UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
BNP to stand in Hampstead election
05-09-2008 20:39
The BNP is standing a candidate in Hampstead, for elections to Camden Council. Anti-fascists take note....This week in Palestine week 36 2008
05-09-2008 16:53

Yet Another Racist at Nottingham Uni
05-09-2008 15:29

Palestine TOday 090408
04-09-2008 15:44

Cost to keep immigrants in detention
03-09-2008 23:04
'The average direct budget cost for 2007/08 for operating each establishment in the immigration removal estate was £119 per bed space per day.'Data obtained by NCADC under the Freedom of Information Act.
2500 innocent men women and children are detained in the UK at any given time and the government's plans are to increase detention spaces to 4000.
All the money ultimately comes from the taxes we pay. Who's good at maths?
Palestien Today 090308
03-09-2008 16:22

Call out for action against the Northern Territory Intervention,
03-09-2008 12:24
The Northern territory Intervention, passed last year by the Howard govt in Australia, adds a whole new level of the oppression faced by Aboriginal Australia. International call out for action on the 30th of sept.Palestine Today 090208
02-09-2008 16:21

Italy. Another racist fire kills two young gypsies
02-09-2008 12:27
Legnaro (PD) arson kills two young "Sinti Giostrai" (merry-go-round operators) ::

Palestine Today 090108
01-09-2008 18:49

We Are Change UK - Notting Hill Carnival 2008
01-09-2008 14:10

Photos - Sophie Lancaster Memorial March 31st August 2008 Sheffield
31-08-2008 21:22

Direct action in Germany: 18th-30th August
31-08-2008 12:56

Protest against neo-nazi demonstration, fascist car burned, barricades...
Arson attack against Telekom
Arson attacks against neo-nazi cars and color against neo-nazi shops
Arson attack against a police station
Referendum, U.N. intervention in Baluchistan sought
31-08-2008 10:38

'Alarming' rise in self-harming at detention centres
31-08-2008 08:37
In the first six months of this year there were 109 cases of self-harm requiring medical attention. Colnbrook detention centre in Berkshire had the highest number, with 32 incidents so far this year. The numbers on self-harm watch have also risen - with 722 cases in the first half of 2008, up from 678 in the last six months of 2007. The total population of the country's immigration detention centres is typically below 2,300.Riseup! Radio #8 - September Show
30-08-2008 22:37

Cor blimey – this month’s rioting edition of riseup! radio will have you jamming in the streets and digging carrots out of roundabouts. It’s our most packed and smartest show ever- no summer holidays for us, we’re too busy sorting our shit out- so join us for the lowdown on the summer’s hottest DIY events, camps and schemes, to find out why cops do bad things, and hear about some serious debates coming up this autumn. Get inspired to get involved.
Listen: #8 The September Show
BIA vans trashed
30-08-2008 13:29
On the night of Friday 29th August the regional headquarters of the Borders and Immigration Agency in Portishead were the target for a response to the routine violence of forced removal, detention and deportation.BBC 7/7 Documentary delayed 'until mid 2009'
29-08-2008 21:02
I have been contacted today by the producer of the BBC2 Conspiracy Files 7/7 London Bombings programme due to be broadcast in about four weeks' time.Stop burning Baluch alive, Pakistan urged
29-08-2008 19:27

This Week In Palestine week 35 2008
29-08-2008 17:04