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UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive

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Israel Minister Rejects Gaza Truce as Hamas Chief Assasinated

02-05-2008 16:30

Why would they accept a truce?

They engineered this, and will keep the killing going so long as nobody says or does anything about it.

History will not judge us kindly for our shameful silence and inaction ...

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Germany, Hamburg: Heaviest Mayday Riots since 30 Years!

02-05-2008 11:09

Germany, Hamburg. Cops were hunted, barrikades were built - 10 000 protesters turned Hamburg into Chaos, yesterday.

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Germania Race Utopianism and the last remaining Nazis.

01-05-2008 18:48

Never Forget what they did..
A debate in the London Independent has been shut after 81 comments,
the question was simple enough- should the last remaining Nazis be hunted?

I am unsure if this is a question of money or morality- but if they are
still alive and bought into the regime of Hitler (cf Germania illustration)

then why not?- you do not buy Utopian Ideal with the blood of a people.

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How Ken Livingstone joined racists against Asian parents in Newham in 1992

01-05-2008 15:27

Why did BBC NEWSNIGHT allow Ken Livingstone to lie again ?
[NEWSNIGHT Wednesday 30 April 2008].

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May Day Migrants Call

01-05-2008 08:04


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Calling Israel's Bluff: Palestinians Agree To Truce Offer

01-05-2008 01:28

Which is futile, since Israel will only reject it, as it does not want the 'crisis' it engineered with the help of fellow Extremists in the US, to end.

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As Predicted: Israel Makes New "Generous Offer"

01-05-2008 01:24

Since the Coup attempt coordinated by the Extremists in the US and Israel succeeding in dividing the Palestinian political class, I've been waiting for Israel to announce its new "offer" which would demand further sacrifices of the Palestinians, no compromise on the part of Israel, and a complete avoidance of Israel's outstanding legal and moral obligations.

Well, here it is ... History repeats itself.

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Anti-BNP demo @ London Mayoral election result

30-04-2008 14:21

Demonstration against the BNP at the London Mayoral election result
Friday 2nd May
6pm - City Hall

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Carter: Israel Rejected Hamas Truce Offer

30-04-2008 01:36

In so doing, Israel's bluff has been called, and this Regime of Extremists have proven that it's the Palestinians who have no 'partner for peace'.

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Doctors Without Borders Forced to Scale Back Gaza Work

30-04-2008 01:30

Israel's illegal policy ensures that those helping the Palestinians avert disaster are unable to do their work.

There needs to be an immediate, world-wide boycott of all military and financial aid to Israel until this siege stops, and concrete steps are taken to create a viable Palestinian state.

Our corrupt Government has betrayed Canadians on this issue, cannot justify their policy decisions, and must be forced to reverse this trend.

Israel must be made to realize, in the most tangible (and peaceful) ways possible, that they cannot continue this collective punishment against Gazan Palestinians any more.

But make no mistake, the ruling Extremists in Israel will keep pushing, so long as nobody speaks up or forces them to obey the law.

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War Propaganda: Disneyland goes to war-torn Iraq

29-04-2008 21:12

The Baghdad Disneyland-style project has all the essential features of a
PsyOp. It is intended to instill American values and destroy Iraqi

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BT staff protest against anti-Irish discrimination

29-04-2008 19:06

BT Ireland workers protest against anti-Irish discrimination
On Tuesday April 22nd a large group of BT Ireland staff, with support from other CWU members, held a public protest at the corporate head office for British Telecom in Dublin

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Support the Iraqi Resistance: Resist Honour Killings!

29-04-2008 14:18

This is what Western Troops are maintaining in Iraq, with the full blessing of the Labour Government! We would ask that people circulate this article around to everybody you know and urge that action is taken against the British Governments silence over Honour Killings!

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Not just Boris, but the BNP too!

29-04-2008 06:42

Boris - the polls have him hopping ahead

A reply to Steve Platt's Every failure to vote on 1 May is a vote for the BNP.

"There has always been a political alternative to the lack of choice of the mainstream political parties, the opportunism of the minority parties and the racism of tiny fascist outfits like the BNP. It involves organising in such a way that everybody has a say over the decisions that affect them. It means refusing to accept what politicians tell you to do and taking the power into your own hands, not waiting for somebody else to do it for you."

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No Middle East Peace Without Tough Love

29-04-2008 00:18

This is perhaps the best article I have read on the conflict, and it's great to see - even at this late hour - that people are finally beginning to speak in terms of accepting and perhaps confronting Zionism, and its role in creating and perpetuating this conflict, and why.

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Israeli Attack Kills Palestinian Mother, 4 Children

29-04-2008 00:10

Psychopaths always blame their victims

I mean, if an Israeli family was killed we’d be hearing about it non-stop; but this was just a Palestinian mother and her four little children. Just some collateral damage…

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deacent housing, asylum rights, tcar and angle housing

28-04-2008 22:09

a an angel group demonstratiomn called by tyneside community action for refguees

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Double Screening of 'The Elephant in the Room' Sunday 4th May

28-04-2008 17:45

Award-winning Documentary hits Hackney. Twice.

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Antifascist welcomes Nazis to Leeds

28-04-2008 12:24

Two Nazis welcomed to Leeds by Antifascist committee of one.