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Neo-Nazis Turn Asylum Seekers, Kevin Watmough Cries His Little Eyes Out...

K.Bullstreet | 17.07.2008 16:40 | Anti-racism | London

And Eddy Morrison Is Replaced By A Cat!

These and other tales from the lunatic fringe of British fascism.

Shepperd & Whittle - Claim to be asylum seekers
Shepperd & Whittle - Claim to be asylum seekers

Kevin Watmough - Claims to be BPP leader
Kevin Watmough - Claims to be BPP leader

Pete Rushton - Also claims not to be a Searchlight informer
Pete Rushton - Also claims not to be a Searchlight informer

Tony White - Claims not to be mad
Tony White - Claims not to be mad

Kate McDermody - Claims to be 30
Kate McDermody - Claims to be 30

Sid Williamson - Claims to be on a diet
Sid Williamson - Claims to be on a diet

Eddy Morrison - Claims to be sober
Eddy Morrison - Claims to be sober

Martyn Gilleard - Claims to be Muslim
Martyn Gilleard - Claims to be Muslim

Antifascists have had another fun-filled week laughing at the so-called ‘British People’s Party’ (or ‘British Paedophiles Party’ as they are becoming increasingly known.)

With the BPP’s website (and satellite sites such as ‘Redwatch’) now directly threatened by the Shepperd/Whittle case, and the ‘Heretical Two’, as the Fash dub them; currently being held in a Californian immigration detention centre, BPP leader Kevin Watmough has every reason to cry his eyes out. And that’s exactly what he did last Friday! When the guilty verdicts were returned against Simon Sheppard and Steve Whittle (AKA Luke O’Farrell), the sad little man burst into tears, and sat sobbing at the back of the court. Our source in the courts tells us that the usher thought it was someone having a nervous breakdown.

The prosecutions against Shepperd (of 98 Brook Street, Selby) and Whittle (of Avenham Lane, Preston), for spreading race hate via Shepperd’s ‘Heretical Press’ site, has dragged on for sometime now, with the trial itself lasting seven weeks. While the jury were unable to reach verdicts on several counts against Shepperd, he and Whittle were found guilty of all the other charges. The convictions look set to bring to an end the period when British neo-Nazis thought they were safe from prosecution because the servers hosting their websites were located abroad.

While Shepperd and Whittle have been hailed as heroes and martyrs by the internet fantasists who didn’t bother to attend to support them in court, the reality is that like most fascists, they are a pathetic pair bordering on the edge of mental illness, or indeed plummeting over it. Shepperd, who has been convicted twice before of similar offences, has clearly been ‘falling apart’ for sometime, self-harming throughout the trial, and allegedly slashing his wrists yet again following conviction. Whittle, in his own way is even more pathetic; unable to think for himself he had to be repeatedly warned by the judge for asking Shepperd what he should answer while being cross-examined.

Surprisingly, after guilty verdicts were returned on most of the counts, the pair were allowed to remain on bail. They did not return to court on Monday, choosing instead to try and illegally enter the United States. Currently being detained in an immigration detention facility in Los Angeles, we wonder if their attitude to asylum seekers is beginning to change at all. Claims on British neo-Nazi sites that requests by Shepperd and Whittle for political asylum in the US will be taken seriously are laughable. Shepperd may have spent his last prison sentence hiding on ‘protection’ with the rapists, police informers, and other paedophiles, but he is still an ex-con, and so must have lied on his US immigration card prior to boarding the aircraft. Warrants were issued for both men as soon as they failed to appear in court. We doubt it will be long before they’re incarcerated in HMP Armley, and Shepperd will not be going home for sometime.

Despite some recent interest in the pair on fascist internet forums, only the BPP’s Pete Rushton and Kevin Watmough actually bothered to attend court on Monday. Rushton is another almost laughable character, disliked by many of his own fascist ‘comrades’, and he has a mouth like a foghorn when it comes to gossip and rumour, and putting the knife into his fellow Nazis. If loose lips can sink ships, Pete Rushton could sink the Titanic. Bearing in mind that Rushton was expelled from the BNP for working with ‘Searchlight’, it was unsurprising to see him in the company of Kevin Watmough.

