High Court Australia Reveals the Art of Racial Discrimination
expat | 21.04.2008 18:24 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles
HIGH COURT Australia Reveals the Art of Racial Discrimination
What Australians of Non-caucasian Background Have to Deal with Everyday in Australia Courts
What Australians of Non-caucasian Background Have to Deal with Everyday in Australia Courts
HIGH COURT Australia Reveals the Art of Racial Discrimination Innocent Asian man rots in jail, Aborigines men dying in custody at the hands of Intitutionalised racism aided and abetted by the High Court Australia and HREOC. Amongst recent other examples: Vivian Solon, Cornelia Rau, Tony Lim, Dr Haneef
Awaiting the Committee for the Elimination of All forms of Racial Discrimination 's decision on the conduct of the Commonwealth of Australia.
When a system is bent on perverting justice and democracy: judiciary and tribunals fabricate documents and evidence, refusing to seal subpoenas
An example if what the HIGH Court covers up:
Senior Member John Handley, Registrar Ken Wanklyn, Counsel Tim de Uray,
http://kangaroocourtaus.ath.cx/flashpapers/ADMINISTATIVE_APPEALS _TRIBUNAL28March2008b.web.swf
This is what Australians of non-caucasian background have to deal with everyday in Australia courts
In the year of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, this will be a test of the international Human Rights bodies to bring Governments around the world to account on Human Rights abuses, especially those with suspect human rights record as Australia has had towards its indigenious peoples.
Amongst the International Human Rights Treaties signed by Australia covers article 14 of the Convention for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.Declarations recognizing the competence of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
in accordance with article 14 of the Convention29
(Unless otherwise indicated, the declarations were made
upon ratification, accession or succession.)
28 January 1993
"The Government of Australia hereby declares that it recognises, for and on behalf of Australia, the competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications from individuals or groups of individuals within its jurisdiction claiming to be victims of a violation by Australia of any of the rights set forth in the aforesaid Convention."Come help spread this case of institutionalised racism and the OHCHR and Universal Declaration on Human Rights
and get as many people as you can to email OHCHR
Just a side note on the former UN HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, Ms Anne Arbour, will show why our case has proceeded no more beyond a reference #
Date: Monday, April 07, 2008
REF: G/SO AUS 215/4
Petitions Team
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
+ 41 22 9179022 (particularly for
urgent matters)
Submitted for
consideration under International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
application for Special circumstances of urgency or sensitivity due to
incarceration, and with regards to Article 5 (b) "The individual has
exhausted all available domestic remedies. This shall not be the rule where the
application of the remedies is unreasonably prolonged.
This petition is to be faxed and a copy to be emailed
to the above address.
Special circumstances of urgency
Likely Page Break
As with the other procedures described, you may seek interim measures
by the Committee to prevent irreparable damage while the communication is being
considered. The basis for such a request by the Committee to a State party is
rule 91(3) of the rules of procedure.
Additional pointers on the admissibility of your case
You should be aware that complaints to the Committee on the Elimination
of Racial Discrimination differ on two issues of admissibility from the general
procedure outlined above. First, your complaint will not be considered
inadmissible if the same matter is pending before or has been the subject of a
decision by another international procedure. Second, as already emphasized,
complaints brought after a six-month time limit will, as a rule, be declared
We request Special circumstances of Urgency so
that Australian Citizens of all ethnicity can gain access to
a. the law and legal system and
b. Social Security Services; under Australian laws and
clear example of the disregard for law and order, and the conspiracy to pervert
We are also
seeking that the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Secretary
General of the United Nations deal with this matter since the President of
the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (Commonwealth of Australia),
John von Doussa, is named as principal Human Rights violator.
Date: Monday, April 07, 2008
Petitions Team
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
+ 41 22 9179022 (particularly for
urgent matters)
Submitted for
