Neo-Nazis Turn Asylum Seekers, Kevin Watmough Cries His Little Eyes Out...
K.Bullstreet | 17.07.2008 16:40 | Anti-racism | London
These and other tales from the lunatic fringe of British fascism.
Shepperd & Whittle - Claim to be asylum seekers
Kevin Watmough - Claims to be BPP leader
Pete Rushton - Also claims not to be a Searchlight informer
Tony White - Claims not to be mad
Kate McDermody - Claims to be 30
Sid Williamson - Claims to be on a diet
With the BPP’s website (and satellite sites such as ‘Redwatch’) now directly threatened by the Shepperd/Whittle case, and the ‘Heretical Two’, as the Fash dub them; currently being held in a Californian immigration detention centre, BPP leader Kevin Watmough has every reason to cry his eyes out. And that’s exactly what he did last Friday! When the guilty verdicts were returned against Simon Sheppard and Steve Whittle (AKA Luke O’Farrell), the sad little man burst into tears, and sat sobbing at the back of the court. Our source in the courts tells us that the usher thought it was someone having a nervous breakdown.
The prosecutions against Shepperd (of 98 Brook Street, Selby) and Whittle (of Avenham Lane, Preston), for spreading race hate via Shepperd’s ‘Heretical Press’ site, has dragged on for sometime now, with the trial itself lasting seven weeks. While the jury were unable to reach verdicts on several counts against Shepperd, he and Whittle were found guilty of all the other charges. The convictions look set to bring to an end the period when British neo-Nazis thought they were safe from prosecution because the servers hosting their websites were located abroad.
While Shepperd and Whittle have been hailed as heroes and martyrs by the internet fantasists who didn’t bother to attend to support them in court, the reality is that like most fascists, they are a pathetic pair bordering on the edge of mental illness, or indeed plummeting over it. Shepperd, who has been convicted twice before of similar offences, has clearly been ‘falling apart’ for sometime, self-harming throughout the trial, and allegedly slashing his wrists yet again following conviction. Whittle, in his own way is even more pathetic; unable to think for himself he had to be repeatedly warned by the judge for asking Shepperd what he should answer while being cross-examined.
Surprisingly, after guilty verdicts were returned on most of the counts, the pair were allowed to remain on bail. They did not return to court on Monday, choosing instead to try and illegally enter the United States. Currently being detained in an immigration detention facility in Los Angeles, we wonder if their attitude to asylum seekers is beginning to change at all. Claims on British neo-Nazi sites that requests by Shepperd and Whittle for political asylum in the US will be taken seriously are laughable. Shepperd may have spent his last prison sentence hiding on ‘protection’ with the rapists, police informers, and other paedophiles, but he is still an ex-con, and so must have lied on his US immigration card prior to boarding the aircraft. Warrants were issued for both men as soon as they failed to appear in court. We doubt it will be long before they’re incarcerated in HMP Armley, and Shepperd will not be going home for sometime.
Despite some recent interest in the pair on fascist internet forums, only the BPP’s Pete Rushton and Kevin Watmough actually bothered to attend court on Monday. Rushton is another almost laughable character, disliked by many of his own fascist ‘comrades’, and he has a mouth like a foghorn when it comes to gossip and rumour, and putting the knife into his fellow Nazis. If loose lips can sink ships, Pete Rushton could sink the Titanic. Bearing in mind that Rushton was expelled from the BNP for working with ‘Searchlight’, it was unsurprising to see him in the company of Kevin Watmough.
It was when this pair were joined by long-standing Leeds Nazi Tony White however, that the fun and games really began. After being released from jail not too long ago, and despite being shunned by most on the far-Right as a police informer, White it seems is up to his old tricks. After several members of the jury complained that White had been following them home and shouting threats at them, he and Watmough were escorted in to see the judge. Since White was identified by name, and had not even had the good sense to disguise himself when stalking the jury members, we imagine this is now a police matter, and a serious one at that.
Watmough and White never reappeared after being led away, leaving Pete Rushton to spend the rest of the afternoon slagging off White, and telling everyone how much Watmough hated the man. He eventually skulked off from court himself after being warned by the judge to keep his mouth shut during the proceedings.
Unsteady Eddy Morrison, who has returned from numerous retirements, to act as BPP ‘National Organiser’, and who has attended the court case more regularly than most, was not present on this occasion. On Friday evening, following the guilty verdicts against Shepperd and Whittle, his blogspot, which had carried news of the case, not only disappeared, but the link to it from the BPP website was severed. Speculation was rife after Sheppard’s disappearance that maybe he and Eddy had eloped, but it turns out the Bramley Boozehound has resigned from the BPP. Either that or he was pushed out of the BPP nest by cuckoo Watmough and his current girlfriend, the vile Kate McDermody, who is the BPP’s ‘Women’s Division’.
McDermody (or Dermody as she prefers to be known) arrived in the BPP puddle very recently, and has barely stopped making waves since. Peter ‘Sid’ Williamson was the first large head to roll after falling out with ‘Klondyke Kate’ (who is very clearly running the BPP these days), along with ez-Brighton BNP organiser Gill Gerome. Lesser gobshites are being swiftly silenced on Watmough’s ‘Combat 18’ forum at McDemody’s hand, and now Eddy himself, once BPP Leader, has fallen victim, being replaced it seems by McDermody’s cat!
Morrison now has a new blog up and running at

‘The Old Curiosity Shop’ is a peculiar affair, which perhaps reflects the psyche of the ageing Nazi. Morrison may be a drunken clown, a liar, and an informer, but apart from Watmough himself, he was the last of the BPP’s founding leadership group. Watmough may have cravenly wished Morrison the best on his 59th birthday yesterday on ‘Stormfront’ after stabbing him in the back less than a week before, but McDermody has not been so charitable. It will only be a matter of time before the BPP membership turn on her.
Last, but not least, another paedophile the BPP supported has been in the news again recently. Martyn Gilleard, the BPP’s former Goole and East Yorkshire Organizer who was convicted of terrorist offences recently, along with possessing 39,000 sexual images of children and babies, has now it has been claimed turned Muslim! Perhaps before the month is out Simon Sheppard, a life-long anti-Semite, but cut from the same piss-weak cloth as all these neo-Nazis, will be seeking a conversion to Judaism. As always with the BPP, we await the next belly-laugh these hopeless idiots are sure to provide.
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