UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
This Week In Palestine – Week 38 2007
22-09-2007 06:29

Thousands Protest racial injustice in US South
21-09-2007 23:02
Racial tensions first erupted after a black student tried to cross an invisible color line and sit under the schoolyard's "white tree" to be greeted the next morning by nooses hanging from the tree.Anti-Blocher protest turns ugly
21-09-2007 21:17

Anti-racism march! 3 November 2007
21-09-2007 18:41
There will be an anti-racism march in Rusholme, Manchester on Saturday 3 November 2007, in defence of all asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants and all victims of racism.Group 4 blockaded
21-09-2007 16:23
As part of the No Borders week of action the Group 4 offices near crawley have been blockadedNoborders Demo, Crawley
21-09-2007 10:13

Length 2:49
Quicktime MP4, H264
Protest against David Irving meeting in Coventry
20-09-2007 16:11

UN Condemns Israel's Escalation of Gaza Crisis
20-09-2007 02:00
Since this is a crisis caused by Israeli and American covert operations in collaboration with corrupt elements of Fatah, it stands to reason that this was the plan all along.Return Beatrice to Liverpool
19-09-2007 22:32

Leafleting at St Lukes at the top of Bold Street on Saturday 22nd September 1.30 - 2.30 for Beatrice and others, as sadly Beatrice's case is not exceptional, many others suffer from these racist immigration controls.
From Dungavel to Death in Iraq: Remember Solyman Rashed
19-09-2007 19:09
Solyman Rashed was killed in Iraq on 3rd September, two weeks after being deported. There will be a vigil to remember him in George Square, Glasgow, this Thursday from 5.30 to 6.30pm.It is an open vigil and the organisers encourage anyone to attend.
Altab Ali station -call to name Aldgate East after martyr
19-09-2007 13:40
The naming of the Aldgate East tube station after the martyr Altab Ali is the aim of a campaign in the East End of London which is gaining support from people from all waks of life“Scotland’s first home grown Islamic terrorist”
19-09-2007 09:57
After a 4 week trial and a 9 hour jury deliberation, Scotland has its first home grown Islamic terrorist plot and plotter.BNP conference to be in Blackpool again - at great expense to the membership
18-09-2007 23:18
Booze-up time again!Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Zionism's Support Faltering
18-09-2007 02:33
This is indeed good news, for anyone concerned about justice.Dershowitz On Zionist Bully Tactics
18-09-2007 02:28
The Brownshirt behaviour of these Extremists only highlights their Cultish nature, and reinforces everything said by their steadily-growing Opposition. These tactics will have to be critically examined, acknowledged, and opposed, if we are ever going to break the impasse.Red Saunders remembers the battle of lewisham
17-09-2007 08:53
Red Saunders, a founder member of Rock against Racism recounts his experiences of "The Battle of Lewisham" Thirty years ago this year"Slave Trade? Wasnae Us!"
16-09-2007 13:03

Escape from Doncatraz documentary screening
14-09-2007 09:32

The issue that just won’t go away…
Finally tackled in a brand-new documentary by Jay Baker of SilenceBreaker Films…
Public Meeting: Iran's realities: different viewpoints or systematic misrepresentation
12-09-2007 18:04

Crossrail attacks on East End – community betrayed by Tower Hamlets Council
12-09-2007 16:48
The Khoodeelaar! movement against Crossrail attacks on the East End created a new precedent in exposing the local Tower Hamlets Council during 'full council' held ion Tuesday 11 September 2007 at the 'town hall' sited AWAY fro most ordinary people in the Borough. The contents of what took place have far reaching implications for local people’s rights and by logical extension for the democratic rights of all in society. What was witnessed in the behaviour of he controlling clique of Blaring time serving careerists should give pause for a thought even to those who are too eager to back any slogan that involves increasing the monetary and career gains of those bent on grabbing positions and opportunities as local councillors.