consideration under International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
application for Special circumstances of urgency or sensitivity due to
incarceration, and with regards to Article 5 (b) "The individual has
exhausted all available domestic remedies. This shall not be the rule where the
application of the remedies is unreasonably prolonged.
This petition is to be faxed and a copy to be emailed
to the above address.
application for Special circumstances of urgency or sensitivity due to
incarceration, and with regards to Article 5 (b) "The individual has
exhausted all available domestic remedies. This shall not be the rule where the
application of the remedies is unreasonably prolonged.
This petition is to be faxed and a copy to be emailed
to the above address.
the attachments fail to send properly please see the email;
my English be inadequate, please contact me asap
1. Information
concerning the author of the communication
Name: PHAM First name:
Nationality: Australian Profession: Medical Research/IT
and place of birth: . Long Xien, Vietnam.
address: Australia.
for exchange of confidential correspondence:
Submitting the communication as:
(a) Victim of the Human Rights violation
or violations set forth below:
The overriding violation of my Civil Rights is
the denial of "access to a competent, independent and impartial tribunal and
court established by law" which, in Australia is governed by the
Australian Constitution and the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act (Cth)
1986; as established as Constitutional
Law in Australia (see: Schedule 2, Constitutional enactments, NSW Imperial Acts
Application Act 1969 No 30). Further there is a conspiracy to pervert the
course of justice by perjury and fabricating court documents and conspiracy to
cause injury instructed by the Prime Minister and the Attorney General and the
President of Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission;
The denial of my Civil and Human Rights has
resulted in:-
Likely Page Break
1. Conspiracy to Pervert of the Course of Justice,
perjury and denying of access to the Australian Constitution and the Australian
Laws (* HIGH Court No. M142 of 2007);
2. Unlawful denial of access to remedy from violations
of Human Rights and inhumane degradation (* HIGH Court No. M142 of 2007);
3. Conspiracy
to Pervert the Course of Justice , perjury and denying of access to the
Australian Constitution and the Australian Laws (*HIGH Court No. M142 of 2007);
4. Administrative Appeals Tribunal: V2007/1865
(Where *)
II. Information concerning the alleged
victim(s) (if other than author)
III. State
concerned/articles violated/domestic remedies
Australia and
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
are the local (Federal) laws that give effect to Australia's obligation to the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
* Age Discrimination Act 2004
* Disability Discrimination Act 1992
* Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986
* Race Discrimination Act 1975
* Sex Discrimination Act 1984
Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
allegedly violated
Just a side note on the former UN HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, Ms Anne Arbour, will show why our case has proceeded no more beyond a reference #
" According to the Canadian Barrister, Ms. Arbour, 61, is a "criminal, corrupt, (and) a shame to all Canadians". The sooner she is indicted and thrown in prison the better, says Mr. Black - who was reacting to an interview of the former senior UN officer on CBC. Ms. Arbour announced Sunday that she was retiring after years of international service.
In 1997, Ms. Arbour is said to have been informed by her chief of investigations, Australian Michael Hourigan and his team, including FBI agent Jim Lyons and Canadian police officers assigned to their unit that it was the RPF who had shot down the plane and massacred all those people.
"But instead of indicting Paul Kagame and the RPF men who had murdered all those people she ordered Hourigan to come to The Hague where she told him to kill the investigation and to burn his notes", says Mr. Black.
"This makes her an accessory to mass murder and a war criminal."
Barrister Black points fingers at the UN, the US, Canada and Belgium as the culprits in helping the RPF to carry out the alleged assassinations. She did this on the instructions of the US government in violation of her oath to be independent as prosecutor, argues Mr. Black. "
Awaiting the Committee for the Elimination of All forms of Racial Discrimination 's decision on the conduct of the Commonwealth of Australia.
When a system is bent on perverting justice and democracy: judiciary and tribunals fabricate documents and evidence, refusing to seal subpoenas
An example if what the HIGH Court covers up:
Senior Member John Handley, Registrar Ken Wanklyn, Counsel Tim de Uray,

