Cort Greene | 09.04.2011 10:34 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Cambridge | World
Obama went to New York to cozy-up to race-monger Al Sharpton. His spiritual guru for years was the blatant racist Jeremiah Wright. What might a reasonable person conclude from these associations? And what would liberals have said if any Republican president chose to bask in the company of the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan?
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Barack, you and your addle-brained sycophants were NOT the ones we were waiting for. But, nevertheless, you and the wife and kids have (another) wonderful vacation in Williamsburg.
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When Obama took office, gasoline nationwide averaged $1.87 per gallon. Are you REALLY better off today than you were then? The price of fuel may get much, much worse. After all, Obama appointed as his energy secretary an elitist fool named Steven Chu -- from U.C.-Berkeley, where else? -- who's on the record as stating he wants to give us $10 per gallon gasoline.
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Even the liberal Washington Post says Nancy Pelosi's lying with her absurd claim that Republican budget plans would starve six million elderly. All the other bullfeathers aside, one fundamental flaw in her "reasoning" is that only 2.6 million seniors are even involved in the Agriculture Department's food subsidy program. The Post, in its lie-catching feature, awards the Plastic Surgery Queen four Pinocchios with extended noses for her disdain of the truth.
repost from the indybay news service

Cort Greene
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