It was when this pair were joined by long-standing Leeds Nazi Tony White however, that the fun and games really began. After being released from jail not too long ago, and despite being shunned by most on the far-Right as a police informer, White it seems is up to his old tricks. After several members of the jury complained that White had been following them home and shouting threats at them, he and Watmough were escorted in to see the judge. Since White was identified by name, and had not even had the good sense to disguise himself when stalking the jury members, we imagine this is now a police matter, and a serious one at that.

Watmough and White never reappeared after being led away, leaving Pete Rushton to spend the rest of the afternoon slagging off White, and telling everyone how much Watmough hated the man. He eventually skulked off from court himself after being warned by the judge to keep his mouth shut during the proceedings.

Unsteady Eddy Morrison, who has returned from numerous retirements, to act as BPP ‘National Organiser’, and who has attended the court case more regularly than most, was not present on this occasion. On Friday evening, following the guilty verdicts against Shepperd and Whittle, his blogspot, which had carried news of the case, not only disappeared, but the link to it from the BPP website was severed. Speculation was rife after Sheppard’s disappearance that maybe he and Eddy had eloped, but it turns out the Bramley Boozehound has resigned from the BPP. Either that or he was pushed out of the BPP nest by cuckoo Watmough and his current girlfriend, the vile Kate McDermody, who is the BPP’s ‘Women’s Division’.

McDermody (or Dermody as she prefers to be known) arrived in the BPP puddle very recently, and has barely stopped making waves since. Peter ‘Sid’ Williamson was the first large head to roll after falling out with ‘Klondyke Kate’ (who is very clearly running the BPP these days), along with ez-Brighton BNP organiser Gill Gerome. Lesser gobshites are being swiftly silenced on Watmough’s ‘Combat 18’ forum at McDemody’s hand, and now Eddy himself, once BPP Leader, has fallen victim, being replaced it seems by McDermody’s cat!

Morrison now has a new blog up and running at
‘The Old Curiosity Shop’ is a peculiar affair, which perhaps reflects the psyche of the ageing Nazi. Morrison may be a drunken clown, a liar, and an informer, but apart from Watmough himself, he was the last of the BPP’s founding leadership group. Watmough may have cravenly wished Morrison the best on his 59th birthday yesterday on ‘Stormfront’ after stabbing him in the back less than a week before, but McDermody has not been so charitable. It will only be a matter of time before the BPP membership turn on her.

Last, but not least, another paedophile the BPP supported has been in the news again recently. Martyn Gilleard, the BPP’s former Goole and East Yorkshire Organizer who was convicted of terrorist offences recently, along with possessing 39,000 sexual images of children and babies, has now it has been claimed turned Muslim! Perhaps before the month is out Simon Sheppard, a life-long anti-Semite, but cut from the same piss-weak cloth as all these neo-Nazis, will be seeking a conversion to Judaism. As always with the BPP, we await the next belly-laugh these hopeless idiots are sure to provide.



Hide the following 18 comments

more misinformation

17.07.2008 17:10

Once again lies and misinformation seem to be the forte of antifascist fools. Peter Rushton has never been to court, watmough wasn't crying and Tony White has nothing to do with leeds nationalists. This is just antifascist 'hooligans' trying to stir it and give it the big un on line. You know nowt and just love making up stories that aren't true. Cretins! Leave the street work to the real boys.


Watmough Trolling Again

17.07.2008 17:37

Trident is infact Watmough doing his usual trolling run, the neo-nazi who keeps a low profile while out shopping in Leeds.

Only fascists call neo-nazi scum "nationalists", which is a dead giveaway that this is yet another lame as fook troll post.

Perhaps it's time Indymedia has a "TAKE THE PISS OUT OF WATMOUGH DAY!"

There again, he does an excellent job taking the piss out of himself.


Wattys A Coward

Get A Life, Watmouth

17.07.2008 17:49

Troll Trident (AKA Watmouth) - Watmough's got a big mouth hence "Wat-Mouth"

The aptly-named deserves a pitchfork up his arse for showing his love for Adolf Hitler and hatred for humanity.


King Edwards

LOL at fascist trolls!

17.07.2008 17:50

You have to laugh at the fascist trolls (such as 'Trident') who just can't stay away from Indymedia. Morrison, Watmough, Williamson, Dermody et al all claim never to have posted here, yet they all have. If some of you Nazis had actually gone to the effort of going to court to support Shepperd & Whittle, you'd know that Rushton was indeed in court, Watmough cried like a baby, and White stuck his nose in as always (it's you Nazis that tolerate him.) Thanks to the likes of Rushton, we have lots more info up our sleeves, but for now it'll stay there, until Sheppard's re-trial at least.


