Deportations by charter flights February 2007
ncadc/ repost | 11.04.2007 13:21 | Anti-racism | Migration
Figures obtained by the National Colaition of Anti Deportation Campaigns under the Freedon of Information Act.
You have requested information about the number of removals, broken
down by adults and children by Charter flights in February 2007.
You have also asked about the operational names of the flights to
Iraq and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
This falls to be dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Number of removals to Eastern Europe via operation 'Aardvark' Number
of flights: 4
Number of persons removed: 74 adults and 1 child
Number of removals to Afghanistan via operation 'Ravel' Number of flights: 1
Number of persons removed: 25 adults and 0 children.
Number of removals to Iraq Number of flights: 1
Number of persons removed: 38 adults
Number of removals to the Democratic Republic of Congo Number of flights: 1
Number of persons removed: 17 adults and 21 children
The operational name for the flight to Iraq was 'Consimilar'
The operational name for the flight to the Democratic Republic to
Congo was 'Castor'
In keeping with the spirit and effect of the Freedom of Information
Act, all information is assumed to be releasable to the public unless
exempt. The Department will, therefore, be simultaneously releasing
to the public the information you requested together with any related
information that will provide a key to its wider context.
ncadc/ repost