UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Rally anti-US near the U.S. embassy in Manila - January 8, 2007
08-01-2007 15:08

Active Halifax BNP/Combat18 Organiser Sent Swastika Death Threats
06-01-2007 23:52

So much for the BNP not being Nazis, and not running Combat18.
Martin Luther King “One death is one death too many!”
06-01-2007 23:39

Seek out and close this Aryanfuturist meeting-London...
06-01-2007 16:21
A fairly regular poster on has put this up about an AryanFuckup meeting in London due sometime in January...Please seek it out and give them our anti-facist 'regards'....
BNP Race Hate criminal
06-01-2007 12:59
Swansea BNP memeber Robert McGlynn has lost his appeal against his conviction of being a race hate criminal.X-ray Asylum Seekers
05-01-2007 08:14
The Guardian today published a report on a new government plan to introduce x-ray and dental checks for young asylum seekers entering the UK to assess their age. The article says the plan is seen by "an array of medical specialists and children's campaigners" as "unethical and ineffective", but does not say how racist this new neo-Labour invention is.Demo at racist prison in central London, this Saturday, 11am
04-01-2007 23:20
Call for demo at Communications House (corner of Old Street/Mallow Street, central London) this Saturday, from 11am til 1pm.Philippines: shameless act of collaboration of the Arroyo regime & the U.S. govt
04-01-2007 22:39

This was the statement of Myrla Baldonado, spokesperson of Task Force Subic Rape (TFSR) on the stealthy transfer of custody of Daniel Smith from the Makati City Jail to the U.S. Embassy.
from the archives: 'Why isn't Saddam being tried for genocide?'
04-01-2007 21:31
How was life in Iraq before Desert Storm? This is a subject that is taboo for Americans to know.The "Demonization" of Muslims and the Battle for Oil
04-01-2007 20:53

The US led war in the broader Middle East Central Asian region has the purpose of gaining control over more than sixty percent of the world's supplies of oil and natural gas. The Anglo-American oil giants also seek to gain control over oil and gas pipeline routes out of the region.
German police are killing Africans
04-01-2007 15:52
Oury Jalloh burned to death in a police cell in Dessau, east Germany, on the 7th of January, 2005. Two years have now gone by; two years in which the court in Dessau has effectively blocked any hearings from taking place against the responsible police officers. This alone is evidence enough that neither the police nor the judiciary is willing to see that the events surrounding the death of Oury Jalloh are clarified.Thousands of African migrants drown trying to reach Europe
04-01-2007 12:54
The year 2006 closed with yet another in a long list of tragedies suffered by African migrants seeking refuge in Europe. More than 100 people from Senegal drowned on December 15, in the open seas, when the flimsy boat (cayuco) in which they were travelling in an attempt to emigrate via the Canary Islands was shipwrecked. Another 25 were rescued by fishermen near Saint-Louis.Full article | 1 addition | 28 comments
False Flag Operations and Make-Believe Bogymen
03-01-2007 19:17
War is a racket. The people don’t –of course- want war. It takes false flag operations and make-believe bogyman enemies to get the masses to accept war. The USA has wasted 21 trillion dollars since 1945 on military buildups to fight enemies that don't existAsylum Seekers at Christmas
02-01-2007 11:05

Lancaster UAF's review of the year - 2006 in a nutshell
01-01-2007 01:12
We're off for a couple of days (again) so thought we'd leave you with a bit of reading material. :-)Genocide in Canada: The Untold Story
31-12-2006 04:58
An overview of the history and ongoing practice of genocide in canada.More raids of migrants and deportations from Morocco
31-12-2006 00:05
Hundreds were rounded up during the Chrismas festivities, and abandoned in the desert at the border with Algeria.Saddam's execution: the western antiwar movement - the left boot of imperialism?
30-12-2006 21:16
The silence of the western antiwar movement on the lynching of Saddam Hussein is deafening and is increasingly beginning to prove what a lot of discerning people have suspected all along – that the mainstream anti-war movement (including large parts of its left wing) in the west is the well concealed left boot of western imperialism, the conscience of the conqueror.The UK Ambassador's cheek
30-12-2006 14:03

2006: A Deadly Year For Journalists
30-12-2006 08:03