New Antifa Newsletter Out
Antifa England | 28.04.2009 03:27 | Anti-racism
The latest issue of ‘No Pasaran!’, the Antifa England newsletter, is now out. You can either obtain a copy from your local Antifa group or download it in ready to print PDF format from the Antifa website –
Issue 3 contains plenty of news of recent militant antifascist activity, including actions in Burnley, Cambridgeshire, Derbyshire, Gloucestershire, Kendal, Leeds, London, and Wigan (‘Stop, Hammer Time!’) There are articles on the BNP’s unlikely attempt to sell Irish Republican ballads, and on the latest attempt by ‘Searchlight’ to hoodwink antifascists. ‘Cranks’ Corner’ makes a return, focusing on some of British fascism’s biggest idiots (and in the case of Kevin Watmough, one of the smallest.) We also look at what happened when the BPP (Brown Pants Party) tried to ‘reclaim the streets’ of Leeds, and report on the latest ‘Blub & Dishonour’ security breach, what’s happening with the BNP’s ‘Red, White, & Blue’ scumfest, and on an ‘accident’ waiting to happen in Barnsley.
There’s an updated contacts list, with Antifa groups now active in Bedford, Bristol, Cumbria, Gloucester, London, Norfolk, Nottingham, South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire. If you don’t live in one of those places, you can still get involved, and Antifa also encourage and support all constructive autonomous antifascist activity, as our statement on the front page of ‘No Pasaran!’ (reproduced below) makes clear.
Check out ‘No Pasaran!’ and get involved in stopping the rise of the BNP.
While most of us are struggling with the effects of the current crisis in capitalism, the British National Party are busy making hay. They see the bosses’ recession as a political windfall, and just as Hitler used Germany's economic problems to scapegoat the Jews, they are scapegoating 'immigrants' and asylum-seekers. The BNP were smashed off the streets by militant antifascists in the past, but now they are beginning to crawl back out of the sewers to spread their racist poison in our communities. It is time to stand and fight.
Antifa is committed to confronting fascism wherever it appears, but we cannot be everywhere. If the BNP are to be defeated, whole communities must unite against them, and all autonomous antifascists must organize to defend their communities and help stop the rise of the BNP. Despite what the middle-class Left tell us, this will take more than petitions or appeals to politicians, it will take direct action.
Throughout the country the BNP are holding meetings, paper-sales, and street stalls on a regular basis. Whenever they come out onto the streets we have to be there to confront them. Now is the time to stop the BNP. Now is the time to act.
By any means necessary.

Issue 3 contains plenty of news of recent militant antifascist activity, including actions in Burnley, Cambridgeshire, Derbyshire, Gloucestershire, Kendal, Leeds, London, and Wigan (‘Stop, Hammer Time!’) There are articles on the BNP’s unlikely attempt to sell Irish Republican ballads, and on the latest attempt by ‘Searchlight’ to hoodwink antifascists. ‘Cranks’ Corner’ makes a return, focusing on some of British fascism’s biggest idiots (and in the case of Kevin Watmough, one of the smallest.) We also look at what happened when the BPP (Brown Pants Party) tried to ‘reclaim the streets’ of Leeds, and report on the latest ‘Blub & Dishonour’ security breach, what’s happening with the BNP’s ‘Red, White, & Blue’ scumfest, and on an ‘accident’ waiting to happen in Barnsley.
There’s an updated contacts list, with Antifa groups now active in Bedford, Bristol, Cumbria, Gloucester, London, Norfolk, Nottingham, South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire. If you don’t live in one of those places, you can still get involved, and Antifa also encourage and support all constructive autonomous antifascist activity, as our statement on the front page of ‘No Pasaran!’ (reproduced below) makes clear.
Check out ‘No Pasaran!’ and get involved in stopping the rise of the BNP.
While most of us are struggling with the effects of the current crisis in capitalism, the British National Party are busy making hay. They see the bosses’ recession as a political windfall, and just as Hitler used Germany's economic problems to scapegoat the Jews, they are scapegoating 'immigrants' and asylum-seekers. The BNP were smashed off the streets by militant antifascists in the past, but now they are beginning to crawl back out of the sewers to spread their racist poison in our communities. It is time to stand and fight.
Antifa is committed to confronting fascism wherever it appears, but we cannot be everywhere. If the BNP are to be defeated, whole communities must unite against them, and all autonomous antifascists must organize to defend their communities and help stop the rise of the BNP. Despite what the middle-class Left tell us, this will take more than petitions or appeals to politicians, it will take direct action.
Throughout the country the BNP are holding meetings, paper-sales, and street stalls on a regular basis. Whenever they come out onto the streets we have to be there to confront them. Now is the time to stop the BNP. Now is the time to act.
By any means necessary.
Antifa England
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