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EDL in Coventry and Nuneaton today

AgentQ | 09.10.2010 10:44 | Anti-racism | Birmingham

EDL also going to Coventry and Nuneaton this afternoon. Counter-demo in Coventry at 3.30pm outside council house (Note -- UAF involvement).

The EDL plan to march through Coventry and Nuneaton in defiance of the restrictions imposed on them by the home secretary for their march in Leicester

A small group of EDL have got permission to hold a rally at speakers corner in the centre of coventry at 16:15 tomorrow. UAF is holding a counter protest at 15:30 at the council house.

In the video below (8min35s) EDL leader Tommy Robinson announces that the EDL will split into "three divisions" and march in Coventry and Nuneaton as well as Leicester today.



Display the following 8 comments

  1. What about.............. — Bristolian
  2. EDL No Show — covlad
  3. Dear Does it Matter? — silent Bob
  4. EDL run by asian youth — pefg
  5. Numbers — silent Bob
  6. Vid of MDL being chased by the EDL — N
  7. EDL Troll Propaganda — Eddy The FIsh
  8. EDL scum. — Giuseppe Pinelli