California and the Southern Poverty Law Center

17.07.2008 17:54

The United States would be one of the most foolish places for Fascists, hosting websites that promote "Hate" or "Hate Crimes". Particularly since the Southern Poverty Law Center is keen to see such things prosecuted. The SLPC is one of the leading opponents of racism in the US and runs a range of projects, such as the Teaching Tolerance Program.

They also prosecute Fascists (and other extremists) for Hate crimes. They might like to know all about the hosting of Redwatch and the Publications - which seems to promote violence against Union Organisers, Equality Campaigners and Politicians.

Going to California should be a learning experience for fascists not a way to hide from justice. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement Department has a remit to ensure that Cyber Crimes are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Encouraging the SPLC and the ICE to cooperate would tend to ensure the Heretical Two were deported after investigation and prosecution of their Cyber Facilitated Hate Crimes.

On the other Hand, they might be innocent.

Cyber Crimes

00 1 334 956 8200

400 Washington Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36104

Perhaps our intrepid travellers might like to be aquainted with the reality of repatriation and Xenophobia.

Sheppards Travel Agents


17.07.2008 18:31

Tony White has nothing to do with Leeds nationalism? Really, so why was he on the phone to Kevin Watmough today then?

Mr Blue

Conspiracy to pervert the course of justice

17.07.2008 18:43

I don't know for certain that Watmough was involved in White's stupid attempt to intimidate jurors. I suspect he was. What I do know for certain though was that he was involved in trying to persuade the cops and the court that Shepperd and Whittle were in Thailand, when they were in fact on their way to the US. For example, Watmough told Shepperd's barrister that, according to Stormfront, Shepperd and Whittle were in Thailand, but at this time Thailand hadn't been mentioned on Stormfront.


Trident isn't Watmough

17.07.2008 20:37

Trident, it's you that wasn't there. A shame you can't be bothered to turn up to support your fellow Nazis when they are cracking up and about to get sent down, and to wipe Kev's nose for him. As for the cat:

From Morrison’s blog:

By a cat!
Posted by Eddy Morrison at 14:23

From McDermody’s blog:

New BPP Appointments Announced!

NaziKat guards the highly coveted BPP Bulletin in her NEW role as Assistant Security Organiser.


Monster visits Wanker

17.07.2008 20:49

Having got tired of Nazi nonce Martyn Gilleard, who she "supported emotionally and financially", Monstrous McDermody is now visiting the RVF's Mark 'Atki' Atkinson in Doncaster's Cat C HMP Moorland jail. Obviously he must have been a good little boy to get put in a Cat C, and no wonder the flag is at half mast with that wanker locked up there.


Pack In The Piss-Poor Trolling, Watmough! (Trident)

17.07.2008 21:37

Back trolling as Trident again, Watmouth? You have a major screw loose, and like every other sick and twisted member of the fascist right you rise to the bait like a mad pirhana whenever anyone dares to take the piss out of you, you thick twat.

Wander why you chose the name Trident, Watty? But who cares? How many people in Bramley actually give a toss about the BPP? The most you did was try to steal a market place shopping protest and adopt it as your own, so you're an insignificant piece of crap waiting to be flushed down the sewer, along with the rest of the turds that leave the confines of Leeds Cort Room to start a new life bahind bars

As well as being a pitchfork, Trident is also a ballistic missile. As such weapons are even hard for the terroristic British Far Right to manufacture (ask Robert Cottage), do you think, "Mister Watmouth", you could make Bonfire Night come early, and explode a bloody great rocket up your arse. Knowing the reputation of the BPP as talkers rather than streetfighters, despite all their hot air, (they leg it when they see the cops heading their way), a banger would be more fitting (all sound, no guts, or was it "all mouth and no trousers"!)

The modding on Indymedia leaves something to be desired when "Watmouth" is allowed to troll this anti-racist website with inpunity.

Oh, and don't deny you ARE Watmouth, Watmough. When a Hitler-loving scumbag like you can tell the greatest lie of them all - that the Holocaust did not happen, any other lies, such as denying you are the troll called Trident are fairly meaningless, wouldn't you agree?

