UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
rioting breaks at out rampART
12-01-2006 16:06
Tonight (thursday) the free weekly cinema at the rampART is showing films related to the french riots.During the last few weeks these riots have been used to fuel race hatred by nationalist and other right wing scum in the hope of gaining power and influence for their fascist agenda.
In France, Le Pen's Front National party has been milking the situation for all it's worth and apparently gaining support. Opinion poll commissioned by the newspaper Le Monde, suggest that only 39 percent of the French now believe that the views of the Front National party, are "unacceptable." That suggests up to 61 percent, now see Le Pen as a legitimate political candidate, along with his policies of compulsory mass expulsion of immigrants, including children born in France.
Moreover, the ideas and resentments that underpin Le Pen's message have become widespread. Nearly three out of four (73%) declared that "the traditional values of France are not adequately protected." while almost two out of three (63%), said that there are too many immigrants in France.
Le Monde also reported another poll organized by France's National Commission for the Rights of Man. It was accompanied by a confidential report to the Minister of the Interior, noting that "the word 'racist' has been liberated." Indeed it appears that the word is no longer used with shame in France. The poll found that 33% of French adults used the word 'racist' to describe themselves (in rural districts the percentage is even higher at 48%!). In the same poll a year ago, only 25 percent would call themselves 'racist.'
The poll showed that the public acceptance of racist attitudes is strongest among men, the elderly, skilled workers, small business people, company heads and workers. The report concludes that, "the end of the taboo against racism is confirmed by the finding that 63 percent of respondents said that certain behavior (by immigrants) can justify racist reactions."
Slightly less than the previous poll, this one reported that 56% thought that there were too many immigrants in France - even immigrants saying the same apparently! France has the highest proportion of immigrants in Europe with some 10 percent of the population, mostly of Islamic backgrounds in North Africa.
Racism appears to be making gains around Europe. In Belgium, the successor to the Vlaams Blok party (a party banned two years ago for it's 'extremism'), has 18% of the vote and is the second largest party in the Flemish parliament. It is also the largest party on Antwerp city where 'Mohammed' is now the most common name in new registrations of births.

In the UK, the British Nazi Party have also been striving to gain support for their fascist agenda by capitalising on peoples fear after the french riots.

Where the riots in france really race riots by terrorist inspired muslim youth or simply a class issue of alienation, discrimination and poverty? Whatever the answer that fact remains that tensions are growing as the cap between the haves and have nots widens under global capitalism and as the worlds finite resources are squandered at an ever increasing pace.
URGENT Action Alert: Protest Against Colin Powell Fundraising for Raci
12-01-2006 15:55
On Sunday 15th January, former U.S Secretary of State Colin Powell will be guest speaker at a fund- raising dinner being held by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in London.asylum death
12-01-2006 07:41
An asylum seeker killed himself so that his teenage son would not be deported.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
Colin Powell is coming to Manchester
11-01-2006 23:25
Colin Powell is coming to the Manchester Hilton to attend a Jewish National Fund (JNF) Fundraising Gala Dinner on Tuesday 17th January.Now is the time to stop the BNP - 16 Jan
11-01-2006 13:29
Now is the time to stop the BNP -Organised by Yorkshire and Humberside TUC and UAF.
Join the protest outside the court for the opening of the trial of Fascist BNP leaders Nick Griffin and Mark Collett. Assemble Monday 16th January - 9am outside Leeds Crown Court, Oxford Row. Rally at noon outside Leeds Art Gallery, The Headrow, Leeds
No Nazis In Leeds – Antifascists Picket BPP Mailbox
10-01-2006 16:49

10-01-2006 15:51
The antichrist of our age, Dajjal Bush, strikes again - strikes out, that is.Some soul searching in the USA as the Martin Luther King Holiday approaches
10-01-2006 14:50

09-01-2006 05:26
Fresh medical atrocities have been perpetrated by hospital commandant John Edmondson against POWs tortured in the US concentration camp at Guantanamo. The criminal assaults mentioned in the articles are only those known to have been publicly admitted by commandant Edmonson himself. What other horrors remain to be revealed will only be learned in the course of time, if ever.Mohammed Arrian Protest
07-01-2006 21:46

Demonstration for passports in Calais
07-01-2006 14:43
Here are two translated texts relating to the demo that took place in Calais on Wednesday 4th January which could be an important first step in recognising the misery that the borders erected in our name inflict on the victims of global politicsThe first is the call before and the second a report in the national newspaper 'Liberation' the following day
Stop Burning and Looting Traveller Homes
07-01-2006 14:24
A gap in new Government policyallows UK local councils to continue
with impunity their hounding of Britain's
60,000 Travellers, according to a
report submitted this week to Deputy
Prime Minister John Prescott.
BNP Paedophile Jailed
05-01-2006 20:23
BNP Nonce - Notice some kind of pattern here?Stop the attack on Iran!
05-01-2006 09:44
This is a short piece about the proposed March attack on Iran.Civtas anti PC booklet
04-01-2006 16:39
Rightwing lonie tune think tank Civitas publishes booklet that attacs PC culture. The author claims that PC culture has helped spread HIV ! amongst other cobblersGlasgow Asylum Seeker Detained
04-01-2006 14:33
A Glasgow Asylum Seeker was detained this morning and taken to the Brand Street Immigration Centre.Documentary: Latitude 36
03-01-2006 14:41

A documentary and fiction about the south European border
Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Mohammed Arrian fights deportation
01-01-2006 19:05
Mohammed Arrian is to be deported to Afghanistan in two weeks time. This is despite the fact that all the rest of his family are happily settled in Sheffield and all have indefinate leave to remain in this country. The Home Office are even refusing to talk to Richard Caborn, his MP about the situation.