UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
May 16th, Day for Gaza
03-05-2009 17:34
Dont let the fight stop. STWC rally for gaza. big turn out please.bnp were out in shrewsbury yesterday
03-05-2009 07:40
went for a days shopping in Shrewsbury only to be confronted in the square with a bnp canvassing table. I had no camera stuff with me to take pics, or there would have been some here, so if your local its worth keeping an eye on this one, to see if their activities can be confronted or disrupted.cheers
Stop Charter Flight Deportations Protest in Cardiff
02-05-2009 17:20

Racism and homophobia. Mario Mauro must not be elected President...
01-05-2009 22:15

Neoliberal capitalist globalization=economic Anglo white supremacy
01-05-2009 15:28
Neoliberal capitalist globalization has been nothing more than the Anglo-Saxon U.S./U.K. telling the rest of the world: "Our way or the highway because our Anglo way superior to all others".TIME FOR THE WORLD TO REJECT ANGLO-SAXON CRACKANOMICS!
Breaking the Law of the Jungle
01-05-2009 11:55
Due to the policies of the UK government the French port town of Calais iswitnessing a humanitarian crisis the likes of which were once unheard of
in the modern western Europe. Thousands of people risk their lives to
enter England in search of a new life, surviving with the 'illegal'
solidarity of local people. It is a bottleneck of the resistance of
migrants from around the world who are challenging Fortress Europe by
their attempts to move. It will also be the location for a No Border camp
this summer, (23-29 June.) People from the No Borders Network in the UK
report back on a recent trip to Calais, put the mobilisation into context
and shine a light on the crisis in Calais to illuminate the relevance of
the No Borders position.
Wake up and smell the pepper spray
30-04-2009 13:35
These 3,609 new laws are here to control us, not protect us.....Upcoming No Borders Events in Newcastle
30-04-2009 11:25

African Socialist International (ASI) Takes Hold in East Africa
29-04-2009 18:11

BNP Activists Again Visited in W.Yorks
29-04-2009 18:11
More BNP activists get night visitsMore BNP Activists Visited in W.Yorkshire
29-04-2009 17:51
More BNP scum get night visitsMay Day Solidarity Conference, Barnsley
29-04-2009 16:32
Last call out for the May Day Solidarity Conference in Barnsley on Saturday May 2nd. We hope that - on International Workers Day - the conference will bring together those who want to fight for the rights of all workers, regardless of nationality or immigration status.Comment on the Western boycott of Durban II and walkout at Ahmadinejad speech
29-04-2009 12:20
Not only the Western boycott of Durban II and the attitude on the Ahmadinejad speech lacks a fundamental respect for fundamental human rights, it is also hypocritical seeing in the light of her implicite support for the Israeli regime of occupation, letting get Israel away with human rights violations and war-crimesLets do it again: Prevent the Anti-Islam-Congress in Cologne
29-04-2009 12:01

Close Communications House Tuesday 5 May 1-2pm
28-04-2009 22:49
tamil tiger rally march newcastle saturday the 25th april
28-04-2009 21:16

Cardiff demonstration against charter flight to Nigeria-29/04
28-04-2009 16:01
There has been news of an ‘Ethnic Charter Flight’ to Nigeria on 29th April 2009 via Ireland. Immigration detainees have received removal directions on flight PVT007 to Dublin at 18:00 connecting with PVT008 to Lagos at 21:00.Stop the genocide of the Tamils
27-04-2009 22:55
Air strikes on so the called safety zone are continuing, in violation of Sri Lankan government's own announcement. Five air stikes Monday 27th April, hundreds of civilians killed or maimed. Civilians are running out of food.
Sri Lankan Embassy surrounded by Tamil protest. Please come & support
27-04-2009 13:31
The Sri Lankan Embassy in London is currently surrounded by Tamil protestors. They need people, especially non-Tamils, to come suppurt asap.The address of the Embassy is: 13 Hyde Park Gardens London W2 2LU

Tamils in occupation here and at Parliament Square - where Parameswaran Subramaniyan is in the 21st day of his hunger strike, now joined by 2 young women - all vow to continue their protest until there is a permanent ceasefire.