Perhaps if you started posting on Indymedia using your proper name, Watmouth, (although Stornponce is more your natural home), you might not have the piss taken out of you so much, but Trident is a stupid pseudonym, so you deserve everything you get in terms of people making fun of you. Even Sid and Eddy, when they're not boozed up on the white lightning, tell cruel jokes about you.

They say you're a police informer - surely this cant be true!!!

You've a short temper, Watmough, my friend, and It looks like your cage has been rattled, Watty, and you must indeed hope that your state handlers have pity on your soul, when the sentencing is read out, for Armley Prison has a sizeable majority of people who hate what the BPP stand for, and wouldn't take kindly to sharing the breakfast hall with you.

I bet you wished you'd done a Sheppard and Whittle, Watty.

Ask them to send you a "kiss me quick hat", so you can wear it when you're shacked up with your pals White and Gilleard

Maris Piper

Watmough and Trident - Same person or not???

17.07.2008 21:42

Either Trident IS WATMOUTH, and was in the courtroom, or isn't WATMOUGH, and wasn't in the courtroom.

Either way, Trident is a lying wanker and Watmough is facing a lengthy jail sentence.


Who paid for the flight?

17.07.2008 23:27

Given Whittle is jobless, and lives in Avenham Lane, not the most salubrious part of Preston, one wonders where he got the money at such short notice to pay for his cowardly flight from justice.

Crazy thing is, that if the Nazi government he craves ever did take power, he would regularly be given a good kicking by their Gestapo, for looking like a 'hippy degenerate'.

Sideshow Bob


18.07.2008 00:34

That 'Fat and Proud' T-shirt reminds me of 'It's great to be white' T-shirt Dermody is always harping on about. And Kweiziugug, that's obviously Kevin Watmough.


When Nazis Fall Out Part 1567

18.07.2008 18:02

Not content with slagging off Morrison as a cowardly, traitorous, drunk, McDermody is now slagging off Sid Williamson! LOL!

From McDermody's blog: "Tomorrow I will place a scanned image of my birth certificate AND passport to prove to the imbeciles who insist otherwise, that I am indeed thirty years old and even if I do say so myself, looking good! I was born in April 1978 making me thirty years old and three months old. This is yet another pitiful and lamentable rumour put to sleep which was started by a retarded buffoon whose primary aim in life is doing nothing for Nationalism other than filling the pages of Indymedia with his drivelsome claptrap. He is a traitor to his Race with all of his fetid tales of fiction, intent on doing nothing other than causing division. He has recently labeled Simon Sheppard a red, an aspiring and tenacious Youth Division member a red, spread false rumours of Party expulsions, and numerable twaddlesome tidbits about me, including the most recent farcical speculation that I have lied about my age. He was shown to be a liar this week when the expulsion he'd bleated about was proven untrue and now, once scans of my birth certificate and passport are released he will be proven a liar once more. If he dedicated as much time to doing ANYTHING for Nationalism as he does to filling the mouths of reds, perhaps more people would respect him but as it stands, he is known as a keyboard warrior who does absolutely nothing whatsoever for true nationalism."


Nazis KNOW they have ben made to look really stupid

18.07.2008 19:37

Since the contents of Morrison's & McDermody's blogs were posted on here I(and hidden unfortunately) both have deleted the offending material, some of which appears to have contributed to Morrison expulsion/resignation from the BPP. The offending material, previously posted is as follows (yes, it's bollocks, but worth a scan for a look into the fascist mind-set.)

This is from Morrison's blog::

