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Around the Campaigns Thursday 20th December 2007

NCADC News Service | 20.12.2007 09:51 | Anti-racism | Migration

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No Room at the UK Inn for Refused Asylum seekers

It is probably appropriate, as we are in the Christmas season, for the House of Commons to spend just a few minutes debating a group of people for whom there is absolutely no room at the inn - failed asylum seekers.
Diane Abbot speech in Parliament
Asylum Seekers [Forced removals] House of Commons - 18 Dec 2007

Jane Mary Mutetsi back home in Nottingham

"It is not yet clear when her case will again be considered by the High Court at a permission hearing in respect of the Judicial Review application.
In the meantime our heartfelt thanks to all those who responded by sending letters to the Home Secretary and the British Airways.
We need to keep working in solidarity to prevent forced deportations!"
Konnie Lloyd , Friends of Jane Mary Mutetsi

'They Shall not Pass' - 'No Borders', block 'snatch squads'

Activists chain themselves to railings in nationwide protests against 'unacceptable' treatment of asylum seekers
Furious activists have chained themselves to gates and doorways at immigration offices throughout the country Tuesday morning in a day of protest against the forced removal of asylum seekers. Furious activists chained themselves to gates and doorways at immigration offices throughout the country this in a day of protest against the forced removal of asylum seekers. Protesters said they had locked on to gates and doorways at various locations across the UK in a bid to stop Border and Immigration Agency officials conducting dawn raids. Daily Mail, Tuesday 18th December 2007
Action stations over deportation
Dawn raids stopped on UN International Migrants Day

Judge orders return of deported asylum-seeker, 15

Jacqui Smith was ordered yesterday to ensure the return to Britain of a teenage asylum-seeker who was taken from his foster carer's home in a 4am raid and removed to Austria. The Times, Thursday 20th December 2007

No resumption of removals to Zimbabwe

The Britain Zimbabwe Society has opened a petition to the Prime Minister which you can sign on the Number 10 website at the following address:
We invite you to please sign the petition and forward this message on to encourage others to do so.

Please send Meltem a Season's Greetings card

You can also send a present, but please do not include any "banned items" such as food (including chewing gum), medication, anything containing glass, aerosols, or any sharp objects.

Meltem and Cennet Avcil
Room 46
Millbank Induction Centre
Millbank Road
TN23 3JD
Please let the campaign know of any cards/gifts sent.
Contact: Theresa Schleicher
Mobile: 077 1651 0148
Meltem Avcil and her mother, Cennet, were released from Yarl's Wood IRC on the 23rd of November, following nearly three months in detention. They were then transferred to Millbank Induction Centre in Ashford, Kent, where they have been ever since.
Source for this Message: SOAS Detainee Support Group

UK Immigration Detainees Suffer Serious Depression and Anxiety

People detained in immigration reception centres in the UK are highly vulnerable to psychological distress, and detention may itself be a risk factor for anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Those are the findings of a study presented on Friday 14 December 2007, to the Annual Conference of the Division of Clinical Psychology at the Congress Centre, London, by Dr Katy Robjant from the University of Surrey.
Medicine Today: 18 December 2007

Monday Campsfield IRC: Police called to disturbance at asylum centre

Police in riot gear were called to an asylum detention centre early this morning after reports of a disturbance inside the building.

Internees at the Campsfield House facility, near Kidlington, Oxfordshire, are understood to have smashed lights and CCTV cameras after officers tried to remove a man from his cell shortly before 5.30am.
The Guardian Monday 17th December 2007,,2228890,00.html

End of Bulletin:

Source for this Message:
Konnie Lloyd
Daily Mail
Britain Zimbabwe Society
Meltem Avcil Campaign
Medicine Today
The Guardian

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