UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
An Account of What the Hell Happened in Calais
08-02-2010 13:20
This weekend a new space for activists and migrants was opened, occupied and forcibly shut down within 24hours. Here's what happened.Pianeta di Amore Planet of Love Planeta lásky 愛的行星 Planeet van Liefde Planet of
08-02-2010 02:24

EDL Bottles Out Of Bolton Nazi Brawl
08-02-2010 02:21

Protest French Consulate UK Tues 9th Feb : re : Violent police raid in Calais
07-02-2010 19:54
No Borders are a group who help desperate migrants and have rented a space in Calais that was being used to provide homeless migrants with a warm dry space to stay, food, drink, basic medical supplies, clothing and bedding etc. The French Police and UK Border / Immigration Police have smashed their way into the building via the windows and arrested almost everybody and continue to chase migrants through Calais. The migrants are fleeing political persecution, torture, rape, political imprisonment, starvation etc.Uncovering The Rapid Rise & Growth Of Far-Right Radicalism In Russia
07-02-2010 14:22
A few days ago we posted an article regarding the rapid rise and growth of some of Russia's very own Neo-Nazi paramilitary groups. These groups have been responsible for hundreds of racially motivated attacks against immigrants and refugees, plus many more murders. They typically record these attacks/murders so that they can eventually be shown to brainwash and control young recruits.STOP the EDL in Wrexham 20th February
07-02-2010 13:31
“All that is necessary for evil to triumphIs that good men and women do nothing”
Edmund Burke.
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Zionist thugs interupt talk
07-02-2010 02:08
Zionist thugs interupt talkAsk Britsh Monomark WC1 to Ditch the Nazi British Peoples Party / UDA BPP
06-02-2010 18:56

West Bank Protests Video Round-Up
06-02-2010 11:42

BNP: A party of convictions
05-02-2010 13:29
The BNP claims to be the party of law and order but its ranks are full of people with serious criminal records.critique of UNISON London by retiring long time UNISON activist
05-02-2010 10:11
The following letter was circulated among UNISON activists in London. It is a good-bye letter, critique and call to arms from a retiring UNISON officer.BNP @ Durham University
04-02-2010 23:48
Keep Durham University fascist-free: protest on Friday 12 February against the Nazi BNP6 February:12-2pm:Downing Street:Demo:Shaker Aamer:8 Yrs in GTMO
04-02-2010 10:37

Stop the Nazi BNP in Hucknall!
03-02-2010 22:45
Join the leafleting - Sunday, 7th Feb, meet 1pm at Hucknall tramp stopContre concentration this Saturday 6/2 against fascists in Greece
03-02-2010 21:03

Phil Woolas answers your questions
02-02-2010 18:02
***please spread this widely***Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12.30, anti-immigration minister Phil Woolas will
participate in a live webchat to answer questions on immigration, ID cards
and the UK Border Agency for the Manchester Evening News.
EDL are racist thugs
02-02-2010 01:17
The English Defence League (EDL) claim to be against extreme Islam yet on their website is a link to a news story of an Asian man being convicted of rape. What has this got to do with extreme Islam? Which other groups highlight black/asian crime? The BNP and the NF.Eight Children Hospitalised in Nabi Saleh Siege
01-02-2010 09:07

Kentish Town and Camden UDA : A History Of Child Abuse and Snubbed By Soldiers
30-01-2010 13:29
UDA joke John Coyne was evicted from his pub by anti racists, Kentish Town residents, Camden National Union of Teachers etc when it was found that he was watching porn in his pub where only children and under age teenage drinkers were let in. Everyone else was barred from the former IRA pub, Gloucester Arms in Kentish Town. His chum Frank Portinari hid guns in a Kentish Town infants school.