UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Keep the Hope of Peace Alive
27-04-2008 08:11
Keep the Hope of Peace Alive is a song written by Deacon Dave, a Christian Muslim peacemaker, married to a Palestinian and living most of the time next to Jewish settlers in Hebron, Palestine.The conspiracy to divide Bolivia must be denounced
26-04-2008 20:34

A US Casualty of war, A threat to World Peace: Clinton Dehumanised
26-04-2008 19:21
According to the UN definition of genocide, Hilary Clinton is threatening mass genocide of an entire nation of 70 million. Is this violent woman fit to hold the presidency of a country with the most powerful war machine in history? Have we become so dehumanised by our incessant killing that we have lost any capacity for outrage?The War Against Christianity
26-04-2008 09:54
It has been five years and still silence is the golden fleece for Britain and America. They have chosen to ignore the murders - the beheadings, the attacks, the forced displacement and increases in taxation upon the Christians for refusing to convert, the intimidation by militias upon women for not wearing a headscarf .VIDEO: A19 Mumia Demo: "Life in Prison is a Slow Death Sentence"
26-04-2008 05:49
Check out this video and more!Poll Reveals 'Neo-Con' Jewish Opinion Unrepresentative
25-04-2008 19:16
Is it not Antisemitic to claim to speak for 'the Jews' when, in fact, you speak AGAINST them?Please share this with any media contacts you might have.
As Predicted: Israel Rejects Hamas Truce Offer
25-04-2008 18:45
Again, we see that it is the Israeli Extremists, not the Palestinians, who reject peace.But really, who can blame them? They've engineered a crisis which is giving them license to brutalize and weaken the entire population, while the world repeats their weak excuses and dishonest Framing, or remains silent.
London BPP Fash get slapped!
25-04-2008 09:46
Militant Anti-fascists turned over the BPP Victoria meeting. According to the BPP report on Stormfront, 'a couple of people got a good kicking, but the most serious injuries were a broken ankle and a comrade who was taken to hospital after being kicked unconcious'. The message is clear: No Platform, No Pasaran!UN Forced to Suspend Aid Shipments to Gaza
24-04-2008 19:15
Which is exactly what Israel's ruling Extremists want.Please join the demos against this illegal seige - and the Government's shameful silence.
Cardiff Border and Immigration Building Blockaded
24-04-2008 11:27

Kidnapped Tibetan Lama's Birthday April 25th - Petition Linked Please Sign
24-04-2008 01:19

Footage of BNP mayoral candidate being put down and denied platform
23-04-2008 13:43

Casilino 900: urgent appeal against the persecution of the Roma in Italy
23-04-2008 12:40
The persecution of the Rroms (Roma) in Italy: EveryOne Group and the Committee for the Rights of the Roma of Casilino 900 have launched an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights following a serious humanitarian emergency at the Casilino 900 camp, in Rome.NCADC News Service / Events April/May 2008
23-04-2008 10:58
"Another G8 summit is ahead and London No Borders propose a protest in London onJuly 5th, the international day of action." For more information please go to

World Food Crisis and Starvation: Made in America
23-04-2008 03:35
In America—especially in white America—we take food abundance for granted. From sushi to steak to salad and smoothies, countless food choices are part of our daily routine and a key component of our leisure and fun. One hundred and thirty-four million of us—75 percent of the adult U.S. population—are obese or overweight. (
Reports from the Brighton Tubas Solidarity Group - Transference
22-04-2008 16:24
This is one of a series of reports from the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A project aimed at fostering links between Brighton, UK, and Tubas, Palestine.A Zionist Conspiracy to Wreck Wikipedia
21-04-2008 23:31

High Court Australia Reveals the Art of Racial Discrimination
21-04-2008 18:24
HIGH COURT Australia Reveals the Art of Racial DiscriminationWhat Australians of Non-caucasian Background Have to Deal with Everyday in Australia Courts
Demo at Kalyx in support to the Harmondsworth detainees
21-04-2008 13:49

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BNP Festival Host Now Planning Music Event
21-04-2008 12:52
The Derby Evening Telegraph reports:Alan Warner has announced plans to hold a second festival on his Derbyshire fields this summer