Now the "Pixie Watch" again by Russell which was cut from Nat Week [ of which Morrison was Editor before resigning from the BPP] without our consent on the grounds it might give offense to people with weight problems! I kid you not. Its humorous, harmless fun and was aimed at no one in particular...just a swipe at Political Correctness.(ie "sizeism")
‘Food for Thought’ by Mistress Helus
I don’t mind admitting it; I’m a bit of a bloater. My excess weight doesn’t bother me, I’m proud to be the weight I am. I’m going to get a t-shirt printed with ‘Fat and Proud’. I’m celebrating my girth.
Skinny girls wonder how I can be best buddy with my blubber? Unlike the size 18 health freaks, I’ve got myself a real man, someone who likes a large lump of lard in his love nest. Not one of these sizest men who come from my town – I’ve got myself a Pixie!
My Pixie, Kweiziugug, likes my folds of flesh. He says it gives him more options in the bedroom. He’s really adventurous. He says my body is a temple, and every room needs to be explored. I will never go back to dating humans again!
I’ve never had much luck with humans. When I was only a size 28 I managed to date one. He took me to a restaurant where the portions were tiny, and then I had to go to McRabies to get some proper food. The prejudiced beast wouldn’t take me out again due to my ample proportions. That’s discrimination! My Kweiziugug isn’t like that; he’s romantic. He likes to take me to the Greasy Spoon just off the old Roman Road. Kweiziugug loves to watch me eat. The sight of grease sliding down my chins does it for him. At the Greasy Spoon we can stay from dawn till dusk. There’s nothing more romantic than watching the moon come up over a bucket of chicken wings.
Due to my increasing waistline, me and Kweiziugug don’t get out as much as we’d like to. The other day he found a tractor lying around some bit of industrial land, which he used to give me a treat. He drove me in the tractor’s bucket to our local McRabies Drive Thru for a bin full of tasty McDung Burgers. Sadly, our snack was spoiled when a builder turned up and demanded his tractor back.
Someone at McRabies called the Police, who turned up en masse. They asked the builder what the problem was. The man told them a sob story about needing the tractor for his construction work. The Police took immediate action and threw the Pixiest fiend into the back of their van. About eight officers jumped in after him. By the booting sounds he must have resisted arrest. The brave Police soon sorted him.
The builder was arrested for Pixial hatred - sizeism in this case. The Courts declared that it was a shameful display of Pixism for the builder to demand return of the tractor – it showed he didn’t welcome Pixies into this dimension – this was tantamount to incitement to genocide. The Prime Minister made a visit to the local McRabies to show solidarity with the Pixies in the area. He pushed for a change in the law to make all human property available free to Pixies to combat prejudice. The despicable builder was beheaded as an example to all who exhibited symptoms of the disease of Pixism which leads directly tom sizeism. I thought this wasn’t enough. On appeal his entire family were beheaded.
The law was changed to make all human women eat more under the Pixie-positive initiative “Slimness is Prejudice – Tolerance is Grotesque”
Quite right too. I’m now even larger. It takes many Pixies to service my ever increasing Pixie-friendly love folds. I love multidimensionalism!

And this is from Kate McDermody's blog;

Friday, 18 July 2008
Pesky Pixies!

What;s worse than a fat pixie? A drunk, cowardly traitorous one!

The following is about Sid Williamson, and taken from McDermody's blog:

Tomorrow I will place a scanned image of my birth certificate AND passport to prove to the imbeciles who insist otherwise, that I am indeed thirty years old and even if I do say so myself, looking good! I was born in April 1978 making me thirty years old and three months old. This is yet another pitiful and lamentable rumour put to sleep which was started by a retarded buffoon whose primary aim in life is doing nothing for Nationalism other than filling the pages of Indymedia with his drivelsome claptrap. He is a traitor to his Race with all of his fetid tales of fiction, intent on doing nothing other than causing division. He has recently labeled Simon Sheppard a red, an aspiring and tenacious Youth Division member a red, spread false rumours of Party expulsions, and numerable twaddlesome tidbits about me, including the most recent farcical speculation that I have lied about my age. He was shown to be a liar this week when the expulsion he'd bleated about was proven untrue and now, once scans of my birth certificate and passport are released he will be proven a liar once more. If he dedicated as much time to doing ANYTHING for Nationalism as he does to filling the mouths of reds, perhaps more people would respect him but as it stands, he is known as a keyboard warrior who does absolutely nothing whatsoever for true nationalism.

Fucking sad!


FAO Klondike Kate

21.07.2008 10:40

Hey fat arse, that birth cert could belong to anybody. WSeren't you going to put up your passport? Or was that more bollox like your CD buying mission?

30 my arse!


27.07.2008 13:59

Nice to see you get canned on Stormfront fatarse! How's the CD buying going gobshite?


Whose running the BPP

28.07.2008 10:43

Having been booted off Stormfront as 'Truthteller' fatlass is now even using one of Watmough's old accounts ('Redwatch Admin') to post her drivel. She had a minor run-in with the cops in London yesterday and hasn't stopped crapping herself since! It isn't hard to see whose really running the BPP these days is it, certainly not Little Kev?!
