They want to deport Babi Badalov on Saturday...
No Borders South Wales | 18.09.2008 16:38 | Anti-racism | Migration
All the up to the minute info on Babi's situation will appear on as soon as we have it.

It seems that the proposed deportation of Babi will take place on Azerbaijan Airlines flight J20008 at 8pm on Saturday 20th September from Heathrow.
Please contact Azerbaijan Airlines to register your disapproval at their willingness to deport Babi. Point out how it will harm their business to do so.
The UK address is: Rooms 842-843, Norfolk House, South Terminal, London Gatwick Airport, West Sussex RH6 ONN
Tel.: (44-8707) 605 757 & (44-1293) 568 000
Fax.: (44-1293) 568 222
A model letter to base your complaint on can be found here:
Please inundate the company with as many complaints as possible.
Please contact Azerbaijan Airlines to register your disapproval at their willingness to deport Babi. Point out how it will harm their business to do so.
The UK address is: Rooms 842-843, Norfolk House, South Terminal, London Gatwick Airport, West Sussex RH6 ONN
Tel.: (44-8707) 605 757 & (44-1293) 568 000
Fax.: (44-1293) 568 222


A model letter to base your complaint on can be found here:

Please inundate the company with as many complaints as possible.
No Borders South Wales
18.09.2008 17:49
If you want to pay the airline a visit, Gatwick airport is at easy reach from London, about half hour by train, the cost of the ticket was £ 9 return including a travel card that you could use all around London- but may have gone up since beginning 2008.
Hard times for arilines... sure they don't need bad publicity.
Hard times for arilines... sure they don't need bad publicity.
one of noborders