UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Ask Pope Benedict: When Does Genocide Purify?
25-05-2007 10:21
Benedict's astounding comments attracted barely a flicker of media attention in the West -- almost all of it on the wire services, and some of it problematic in itself. A May 13 Reuters dispatch noted blithely that, contrary to Benedict's claims, "many Indian groups believe the conquest brought them enslavement and genocide." This is rather like writing that "many Jewish groups believe that the Nazi Holocaust brought Jews enslavement and genocide."Full article | 4 additions | 11 comments
"Anti-British stickers spark protests"
24-05-2007 22:53

Anarchists intervene in National Day of Action to Defend Asylum Rights
24-05-2007 16:11
Anarchists in Coventry supported a demo.and march to the Midlands Enforcement Unit in Solihull on 19th May.Mr & Mrs Hodge, New Labour, Asylum Seekers and Migrants
24-05-2007 15:28
One aspect of the recent Hodge affair which has not received attention is the fact that Margaret's husband, Henry, is involved in immigration decision making.Full article | 1 addition | 11 comments
London lecture: 9/11 official story, fact or fiction?
24-05-2007 13:11
Friday 8th June 2007 - Separating Facts from Fiction - Why the Official Account of 9/11 is contradicted by genuine Scientific Research ...with Gordon Ross and Calum DouglasNeo-Cons Behind Lebanon Violence?
24-05-2007 02:37
Some very eye-opening background on the recent fighting in Lebanon.How MEMRI fooled the U.S Media with its Mickey Mouse Translation
24-05-2007 02:33
See also: Selective,7792,773258,00.html
"Sham" marriage controls breach human rights, rules Court of Appeal
23-05-2007 14:26
The Court of Appeal today ruled against the HomeSecretary to uphold the right of non-European
nationals who are in genuine relationships to
marry in the UK irrespective of immigration
UK Asylum Statistics: 1st Quarter Jan/Feb/March 2007
23-05-2007 12:30
The Home Office published today their quarterly bulletin on Asylum
statistics for January, February and March 2007, in that period:
200 more families benefited from the 'Family ILR Exercise'
Removals dipped 17% in the first 3 months of this year compared with
the last 3 months of 2006 and 32% compared with the same period last
Report: 19 May Asylum Rights March Glasgow
23-05-2007 00:17
The 19th May saw RCG comrades join asylum-seekers and supporters in Glasgow taking to the streets once more to demand equal rights, an end to deportations and the right to work for all.Islam In Western Mirror
21-05-2007 18:00
The anti-Islamic tradition in the Christendoms has a long historical pedigree and it continues to be a dynamic factor affecting and determining international relations.The question of ‘Islamic terrorism’, the denial of women’s rights under Islam and the alleged irreconcilability of Islamic and Western values appear all the time in the Western media. But such accusations reveal a deep-rooted ignorance and confusion.
Newcastle Report on May 19th Day of Action for Asylum Rights
20-05-2007 17:09

Report: May 17 demo at US Embassy for Mumia Abu-Jamal
19-05-2007 21:48

Full article | 2 additions | 6 comments
London 15 June: Muslim Demo against British Oppression
19-05-2007 21:08

Report: National Day of Action for Refugees
19-05-2007 17:00
Today, around 150 people marched for asylum seekers' rights and against deportations.Interview with Mumia Abu-Jamal's lawyer
19-05-2007 08:41
This is a "DEMOCRACY NOW" interview with Mumia's attorney Robert Bryan following the Federal Appeals Court hearing on Thursday."Attorney Robert Bryan says a racist judge and racist jury practices contributed to the sentencing of Abu-Jamal to death row. Bryan joins us in New York one day after he argued before the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia."
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
No one is illegal, stop deportations
18-05-2007 17:15

Former Child Soldier to Speak at African Liberation Day in U.S.
18-05-2007 15:02

NAZDROVE Benefit Night at Cricketers 20th May 7pm
18-05-2007 14:36
Nazdrove Benefit Night in aid of PEACE IN THE PARK