This is what Australians of non-caucasian background have to deal with everyday in Australia courts
In the year of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, this will be a test of the international Human Rights bodies to bring Governments around the world to account on Human Rights abuses, especially those with suspect human rights record as Australia has had towards its indigenious peoples.
Amongst the International Human Rights Treaties signed by Australia covers article 14 of the Convention for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.Declarations recognizing the competence of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
in accordance with article 14 of the Convention29
(Unless otherwise indicated, the declarations were made
upon ratification, accession or succession.)
28 January 1993
"The Government of Australia hereby declares that it recognises, for and on behalf of Australia, the competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications from individuals or groups of individuals within its jurisdiction claiming to be victims of a violation by Australia of any of the rights set forth in the aforesaid Convention."Come help spread this case of institutionalised racism and the OHCHR and Universal Declaration on Human Rights

and get as many people as you can to email OHCHR

Just a side note on the former UN HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, Ms Anne Arbour, will show why our case has proceeded no more beyond a reference #

Date: Monday, April 07, 2008
REF: G/SO AUS 215/4
Petitions Team
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
+ 41 22 9179022 (particularly for
urgent matters)

Submitted for
consideration under International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
application for Special circumstances of urgency or sensitivity due to
incarceration, and with regards to Article 5 (b) "The individual has
exhausted all available domestic remedies. This shall not be the rule where the
application of the remedies is unreasonably prolonged.
This petition is to be faxed and a copy to be emailed
to the above address.
Special circumstances of urgency
Likely Page Break
As with the other procedures described, you may seek interim measures
by the Committee to prevent irreparable damage while the communication is being
considered. The basis for such a request by the Committee to a State party is
rule 91(3) of the rules of procedure.
Additional pointers on the admissibility of your case
You should be aware that complaints to the Committee on the Elimination
of Racial Discrimination differ on two issues of admissibility from the general
procedure outlined above. First, your complaint will not be considered
inadmissible if the same matter is pending before or has been the subject of a
decision by another international procedure. Second, as already emphasized,
complaints brought after a six-month time limit will, as a rule, be declared
We request Special circumstances of Urgency so
that Australian Citizens of all ethnicity can gain access to
a. the law and legal system and
b. Social Security Services; under Australian laws and
clear example of the disregard for law and order, and the conspiracy to pervert
We are also
seeking that the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Secretary
General of the United Nations deal with this matter since the President of
the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (Commonwealth of Australia),
John von Doussa, is named as principal Human Rights violator.
Date: Monday, April 07, 2008
Petitions Team
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
+ 41 22 9179022 (particularly for
urgent matters)

Submitted for
consideration under International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
application for Special circumstances of urgency or sensitivity due to
incarceration, and with regards to Article 5 (b) "The individual has
exhausted all available domestic remedies. This shall not be the rule where the
application of the remedies is unreasonably prolonged.
This petition is to be faxed and a copy to be emailed
to the above address.
application for Special circumstances of urgency or sensitivity due to
incarceration, and with regards to Article 5 (b) "The individual has
exhausted all available domestic remedies. This shall not be the rule where the
application of the remedies is unreasonably prolonged.
This petition is to be faxed and a copy to be emailed
to the above address.
the attachments fail to send properly please see the email;
my English be inadequate, please contact me asap
1. Information
concerning the author of the communication
Name: PHAM First name:
Nationality: Australian Profession: Medical Research/IT
and place of birth: . Long Xien, Vietnam.
address: Australia.
for exchange of confidential correspondence:

Submitting the communication as:
(a) Victim of the Human Rights violation
or violations set forth below:
The overriding violation of my Civil Rights is
the denial of "access to a competent, independent and impartial tribunal and
court established by law" which, in Australia is governed by the
Australian Constitution and the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act (Cth)
1986; as established as Constitutional
Law in Australia (see: Schedule 2, Constitutional enactments, NSW Imperial Acts
Application Act 1969 No 30). Further there is a conspiracy to pervert the
course of justice by perjury and fabricating court documents and conspiracy to
cause injury instructed by the Prime Minister and the Attorney General and the
President of Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission;
The denial of my Civil and Human Rights has
resulted in:-
Likely Page Break
1. Conspiracy to Pervert of the Course of Justice,
perjury and denying of access to the Australian Constitution and the Australian
Laws (* HIGH Court No. M142 of 2007);
2. Unlawful denial of access to remedy from violations
of Human Rights and inhumane degradation (* HIGH Court No. M142 of 2007);
3. Conspiracy
to Pervert the Course of Justice , perjury and denying of access to the
Australian Constitution and the Australian Laws (*HIGH Court No. M142 of 2007);
4. Administrative Appeals Tribunal: V2007/1865
(Where *)
II. Information concerning the alleged
victim(s) (if other than author)
III. State
concerned/articles violated/domestic remedies
Australia and
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
are the local (Federal) laws that give effect to Australia's obligation to the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
* Age Discrimination Act 2004
* Disability Discrimination Act 1992
* Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986
* Race Discrimination Act 1975
* Sex Discrimination Act 1984

Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
allegedly violated

Just a side note on the former UN HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, Ms Anne Arbour, will show why our case has proceeded no more beyond a reference #

" According to the Canadian Barrister, Ms. Arbour, 61, is a "criminal, corrupt, (and) a shame to all Canadians". The sooner she is indicted and thrown in prison the better, says Mr. Black - who was reacting to an interview of the former senior UN officer on CBC. Ms. Arbour announced Sunday that she was retiring after years of international service.
In 1997, Ms. Arbour is said to have been informed by her chief of investigations, Australian Michael Hourigan and his team, including FBI agent Jim Lyons and Canadian police officers assigned to their unit that it was the RPF who had shot down the plane and massacred all those people.
"But instead of indicting Paul Kagame and the RPF men who had murdered all those people she ordered Hourigan to come to The Hague where she told him to kill the investigation and to burn his notes", says Mr. Black.
"This makes her an accessory to mass murder and a war criminal."
Barrister Black points fingers at the UN, the US, Canada and Belgium as the culprits in helping the RPF to carry out the alleged assassinations. She did this on the instructions of the US government in violation of her oath to be independent as prosecutor, argues Mr. Black. "