UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Daniel Pipes Details Israeli Attack Against Iran
13-06-2007 15:27
Earlier this week, warmonger and Israel Firster Joe Lieberman said “I think we’ve got to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq,” predicating, as neocons are wont, his argument on allegation. Now we have yet another Israel Firster and former United States Institute of Peace—as in war is peace—board member nominee, Daniel Pipes, calling for an attack against Iran.Burning of Margaret Hodge Effigy
12-06-2007 17:20

Renowned Kenyan dissident Ngugi wa Thiong'o in Leeds 29-30 June
12-06-2007 13:01
Two hundred years on from the parliamentary abolition of the transatlantic slave trade, the celebrated Kenyan writer Ngugi wa Thiong'o will headline two major public events on today’s struggles in Africa and beyond for global social justice in late June being organised by the University of Leeds and the World Development Movement.Public meeting to organise Gatwick Area No Border Camp
12-06-2007 09:18
Invitation for a public meeting to organise the Gatwick area No Border camp.DAWN RAID in Glasgow this morning
12-06-2007 08:42
This morning at 7.00am the Home Office Immigration Enforcement Team and Strathclyde Police arrested a family at 10 Red Road Court in what was the first dawn raid in Glasgow since the Waku family were taken in March earlier this year.Anti-Fascist Anti-Fundamentalist Counter Demonstration
11-06-2007 15:18
This Friday, 15th June, will see two factions take part indemonstrations outside Downing Street. The first is a call for Muslims around the UK to
demonstrate against attacks by the British State on the Muslim
community. The second calls for the British people to stand
up against the supposed Islamist threat walking our streets. We must unite in opposition to those who would try to divide us.
REFUGEES – THEY'RE WELCOME HERE! meeting in Brighton 18th June
11-06-2007 14:39
An open discussion about how refugees are supported in Brighton and Hove and how we could do more to integrate them into our communityGordon Brown must himself return to Labour Party values first -
10-06-2007 14:00
Gordoin Broiwn this lunchtime ahs been quoted as saying that the formerr Labour Party has "to consult, involve and engage the members of the party as we make our policies".Colonialism is Bad for Your Health - This week: AIDS in Africa
09-06-2007 23:02

Christianity without Christ
09-06-2007 12:19
Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) sought to introduce Christianity into Christendom when the state religion had become comfortable and indistinguishable from the world. Kierkegaard like Boff calls us to authenticity in a world of reversible cups and self-righteousness, a world of half-truths and fish stories.Have a go at Lancaster UAF's BNP quiz
08-06-2007 18:04
Some of the comments are a bit of a laugh. No prizes to be won though...Please sign my petition in support of my right to asylum
07-06-2007 21:23
Dear Friends,Please sign my petition and spread it far and beyond.
My name is George Mwangi. I am a 31-year-old Kenyan male asylum seeker with a partner and 2-year-old daughter and my asylum case is pending reconsideration since 24th August 2006. My Home Office reference is M709238, and Port reference: SP/02/9080.
George Mwangi
BNP Gang Rape man admits affray
07-06-2007 13:17
A DAD who brutally attacked his next-door neighbours after they asked his teenage son to leave a barbecue is today exposed as a convicted gang rapist.Bennett, 64, a former BNP activist, was convicted of the gang rape of two 17-year-old girls in 1976 and jailed for five years.
Letter from women detainees at Yarlswood IRC
07-06-2007 10:33
... We are victims of torture, rape and ill treatment from ourcountries having been forced by circumstances to flee our countries
of origin in search of safety and protection.
Christians protected under Saddam Hussain
05-06-2007 20:21
A Catholic priest and three of his assistants were shot dead overnight outside a church in northern Iraq, the local police commander said.Families in immigration detention February/March/April 2007
04-06-2007 11:17
Figures obtained by the Ntional C0alition of ANti Deportation Campaigns under the Freedom of Information ActTwo released from Yarls' Wood//Continuing conflict that create refugees
04-06-2007 11:13
Uthayasooriyan family - still here!
Teresa Lau Manuel released from Yarl's Wood, But!!!
Police Racism In Greater Manchester
04-06-2007 06:11
Basically this is a short story of why one guy has come to believe that Greater Manchester Police is a corrupt and racist organization. (With a link address to the related YouTube video)!