UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
London Boris Johnson PR front Evening Standard has been blocking comments
10-06-2014 15:42
Today's the day when Sarah Sands, the unofficial Boris Johnson Special Adviser and sometime Editor of Two-Beards' Evening Standard is sharing the global Civilisation platform thanks top Angelina Jolie. The ES has got Jolie all over the paper's prints today. In the Editorial, Sarah Sands reiterates her Conservative and Boris Johnson dedications. But comments on the pieces are barred. From a number of London campaigners.Calais sea festival/ Evictions and resistance
03-06-2014 19:55

Three squats opened by No Borders/ Salut a toit, housing over 100 migrants, are also under eviciton and could be evicted any moment.
The women's squat in Victor Hugo will not be evicted thanks to successful campaigning and will stay until the women and children are re- housed in a better place -however we are no more there, since the prefect Denis Robin ordered the association Solid'R to take it over, else it would close it!
Harry Matz EDL member and fascist
31-05-2014 21:23

March for Dignity Arrives in Newport
31-05-2014 20:44

Bristol - Chepstow - Newport - Cardiff.
29 May - 2 June.
"Walking together to end the injustices of the UK asylum system."
The march arrived at St. Michael's Church in Pill, Newport at around 8.15 this evening after a 17 mile stretch from Chepstow. Tomorrow the march continues to Cardiff, with a demonstration at the Home Office on Monday.
Video: Militant anti-fascism in Sweden
30-05-2014 15:27
Website of Revolutionary Front:

Leaflet distribution at Green St market Thurs 29th May
30-05-2014 09:10

1st International Self-organized Antifascist Martial Art Tournament of Salonika
21-05-2014 19:19

Lancaster UKIP Billboard Improved
16-05-2014 03:42

Fascists given free reign in newcastle
10-05-2014 14:56

Nigel Farage "Racist & Neo-Fascist Views"
07-05-2014 14:41

Home office racist van raiders empty handed in West London restaurant raid
01-05-2014 13:13

UKIP posters in Leicester, vastly improved
30-04-2014 09:48

March for Engerland 2014
29-04-2014 16:26

Israel said planning to deport African migrants to Uganda
28-04-2014 11:50
Israel plans to soon begin deporting migrants from Eritrea and Sudan, who number more than 50,000, back to the African continent via Uganda, officials said.Pull the plugs on Nazi thugs
27-04-2014 04:35

Free Mumia rally Brixton
25-04-2014 01:04
Saturday 26th April 1.00 pm, Rally at Windrush Square, Brixton, London, SW9 - Free Mumia Abu Jamal Now !