UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Olmert: Seige of Gaza Will Continue
23-12-2007 19:28
Physicians for Human Rights Gaza Update - Another Seasonal Shame
Israel's Ongoing Human Rights Violations

Red Cross Condemns Gaza Collective Punishment, World Inaction

'Father Christmas' beaten in West Bank
23-12-2007 12:51
An Israeli army spokesman said there had been disorder at the protest and that several demonstrators who were briefly detained were subsequently released.Open letter to Chief Constable of Sussex Police
23-12-2007 03:49

Urgent Callout – Funds needed to continue building Fasayil primary school
23-12-2007 00:53
Brighton- Tubas Friendship an Solidarity Group is a network aiming to foster links between grassroots groups in Tubas, Palestine and Brighton, UKDon't Say We Didn't Know-Plea From Gaza
22-12-2007 20:28
Put some pressure on the media as well. Their virtual silence is shameful.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
BNP delegation on Russian neo-nazi march
22-12-2007 20:11

international networking; these are from the Russian ultra-right's annual
big day out, when a couple of thousand neo-nazis and ultranationalists
march through Moscow on "National Unity Day" (November 5th).
Merry Christmas
22-12-2007 18:07
But what is really Christmas if we cannot share a moment of peace and love with those who are close to us ?Latest US Tactic Against Iran Smacks of Desperation
22-12-2007 17:43
After the NIE report, the UN isn't going to consider any further sanctions, which China and Russia would simply veto anyway. (And which the US and Israel are only using to leverage a 'legal' justification for a war they view as inevitable, whose planning precedes both Ahmadinejad and the nuclear power program.)Russia has begun shipping fuel to the reactor site, and even if it's just the rods which are hit at this point, the resulting fire from a military attack hitting the rods and graphite would cause a regional catastrophe.
Russia has already stated that an attack on Iran will be perceived as an attack on Iran.
The word "checkmate" comes to mind, but one can never entirely dismiss the potential for sheer craziness and hubris coming from DC and Tel Aviv.
Oprah & Obama: Corporate Marketing for a Corporate Campaign
22-12-2007 10:07

Two of the best marketers in the U.S. teamed up for a three-state weekend extravaganza of vapid, substance-devoid entertainment posing as presidential politics. Oprah Winfrey – a certified genius of self-salesmanship – and the faux progressive, fraudulent anti-war candidate Barack Obama wowed crowds in South Carolina, Iowa and New Hampshire in a mega-media celebration of celebrity, itself. Political theater has devolved to theater without politics. Corporate “journalists” behave like sports “color” commentators, minus real stats and facts. Next stop: Broadway – if the world doesn’t explode before curtain-time.
Dignity Not Detention: Emergency Protest
21-12-2007 16:33
Demonstrate: Saturday 22nd December 1pm outside Sheffield Town HallInternational Call to Action against Agrexco this February
21-12-2007 11:57
This Valentine's Day Show them you CareAyaan Hirsi Ali: Neocon in Black Face
21-12-2007 08:31

Uhuru Movement member arrested - International call-in to the jail tonight!
21-12-2007 06:46
Valerie Sanders, a member of the Uhuru Movement in St. Petersburg, Florida, US, is being held at the Pinellas County jail on false charges of grand theft. She is being framed by Boley Centers, Inc. because she spoke out after being fired for her affiliation with the Uhuru Movement.Etnic purges in France ?
20-12-2007 13:49
The Prefect of the Rhone hastily expels the adoptive black son of a French "native family".Condoleezza Stokes Flames of US Wars in Africa
20-12-2007 12:10
The U.S. military offensive in the Horn of Africa is poised to escalate, as Condoleezza Rice assures her African proxies of deepening collaboration in the “war on terror.” With at least half a million Somalis facing death by starvation and disease – and thousands more killed in resistance to the U.S.-backed Ethiopian occupation – Washington has set its sights on neighboring Eritrea as a rogue state that is guilty of “interference in the affairs of its neighbors” and “dangerous adventurism in the Horn.” The cookie-cutter U.S. propaganda/attack formula previously applied in the Persian Gulf has been imposed on Africa, and will surely reap the same catastrophic results. Yet African American “leadership” remains mute and impotent while Washington sets the continent ablaze.Support The Harmondsworth 4!
20-12-2007 10:57
Demonstrate 7 January 20089am onwards
at Southwark Crown Court
1 English Grounds
(off Battlebridge Lane)
London SE1 2HU
(nearest tube London Bridge)
Jane Mary Mutetsi and Felicia Sakwe still here!
20-12-2007 00:19
Two removals cancelled last minuteIsrael Defies UN With Settlement Construction
19-12-2007 19:43
There is no longer any mystery that the Israeli Government fully supports this construction.