UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Promo Video for Anti-EDL Demo 20th June [Draft]
09-06-2010 19:54
A draft promo video for the anti-EDL demonstration in Tower Hamlets.Sunday 20th June 2010
Altab Ali Park 4PM
Women against the EDL to protest in Tower Hamlets June 20th 2010.
09-06-2010 16:17
Women against fascism will be opposing the EDL on 20th June 2010 in Tower Hamlets. The racist thugs & football hooligans of the [EDL] are trying to provoke young Muslim men into a violent response by marching on East London Mosque in Whitechapel and threatening to march on Brick Lane. Women will oppose the EDL on June 20th as we are against violence and want peace for Tower Hamlets.Two Days of Action Against Racist Press
09-06-2010 14:15
Autonomous, decentralised actions and protests against racist press across the UK -- 2nd – 3rd July 2010.Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack?
07-06-2010 09:28

The Israeli Navy Commando had prior knowledge of who was on the Turkish ship
including where passengers were residing in terms of cabin layout. According
to Swedish author Henning Mankell, who was on board the Marmara , "the
Israeli forces attacked sleeping civilians."
The International Atomic Energy Agency: From UN nuclear watchdog to US lapdog
07-06-2010 07:35

The most glaring indication of the IAEA’s appeasement of US belligerence over the latter’s allegations of Iranian nuclear ambitions, and therefore the need for further punitive UN sanctions, is the gaping omission from the agency’s report of the Tehran nuclear fuel swap declaration.
Berlin court bans Islamic prayer in schools
06-06-2010 20:47
Students in Berlin are not to be allowed to perform Islamic prayers on school grounds. While the Christian religion is routinely taught at public schools and—according to a 1979 Constitutional Court ruling—Christian school prayers can even be spoken during normal lessons, Islamic students are not allowed to perform their ritual prayers, even if they do this outside of lessons and only once a day.Calais: Africa House due for eviciton Urgent support needed
06-06-2010 13:34
Africa House is expected to be demolished and the final eviction could be NEXT Wednesday 9th June… we are organizing to defend the squat and the people who live in it, and more activists are are needed.Israel is already singled out: Unbending US support to Israel's nuclear weapons
05-06-2010 11:00

Irish Free Gaza ship heading toward Gaza coast and...
04-06-2010 16:34
"It has also been reported that the angle of some of the entry wounds indicates that the victims were shot from above. This suggests the Israelis did shoot from the helicopters as the activists have stated and as Israel has denied. No wonder the "brave IDF soldiers" had their faces covered with masks. Commiting murder is not they want their moms seeing them do. Or do they?"‘Shema Israel!’: The EDL Jewish Division
04-06-2010 10:54
The EDL are trying to set up a Jewish division which is bound to please some of the less tolerant amongst them.America Kills Peace
03-06-2010 18:23

Nothing scares the United States more than the possibility that peace might break out. Turkey and Brazil committed an unforgiveable sin, by finding a way to resolve questions about Iran’s nuclear fuel stocks. The U.S. pushed the agreement aside, preferring to move closer to war – as if that is Washington’s desired result.
The president of the United States claims the right to interfere in relations between sovereign nations, target his own citizens for death and hold anyone prisoner indefinitely. This is the description of a nation that is for all intents and purposes at war with the rest of humanity.
Blog of a Civil Service whistleblower within Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.
03-06-2010 12:05
Would you keep quite if you knew your employer had misused used public funds to charge you with being an extremist for heckling the Neo Nazi BNP after your details had been put on a Neo Nazi hit list called Redwatch? Would you refuse to drop your case with the Civil Service Commissioners if you were warned - threatened by your employer you would be sacked if you did not? If your wondering why I did then perhaps when you read my blog you will understand.The EDL: 1 Year On by ‘Malatesta’
03-06-2010 10:43
1 year older so what's going on with those cheeky monkeys in the EDL?Israel's international aggression: US thumbs up to state terror and murder
03-06-2010 07:31

And, of course, the western media/propaganda machine can be counted upon to pump out plenty of misinformation fog to afford a cover of legitimacy to this charade by the White House and its criminal client regime in Tel Aviv.
Pro-Israeli demonstrators attack and chase press photographers at Embassy today.
02-06-2010 23:07
Pro-Israeli demonstrators attack and chase press photographers at Embassy today.Against Deportation in Cardiff
02-06-2010 08:33

Islamophobic EDL rally with Zionists at Israel Embassy Weds 7pm 2nd June 2010
01-06-2010 22:20

English Hooligans Intercepted thanks to the EDL?
01-06-2010 12:25
English soccer holligans trying to sneak into South Africa via Dubai have been intercepted by the police. Wonder how they knew?Palestine Today 05312010
31-05-2010 18:23

English Defence League [EDL] plans against East London Mosque June 20th 2010.
30-05-2010 20:35