UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Rough Music #26 April/May Out Now!
20-04-2011 22:39

March against cuts to English lessons for speakers of other languages (ESOL)
20-04-2011 14:33

Iranian Asylum Seekers on hunger strike, who have stitched their mouth
19-04-2011 10:19
6 Iranians have been on hunger strike since 05/04.2011.It started on 05 April by 7 people in front t of the Amnesty International office in London.
Nottingham, Sheffield, & West Yorkshire Sabs Sept 2010-March 2011 Report
18-04-2011 21:01

BNP exposed as liars - Scottish BNP leaflets full of lies
17-04-2011 13:34
The ever odious BNP stoop to a new low.Their Scottish elelction leaflets not only jumpon the anti-Islam bandwagon much favoured by far-right wankers like the EDL etc. but are also full of lies and have been exposed as such.Egos, Money & Factionalism by 'Malatesta'
17-04-2011 06:25
What is going on with the far right already?Dale Farm Eviction - Solidarity / Numbers Needed...
13-04-2011 19:03

(lifted from P Poser-Solidarity & Respect)
President Obama gets his groove back by attacking Africans
08-04-2011 11:58

Obama's Terror War on Libya
07-04-2011 21:11

Benefit gig in Sheffield
07-04-2011 11:00

£4 in.
Palestine Today 04 05 2011
05-04-2011 15:40
Author of the Goldstone Report, Judge Richard Goldstone, promised to work to nullify the contested report and has accepted an invitation to visit Israel, Army Radio reported on Tuesday. He wants to "wait for the dust to settle" in the aftermath of an op-ed he penned in the Washington Post last week, in which he wrote that Israel, contrary to his famed UN report, did not target civilians in Operation Cast Lead as a matter of policy, AP reported.Sheffield BNP Meeting
31-03-2011 12:25
Sheffield BNP will be holding a meeting tonight at The Malthouse Public Ecclesfield.Libya: The objective of "humanitarian bombing" is death and destruction
27-03-2011 11:34

Civilian casualties are intentional. They are not the result of "collateral damage".
Early reports confirm that hospitals, civilian airports and government buildings have been bombed.
The objective of the media disinformation campaign is to blatantly obfuscate the loss of life of civilians.
Tomahawk missiles and aerial bombings are upheld as instruments of peace and democracy. They do not result in civilian deaths.
Obama’s imperial twist: “Humanitarian” regime change in Libya
24-03-2011 21:54

BNP shit it out of South Tyneside
24-03-2011 19:16
The odious scumbags of the BNP are not to field a singal coandidate in South Shields due to infighting amid claims Nick Griffin is not fit to lead the partyObama’s War in Libya
23-03-2011 21:30