UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Why did MI5 attack Somali community but let UDA nazi porno pub remain untouched?
30-01-2010 08:40
The Gloucester Arms in Camden was evicted, eventually by the brewery and council following a harrowing experience by residents living near to the pub who had to put up with UDA, nazis, underage drinkers etc. MI5 didn't ask for the pub to be ASBO'd unlike their attack upon the Camden Somali community who have been harrassed by MI5 constantly.Camden Fascist pub has been closed - absolute confirmation from police & council
30-01-2010 08:17
The Gloucester Arms has been at the centre of a row between anti racists and the landlord John Coyne who let ultra right wing racists the Jobbik Party hold meetings. The UDA supporter Coyne also let children into the pub and watched porn on the bar's TV. We have absolute confirmation that the brewery and police have evicted John Coyne.Camden fascist pub and conflicting reports from Camden Council about closure
29-01-2010 19:52
The Gloucester Arms in Camden has been the subject of demos due to landlord John Coyne's decsion to let hardcore neo nazis the Jobbik Party hold meetings in the pub. The pub is also at the centre of a feud between local tenants & the landlord Coyne, who lets children into the pub where he watches porn. A councillor for Kentish Town told us in an email that the brewery and police are evicting him however Camden Council say different.Stop The Nazification of Camden, racist policing & racism at Camden Council
29-01-2010 11:28
Recently the Gloucester Arms has been subjected to protests by anti racists due the landlord John Coyne's decision to allow ultra right wing racists the Jobbik Party hold meetings in the pub. This was not a random decision. Coyne [who claims now to be an Irish nationalist] has boards outside the pub offering British troops 20% discount having bought a former IRA pub and banning all the customers. But...Camden police have banned reggae in Camden Town & threatened nightclubs....Autonomous space for migrants and activists opens in Calais
29-01-2010 10:24
... people needed to go to Calais and take part in supporting this initiative. Look at blog for contacts.Fascist pub Gloucester Arms Camden - any news? Is nazi John Coyne still there?
28-01-2010 18:47
The Gloucester Arms was targeted by anarchists and anti racists for hosting the neo nazi Jobbik Party meetings in the pub and some sort of spat between the IRA and the UDA, rows with local council tenants, residents campaigns, mothers etc.Does anyone have any latest news as to whether he has in fact been evicted or just warned by the police and council over noise, nonces and nazis in the pub?
Bilin Protest Leader Kidnapped
28-01-2010 14:01

BNP Candidate Standing at Hucknall Central By-Election
27-01-2010 23:48

Close Communications House! Demonstrate Tuesday 2 February 1-2pm
27-01-2010 18:31
Solidarity with asylum seekers and migrants
Fight Britain's racist immigration laws!
Demonstrate Tuesday 2 February 1-2pm outside Communications House, Old Street, London EC1 (nearest tube Old Street – exit on Clerkenwell Road side)
Called by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! - all welcome
The Left and Racial Domination in France: An Interview with Sadri Khiari (MIR)
27-01-2010 17:41
This is an interview with one of the leaders of the Decolonial Movement in France known as Les Indigenes de la Republique. In this interview Sadri Khiari explains the situation of people of color in France and the anti-racist decolonial goals of their organization.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Cambridge Anarchists look back on 2009
27-01-2010 16:38
Anarchy isn’t all about sitting in the pub talking bollox… sometimes anarchists do stuff as well. Here’s a few highlights of 2009:Ghana and Afrika trapped by IMF/World Bank
27-01-2010 14:55
Contrary to what is written in the Westn racist press about corrupt Afrikan politicians "mis-managing" their countries, it is rather the draconian and vile policies of the Western owned IMF/World Bank that IS responsible for Afrika's woes by imposing bad policies like SAP's HIPC that have crippled Afrikan economies and made them the basket case of the world.Camden Fascist pub = meeting held by Camden UAF Tuesday 26th Jan 2009 7pm
26-01-2010 00:49

The EDL Issue Terror Threats To Taxi Drivers
25-01-2010 16:42

Border Police Assault Bethlehem Labourers
25-01-2010 12:13

Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Hajo Meyer and Haidar Eid: Never Again - For Anyone
25-01-2010 00:35

Camden Racist Pub. Did porno nazi UDA supporter wreck own pub & shoot windows?
24-01-2010 17:57
Local people believe that loopy nazi John Coyne may have shot out his own pub windows in a bizarre attempt to smear anti fascist activists. Drunken Coyne has been at the centre of a political row and complaints from neighbours regarding his behaviour in the pub and his decision to let neo nazis hold meetings there. He plays loud music until 6am, lets kids in the pub where he watches porn dvds.EDL Riot In Stoke by ‘Malatesta’
24-01-2010 11:23
Following the violence, vandalism and arrests in Stoke yesterday the EDL have very mixed feelings about what happened. Despite a strong turnout the trouble has created a lot of bad publicity and schisms amongst supporters. However, there are also serious lessons for anti-fascists.Hardcore Nazis of the EDL
23-01-2010 20:33

The EDL In Stoke
23-01-2010 07:42
The English Defence League is holding a demo in Stoke today which, whilst inevitably causing disruption, will get support from the Stoke football firm the Naughty 40 and associated hooligans, unaffiliated youths looking for trouble and BNP supporters in one of their key areas.