UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
The ‘British People’s Party’s Plans For “Racial Holy War”
22-09-2008 16:43

Rotten in Denmark
22-09-2008 14:07
Freedom of speech is a grand concept, but it can not be diluted. The Danish government should hold its head in shame after convicting a few committed and peaceful human beings who were only trying to serve justice.Minister's U-turn on migrant children
22-09-2008 13:53
Sorry for publishing the full text but this is so good!Where is the world migrating? Crossing Borders no. 6
22-09-2008 13:49
just to let you know, that you can find the 6th issue of ourtransnational newsletter crossing borders -with the title: "where is
the world migrating?"- now at

Notts People In Manchester
22-09-2008 10:14
A few anarchists went up from Nottingham to take part in protests against the Italian Consulate and the Labour Party Conference this weekend.Babi Badalov was deported
21-09-2008 19:08
He sent a little poem to his friends in UK.London fashion week: Racial diversity event
21-09-2008 00:58

This event aims to promote emerging designers and models from ethnically diverse backgrounds, in what many see as an industry dominated by 'skinny white people' in the UK.
This event took place on Friday 19th + Saturday 20th September, and was held at the Museum of London.
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Cologne street resistance to Anti-Islam Congress
20-09-2008 16:57

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URGENT help stop the deportation of Babakhan Badalov
20-09-2008 09:22
Babi has been moved to heathrow this morning and is to be forced on to a flight at 3:15pm please call the airline now and tell them to not fly him.This Week in Palestine Week 38 2008
19-09-2008 17:20

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Manchester protest against the persecution of Roma in Italy
19-09-2008 15:57

Stop A Deportation! Airline Telephone and Email Blockade
19-09-2008 10:11
At 8pm On Saturday Night Cardiff Gay Artist Asylum Seeker Babi Badalov, currently in Campsfield detention centre, is due to be deported on Azerbaijan Airlines flight J20008. No Borders South Wales urge everyone who agrees with his case to e-mail and telephone the airline as much as possible between now and his removal time.David Joines, BNP
19-09-2008 08:26
Profile of BNP goon David Joines of Ellesmere Port, tel 07761 492616. This is one of a ongoing series of profiles on the shady personalities of Britains largest fascist party.Iraqi Kurds deported to Northern Iraq
18-09-2008 17:38
Iraqi Charter flight landed in Erbil 02:00hrs this morning.Dikili Noborder Camp is Over
18-09-2008 17:30
The first noborder camp in Turkey which started on the3rd of September has ended up with future plans and with the created network of solidarity.Palestine Today 091808
18-09-2008 17:09

They want to deport Babi Badalov on Saturday...
18-09-2008 16:38

Respect Nigerians Coalition protest against BA
18-09-2008 11:01

Bath Bomb 14 hits the streets
18-09-2008 09:41
Another issue of Bath's should-be award winning grassroots publication...Stoke-on-Trent Peace and Unity Vigil
17-09-2008 17:12
The BNP are planning to hold a rally inStoke-on-Trent on Saturday September 20th.
In doing this they hope to further whip up community and racial tensions in Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire with their so-called "Truth Bus".