UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Hip Hop with Lowkey for Palestine
30-05-2010 19:53
The Oxford Students' Palestine Society presents...
***************LOWKEY MC***************
Tickets: £6 OTD, proceeds go to Medical Aid for Palestinians: (

President Obama Should Be Honest About the Iran-Turkey-Brazil Nuclear Deal
30-05-2010 19:37

For we now have documentary evidence that President Obama's Secretary of State and his White House spokesman are simply not telling the truth when they say that the Brazil-Turkey deal does not meet the standards that the United States has defined for an acceptable international arrangement on refueling the Tehran Research Reactor.
Alan Lake's EDL Final Solution
30-05-2010 15:52

EDL Bank Details On Facebook
30-05-2010 00:00
EDL publish bank details on Facebook so that members can donate.Full article | 1 addition | 20 comments
EDL Plots August Race Riot in Bradford
29-05-2010 14:48

Anti-fascist pressure shuts down BNP festival
29-05-2010 14:07
A few summers of protest and direct action have paid off - the BNP's flagship Red, White & Blue festival has folded. The decision was announced at an East Midlands organisers meeting earlier this month.Peter Tierney on Trial – protest against fascist violence
28-05-2010 23:20
On Monday 14th June Peter Tierney, high-profile member and donor for the Merseyside BNP, faces trial at Liverpool Crown Court. He is accused of assaulting a trade unionist and anti-fascist protester on St George’s Day last year.Obama's letter to Lula exposes US dishonesty with Iran
28-05-2010 22:38

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Protest at G4S AGM: Stop Detaining Children and Families Now!
28-05-2010 18:04

Free Murad Akincilar! Demonstrate Wed 2 June
26-05-2010 21:35
Murad Akincilar is a Turkish trade unionist and human rights activist, who is currently in prison in Istanbul awaiting trial on 3 June.DEMONSTRATE ON THE EVE OF MURAD’S TRIAL
OUTSIDE THE TURKISH EMBASSY, 43 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PA
Wednesday 2 June 5-6pm - Called by FRFI and Gikder
Called by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! and Gikder
Obama Continues to Bully Iran
26-05-2010 15:33

In his very first press conference following the election, President Obama was asked his response to Iranian leader Ahmadinejad’s congratulatory letter. He replied, changing the subject: “Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon, I believe, is unacceptable. And we have to mount an international effort to prevent that from happening.”
It was a clear signal to the outgoing administration and its neocon masters of the Big Lie that he would persevere in their crusade to topple the Tehran government, using the convenient ploy of nuclear fear-mongering.
Boot Monarchy
24-05-2010 12:57

Oppose the EDL in Newcastle
24-05-2010 08:51
A call-out to allanti-racists and anti-facists to oppose the EDL in Newcastle on Sat 29th May.Switzerland: Short film on Zurich's Autonomous School
23-05-2010 23:44

End Detention of Children and Families!
23-05-2010 14:50
Despite numerous reports and substantial amounts of evidence, the new coalition government has only committed to a 'review' of the detention of children and families for immigration purposes. This it is entirely inadequate and unnecessary. SOAS Detainee Support therefore invites you to Release Carnival, a demonstration on the 5th of June, where we will show the government that there is wide support to stop this abhorrent practice!The English Defence League are marching at 2pm today [Saturady 22nd May]
22-05-2010 03:16
The English Defence League will be marching tomorrow along with other groups described by the EDL as patriots from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. They will b egin the march at 2pm in Tothill Street, London SW1 and will march up towards Downing Street, Trafalgar Square and to Waterloo Place. Trevor Kelway has put out a callout for the EDL to join the march in London.Dissident Island Radio tonight - a sizzling show
21-05-2010 13:40

Calling All Rebels Another Hunger Strike In Ireland
21-05-2010 02:57
Today, a selfless, dedicated and uncompromising Irish Republican political prisoner, Liam Hannaway, lies unbowed in a cold and unforgiving British gaol cell, as he enters his 35th day on Hunger Strike whilst being incarcerated at Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’s pleasure at Maghaberry Gaol, located in occupied Irish territory that is known as the State of Northern Ireland. During the recent history of Ireland’s quest for ‘Unity’, this ultimate act of Irish Republican defiance against Britain’s colonial Prison regime in the North has already been presided over by this current British monarch and by a Conservative government in Westminster! – The 1981 Hunger Strike- Lest We Forget!Full article | 1 addition | 11 comments
Call Out against EDL Fascists May 22
20-05-2010 19:15

The Neo Nazis are planning to march through the centre of London, for their "London Patriotic March" this saturday 22 may!
The EDL (English Defense League) and "Casuals United" as well as members of the BNP are planning on marching to Whitehall to hand in a letter, they are planning on marching through Parliment Square.