attached to wives who leave their husbands and they are regarded as fallen women. Sehar fears an acid attack or murder if she us returned to Pakistan.
The new announcement about ending child detention in Scotland means nothing for Sehar, families are simply being driven hundreds of miles and being locked up in Yarl's Wood in England. The victory was very hollow and we have won no concessions in this case. Please could you use whatever power you possess to stop Sehar and her baby being taken to Yarl's Wood this morning.
Please keep up the pressure and write to all of the following and copy all emails to
Danny Alexander, Secretary of state for Scotland
First Minister Alex salmond
Tavish scott, leader of the lib dems MSPs
Nick Clegg, Lib Dems leader
Tam Baillie, Childrens Commissioner
Please could you do this in the spirit of ending child detention in the UK.
Robina Qureshi
07530 690 234
Source for this message:
Robina Qureshi
The Dungavel staff told Sehar that if she doesn't cooperate with the removal they will forcibly remove her baby from her and take them both in separate vans to Yarl's Wood. Quite understandably Sehar is terrified and upset.
Is there anything any of you can do to stop the removal immediately so that this vulnerable young woman and her baby can remain in Scotland so that her case can be resolved by a suitable lawyer her only crime was to flee a violent husband she fears reprisals if she is returned to Pakistan where there is a social stigma attached to wives who leave their husbands and they are regarded as fallen women. Sehar fears an acid attack or murder if she us returned to Pakistan.
The new announcement about ending child detention in Scotland means nothing for Sehar, families are simply being driven hundreds of miles and being locked up in Yarl's Wood in England. The victory was very hollow and we have won no concessions in this case. Please could you use whatever power you possess to stop Sehar and her baby being taken to Yarl's Wood this morning.
Please keep up the pressure and write to all of the following and copy all emails to

Danny Alexander, Secretary of state for Scotland

First Minister Alex salmond

Tavish scott, leader of the lib dems MSPs

Nick Clegg, Lib Dems leader

Tam Baillie, Childrens Commissioner

Please could you do this in the spirit of ending child detention in the UK.
Robina Qureshi

07530 690 234
Source for this message:
Robina Qureshi
John O