UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Italy's Romani Purge & Shengen 2's biometric database : a Q&A
17-05-2008 18:23
By now much of the English human rights' orientated readership are aware of the ongoing pogrom against Romani gypsies in Italy. A process which has seen camps burnt in Naples and Milan, a story of child snatching faked and prompted weak condemnation from the EU of mass expulsions. Whenever the swamp filth of hatred is agitated so effectively at so many levels of any society it is wise to look for other agenda. It's even wiser to suggest such other agenda in a silly and ironic way. Thus I offer a short Q&A to readers who might like to understand where all this is going... November 2009 implementation of biometric and other database requirements for all nonEU humans within our fortress.World Platform for Dale Farm
17-05-2008 15:11
President of the Gypsy Council Richard Sheridan is in Luxemburg
addressing a Russian-sponsored conference on the protection of minorities
in Europe.
Dialect - Bank nationalisation & impact of the credit crunch on ordinary people
17-05-2008 11:48

Shame on EU& Berlusconi,petition MEPs now!& support Italian migrant worker gypsi
17-05-2008 08:30
Shame on EU& Berlusconi,petition MEPs now!& support Italian migrant worker gypsies. Gypsies & travellers are easy to scapegoat despite being hardest working people Ive met & work almost 24/7. Most pay taxes far more than dodgy billionaires like Berlusconi. Boycott italian goods unless from cooperatives etc & petition your MEPs, good luck antifash in Italy.Will try to help you & go to International cooperative alliance meet in Rome at start of June if I get time from work, www.ica.coopAnti-gypsy sentiments out of control in Italy
16-05-2008 21:15
The Roma in Italy are not criminals, they are families living in conditions of great hardship. Out of the 150,000 “gypsies” present in our country, 90,000 are children. The average life expectancy of the Roma in Italy is 35 years, compared to the 80 years of the other citizens.Infant mortality among Roma children is 15 times higher than that of other children.
Israel Gears Up For More Gaza Attacks
16-05-2008 18:45
And why wouldn't they? So long as world Governments are willing to Appease these Extremists, in the name of political support, they will continue slaughtering the people of Gaza, and working to eliminate the chance of a Palestinian state.Is Melanie Phillips a war criminal?
16-05-2008 08:34
"The prerequisite for stabilising all these hotspots — including “Israel/Palestine” — and dealing with global Islamic terror is regime change in Tehran."So says loyal british citizen Melanie ...
Judge stops demolition of Dale Farm Travellers site
15-05-2008 14:34
86 Irish traveller families located at the Crays Hill (Dale Farm) traveller site near Wickford, Essex, won a Judicial Review at the High Court last Friday (9th) against Basildon Council's plans to evict them.The Senator, His Pastor and the Israel Lobby
15-05-2008 09:29
Obama managed to inject pro-Israel, anti-"radical Islam" remarks into his speech on race relations in the U.S. He speaks of a history of "tensions" between African Americans and Jewish Americans, but fails to trace these conflicts to Israel's support for apartheid South Africa.Protecting the Roma from Rome's new Mayor.
14-05-2008 14:10
Gianni Alemanno was elected in April on a mixture of promises typical of his far-right platform. Upon his election fascist salutes were given to cries of "Duce!" on the steps of the Capitol in Rome. The most repugnant election promise was the immediate expulsion of Roma "gypsies" from the city. The Italian police have just been mobilised in Naples to protect Roma encampments from hate attacks last night which saw their shanties burnt. Many believed the general election which was lost by Veltroni (the former mayor of Rome) to Berlusconi was prompted because of the ongoing waste collection crises in Naples. It's time to identify the fascists.Who Ate All The Pies? Who Told All The Lies?
14-05-2008 13:49

BNP's Eddy Butler attacks 'joke' leadership challenger
14-05-2008 08:07
More skullduggery from the BNP...Is This US Congressional Injustice Racist, Or Callous Neglect ?
13-05-2008 21:00
No $$$ No Justice, No Lobby,No US Senate Assistance !!No $$ & No Lobby = 100,000 innocent American Citizens being Falsely imprisoned !
Witness Appeal for Police March and City Hall Arrests
12-05-2008 20:09
Did anyone witness the arrest of the Fitwatch arrests at the police march? Did you witness the arrests at City Hall on 2nd May? Do you have any footage?Racialist Volunteer Force in Interracial Gay Dating Shocker
12-05-2008 19:24

Northern Conference Against Racism all set for June 21st
12-05-2008 14:05

Apartheid: then and now (by Latuff)
12-05-2008 06:44

The trial against antifascists in St.Petersburg, Russia is concluded!
10-05-2008 15:24
On the 8th of May 2008 Leninskiy district court sentenced 6 antifascists who took part in attacking the meeting that was organised by the Movement Against Illegal Immigration (DPNI) on Pionerskaya square in St.Petersburg in September 2006.Tax Credit Office sacks Asian employee for heckling the BNP
10-05-2008 14:48
An Asian employee has been sacked after colleagues at the Tax Credit Office in Preston complained he was an extremist for heckling the far right British National Party (BNP).