UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Rally for Justice at Scotland Yard Sunday June 11th 2006
12-06-2006 18:36

Justice for Muslims demo New Scotland Yard
12-06-2006 15:48

Sunday 11th June 2006.
12-06-2006 15:16
6.30pm-9pm Monday 19th June 2006 @ Community Base, 113 Queens Road, BrightonFREE! ALL WELCOME!
You can download the poster for this event from the weblink
12-06-2006 12:10
The following detailed statement has been made by the Colnbrook Detainees. Anyone who has visited a UK immigration detention centre will know that is is not exaggerated. Anyone who has not been to one should go. It will make you sick to the stomach to see what we, a so-called civilised society, are doing to innocent people who's only crime is to be in the UK without papers.'I have started hunger strike and I will continue until my life ends.'
12-06-2006 11:50
I want you know, I have started hunger strike today 11/06/06 and I will continue to do it until my life ends. Over 2 yrs i have been detained. I want to go to my country.Rally For Justice, New Scotland Yard
12-06-2006 09:45

No Borders protest at Wapping
12-06-2006 09:26

Rally for Justice, 2pm, Sunday, 11th June, outside Scotland Yard in London
11-06-2006 09:50

‘terror raids’ throughout the country and ‘trial-by-media’ sensationalism, communities are under severe attack and must show unity.
09-06-2006 18:21
This assumes, of course, that Zarqawi was ever even IN Iraq, which remains unsupported by compelling evidence. Since such evidence was being demanded by much of the media and several governments - after the Pentagon was forced to admit it had manipulated the Zarqawi myth - this 'strike' seems like a prudent move to end the whole PsyOps program before being exposed as a fraud.Note that nobody within the media points out that the only source for the claims are the same people who LIED their way into a deadly and illegal war. And sorry, a body wouldn't look as good as the one the US has trotted out as "proof", after having such a piece of ordinance dropped directly on it.
08-06-2006 20:36
Muslims in east London should withdraw co-operation with the police in the wake of last week's terror raid in which a man was shot, a Respect party activist has said. Yvonne Ridley said the community was being "terrorised" by the Metropolitan Police and should end all contact with the force.Who was Abu Musab al Zarqawi?
08-06-2006 16:09
Mythical figure and terror mastermind Abu Musab Al Zarqawi was killed in an air raid, according to a statement of the Iraqi government.
Palestine Today
08-06-2006 14:21

Army invades Kofer Ra'e and Fahma villages west of Jenin, Army arrests one resident from Tulkarem, and invades Balata Al Balad village near Nablus also arresting one . The Israeli Army hands out military order to demolish four houses in Al Kader village near Bethlehem
Those stores and more coming up stay tuned.
Love and Petrol worth seeing
08-06-2006 00:24
Love and Petrol is a play that entertains and doesn't beat you over the head with a message you've heard already.ANTIFAscist Night @ THE SQUARE // Fri.9th June
07-06-2006 17:47

Plaestine Today
07-06-2006 15:23

Army shells several areas in the Gaza strip, the new security forces clash with unknown gunmen in Gaza, two injured. One resident killed in the Wednesday market in Khan-Younis town in the Gaza strip
Those stores and more coming up stay tuned.
Plaestine Today
06-06-2006 15:43

Five injured in a RPG attack on Preventative Security headquarters in Gaza meanwhile in the West Bank One resident injured in unexplained explosion in Hebron and Army sets farms in Tayasser village on fire
These stories and more coming up stay tuned
Letter from Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre
06-06-2006 08:44
Detainees in Colnbrook IRC have published a letter to News of the World reporter Mazher Mahmood.Days of Action in Support of Asylum Seekers in Manchester!
06-06-2006 01:07
The North West Asylum Seekers Defence Group is holding a day of action against all deportations on Market St, Manchester.As part of Refugee Week, on Thursday 22nd June 2006, NWASDG is organising a picket of Dallas Court, as part of a national day of action against outside Immigration Reporting Centres, called by Tyneside Community Action for Refugees.
All Anti-Deportation, Anti-Racist Activists, Socialists and all those opposed Britains racist immigritation laws are invited to join all NWASDG Events.